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November 21st in Memphis Tennessee

It kicked ass. That is all there is to say. My brother took me and my friends cuz I'm *still* not trusted with the car(I'm 17 for God's sakes!). Anyway, even he loved it, and he hated BSB. Ok, here goes, my big moment. There were three seats in the *2nd!* row, and after the two opening acts did there stuff, those people still didn't come. Soooo, me and one of my friends(the other one was too scared she'd get caught-so we left her!) just casually walked up there like we'd been to the bathroom or what ever. Right when we got up there they came out on their little flying surfboard thingies. Anyway, I'm a dancer, I'm going to a dance college at the moment actually, so naturally I knew *ALL* the dance steps to "Larger Than Life". Well, I was gettin' down with my bad self, when my friend pointed out the fact that AJ was whatching me dance! No kidding! Then he tapped Kevin on the shoulder and pointed at me like he was goin "check out that chick". Then, with me loveing all the attention, I turned around and started shakin' my butt and everything, and Brit said AJ looked like he was checkin' me out! I don't care if he was or not, I'm still tellin' myself he was. Ok, here's the coolest part. AJ said something to the security gaurd dude, and he came up to m and said I was 'needed in the backstage area'. I asked if my friend could go and he said yes! I got to go backstage! It turns out AJ wanted to say that I was a really talented dancer, and to keep it up, that maybe I could tour with them someday. Wouldn't that be tha bomb? Anyway, I think that was more of a victory happy ending type story rsther than a concert critique, but I had to share that with somebody!!!
