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September 29th, 1999 in Philadelphia, PA at the First Union Center

OK, all I have to say is UNBELIEVABLE! I was fortunate enough to have first row tickets right on the floor because my best friend, Alex, and her Mom slept out at the The First Union Center for a week! They got there the Sunday before the tickets went on sale, and they got the best seats in the house! Needless to say, I had and up close and moving look at this "Into the Millennium Tour!"


As soon as we got to our seats, the lights went out and Mandy Moore came on the stage. We couldn't really see her from where we were because she only stayed on one side of the stage, but it was cool! We could hear her, which was the most important thing. She had four male dancers, and they were really good from what I could see! I wasn't really sure what she would be like, but I really enjoyed her performance. Soon, EYC (Express Yourself Clearly) came on, and they were also surprisingly very good! They're dancing was fantastic, and one of them kept on lifting his shirt up for us! I really though they were cute, and their music got my hyped up, too! Overall, the opening acts surprised!


Okay, now the part you're waiting for! After the opening acts were finished, we waited for 15-30 minutes for the BSB to come out. 10 minutes before they came out, the girls started to throw their stuffed animals and goodies into this huge black box-type opening (where the BSB got harnessed to fly out) and someone, whether it was the BSB themselves or stage crew threw the stuffed animals back out, so all you saw was stuffed animals flying through the air! Then it was time! My stomach was in a million knots, every 5 seconds I felt like I had to puke! It was unbelieveably exciting! Then the lights totally went out and out comes this HUGE cloud of smoke from that huge black box thing! Meanwhile, the band assumed position and the dancers all came out from under the stage with these futuristic-looking torch things, it was amazing! We couldn't see the BSB at first because of all the smoke, but finally once they got higher and the smoke spread, we got a PERFECT view! Where our seats were, their harnesses were directly behind us, so when they made their way to the stage, they were right above us! The way the harnesses were, they had to fly on their stomachs, which was awesome! And of course, I'm snapping away with the camera! It was the coolest looking thing! They were wearing their blue (my mom calls then turtle-looking) outfits. They reach the stage and the dancers unhooked them. They assumed position on the stage, facing us directly! Kevin was in the middle and the rest of the guys and the dancers stood beside him standing still. Then, the music started up! It was time for my favorite part of the show! "Larger Than Life" began and was a fantastic performance! Their dancing was perfect and their voices were flawless! After "LTL" came "Get Down" and got the crowd even more pumped and made them scream even more. Then they moved into "The One" which was sooooo good! During this, Nick picked up a frog which was thrown onstage and sang to it, it was really cute (I captured a pic of that)! During these songs, Nick, Howie, and Brian were right in front of us. They then intorduced themselves, and after they did that, they went under the stage to get changed. Even with my floor seats, I still couldn't see them getting changed because of the silver skirts that was surrounding the stage (DARN, LoL). They came out in new outfits that consisited of blue pants and long blue trench coats. During this time, my friend Jackie was wearing a home-made leapord cowboy hat (like AJ's...he's her fav) and Brian pointed ot his own head and then pointed to her and mouthed "Nice hat!" Needless to say, she was estatic! They performed "As Long As You Love Me" which included the chair routine and "Don't Wanna Lose You Now" and they were in perfect harmony! During these songs, Howie and Brian were directly in front of us! They changed costumes again, this time they were wearing these black leather-looking outfits, and AJ, of course, wore his infamous cowboyhat (this one was black) of a few different ones. The boys perfomed "Quit Playing Gmes With My Heart" in which they flew above us halfway through the song! While they were singing it on the stage, Brian came over to our side and picked up one string of the harness and looked at us like "Oh man, are they nuts?!?" Brian was right above us, and Kevin was off to the right side of where I was and AJ to the left. Kevin definelty had the most fun and was the most daring, flipping and tumbling on his harness. AJ did the same, but not quite as much as Kevin...and poor Brian was scared, you could tell! When he landed back on the stage, he held his hands up as if he were praying and looked up at the ceiling with a smile of relief on his face. As soon as he did that, he wiped his forehead of sweat (the kind of wipe when youre relieved) and let out a "whew" which I mimicked when he did it, and he smiled at me! Ahhhh! From "QPGWMH" they went into "Don't Want You Back" in which the choreography was bangin! Props to Fatima, she did an AWESOME job for the tour! They looked really good on the poles Kevin was hanging upside down the whole time, and AJ had his usual humping fits with the ladder. Brain was calm with it and so was Nick and Howie...from what I could see. The it came time for the cutest song! The boys brought out 5 little girls and their moms, and sang "The Pefect Fan" to them. Then each BSB took the girl they were singing to and walked them around the stage. After the escorted the moms and their daughters off the stage, a white piano came down from the ceiling and Kevin took his place and played the piano up in the air while he rest of the boys sang "Back to Your Heart" on the other side of the stage. They got changed again, this time into white outfits! The dancers came up through the center of the stage and then soon came the BSB. AJ wore another cowboy hat and this time it was white with cow pattern on it. The dancer's outfits were shredded - they were realy phat looking, and soon sounds of rain played through the speakers. Before we knew it "Everybody" started up, and brought the WHOLE house to their feet! They then went right into "That's The Way I Like It" in which I used a whole role of film on AJ because that was the only time he was on our side of the stage! Again, the choreography was fantastic! They got changed again into pink dressy pants and shirts and ties with vests. They looked gorgeous! They sang "Spanish Eyes" and "I'll Never Break Your Heart" from the center of the stage which was in the air, and also was spinning. They then came down and sang "No One Else Comes Close" which was beautiful! They got matching pink suit jackets which were handed to them by their dancers and went into "All I Have To Give" which was excellent! During "AIHTG" a girl I went to the concert with threw up a beanie babie for Nick and he caught it! They did the hat routine and all! Then they settled things down and performed "Show Me the Meaning" and dedicated it to the late Dennis Pop. During the whole song, the female dancers came out on the stage and danced while BSB was on top of the center of the stage. Then the boys came down and danced with the girl dancers, it was awesome and was done perfectly! They got changed again, this time into pajama-looking pants with dragons on with either black shirts or white shirts, except for Brian who was wearing a red sweatshirt, and AJ had another cowboy hat on which has all sequence. It was really cute, they had everyone join in on "It's Gotta Be You" and AJ was holding a drum stick and pounding on his leg with it, then he went over and pounded Brian on the head with it (which I got a pic of). Another cute part of that song is when they sing 'now I know why I was born', their dance is like they're holding babies then they pretend to cuddle them! It was the cutset move of theirs! Then they introduced the bad and the dancers, and during this time, when the dancers that were with Brian did their little break-dance, Brian joined in and got on his back and spun around (I think I got a pic of that, too)! Meanwhile, Nick, AJ, and Howie went to the top of the center of the stage and pulled their oods up and acted like "homies", it was adorable! Then a whole bunch of silver confetti came down from the ceiling! They went back under the stage and came back up singing the final song, "I Want it That Way." By this time I was out of film, and missed Kevin and AJ (go figure, my two favs-the only time they're really on my side of the stage-no film left)! But that's OK, it was still a blast! Then they said their good-bye's and we all went home! Overall, it was THE BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE, no exaggerations


AJ McLean- My personal fav looked fantastic throughout the whole show! His hats matched his outfits perfectly and his dancing ad singing was on the money, as usual! His hair was exactly how I like it...his natural brown with blonde tips! The only thing that dissappointed me was he was coughing a lot, which gets me a little worried cause of his supposed smoking habbit. But, other then that, EVERYTHING was perfect with the BSB's wild man! He was the only one I didn't get a wave from, but that's ok! I still love him!

Kevin Richardson- Geez, can he move! His dancing was awesome and whenever he had a solo the crowd went wild! He's so handsome! I think my Auntis in love! LoL! He flipped the best and got the crowd going! I even got a wave and a smile!

Nick Carter- Nick looked really good except for his hair, I wasn't too crazy about it. Other then that, his dancing was awesome, and his vocals were great! He's sooo funny onstage, the chemistry between the boys is great! I got a wave and a smile from this BSB cutie, too!

Howie Dorough- This BSB totally shocked me! He was soooo awesome! I wasn't really that big on Howie but after last night, he definetly proved me wrong! He was the first to wave to me and smile! It was bangin'!

Brian Littrell- He's such a cutie! He was in front of me most of the night, and I was really happy about that! He looked adorable! His voice was angelic as usual, and his dangcing was hot!

I must say, last night was the best night of my life and I had a blast! My Aunt who went with me also had a great time! I love how Backstreet Boys can touch so many different age groups! There was not one dissappointed fan in the house last night! I wish I was going to tonight's concert, too, but I'm not gonna be greedy! I had the best time and I can't wait until I get my pictures developed!


The concert was sooo awesome! It ruled! It was the first concert I had ever been to and it just blew me away. My seats were decent... Like the 20th row, but none of my pictures turend out. :( I did send away for a photograph taken from the concert by "the professionals" for $2 though. Haven't got it yet... AJ looked so hot and every time his beautiful face showed up on the giant screen I screamed so loud people in France could probaly hear me! Hehe, I did loose my voice for a couple days though... Well worth it though... Well, if you are going to the Millennuim concert be prepared -- it will be the best night of your life!!


I went to the concert in Philadelphia,PA at the First Union Center and it rocked cuz they had Phat dance moves and awesome beats that were so cool. I especailly luv the part when they had five kids go up on the stage with their moms and they sang "The Perfect Fan" and I thought that was so sweet of them. They sang 5 of their songs off their old album but they sang every song on their new album but the one that Nick Carter song. I luv every song off their new album especially "Larger Than Life","Don't Want You Back", and another one of my favorite songs is "Its Got To Be You" but other than that I love all their songs. I thought it was cool when they came down on these things that look liked surf boards and when a song would end they would go under the stage and get ready for the next song and when they started to sing the next song they came from under the stage. The concert just rocked so bad and I would do anything to go see them again in concert cuz they had awesom base for the music that also made the show rock.
