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November 29th, 1999 in Nashville, Tennessee

The concert was the BEST I have ever went to.. I waited outside of the arena about 30 minutes, when I finally got inside I went to get some souveniers. I went and found my sit, took me a while! I waited unpatiently for Mandy Moore to come on... she was OK! Then EYC came onto the stage.. they were great... ok now to the main ppl! We had to wait for about 10 minutes for BSB to come in... seemed A LOT longer.. the lights went off the stage lighted up and the guys flew from this huge black box onto the stage... was AWESOME!!!!! They started out w/ Larger than Life, it all happened so fast... I remember one time the lights went off and nothing was on(except those little neon light things) this purple light came on and BSB were'nt on stage.. everyone freaked... then all of a sudden I looked up and saw NICK coming down from the ceiling! SO COOL! AJ was being his usual self.... very WILD...!!!!!!!! Nick was a little more energitic.. so I was a little shocked there~ But any way it was the coolest show I have ever went to!