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Against All Odds

Chapter Fifteen

It was a very long drive from Orlando to Savannah when one rode by their self. And even the radio couldn’t drown out the ringing in Kevin’s ears due to his pounding headache. Every inch of the long drive down there his hands where death gripping the wheel almost as if to kill it and, if that weren’t enough, his jaws were flexing at a grueling pace, gritting his teeth together.

As he pulled up in front of the plantation style mansion his heart beat faster, if that were at all possible. Upon knocking on the door Katy opened it almost immediately. The look on her face was pure shock. If he hadn’t known her every expression he would have thought she was terrified of him, but it wasn’t hard to see the yearning for love in her eyes.

“We need to talk,” he exclaimed, rather calm for his true state.

Katy walked out onto the porch. She tried to grab her composure back and act like a normal person. “What about, Kevin,” she sighed.

Kevin grabbed her around the waist and pulled her to him. His mouth was within mere inches of hers and his eyes were burning through to her soul. Katy might be a strong person but for all her bravado she couldn’t manage to contain her broken breathing patterns. She needed to feel his lips and loved the way his eyes pierced through her like fire.

He stroked one finger over a strand of loose hair next to her face. His finger trailed over her cheek and he rubbed his thumb over her trembling rose-colored bottom lip. Almost too suddenly he spun her around, her back to his front, and placed his hand on her slightly swollen tummy.

“This, Audrey Kate. Did you think I wouldn’t know.”

“Kevin,” she whispered, her voice quivering with fat tears. “Kevin, please.”

“No, Kate, what in God’s name were you thinking. I want to know.” He walked away from her form, turning away to face the landscape. “What did I do, Katy? What did I do for you to have to consider not telling me about this? It’s my blood; my flesh and blood.” He was almost in tears himself but he held onto all the dignity he had inside him. He turned and looked at her, his eyes burning with anger. “It is a part of me. If you don’t intend to except that fact, if you don’t consider what we had love, then so be it. I’m sure the courts will see where I’m coming from.”

“Kevin, no, don’t be irrational.” Katy wept. “I do love you. I wanted to tell you. So many times I wanted to pick up the phone and call you. Not a night went by that I didn’t think about you and the life that could be. But I couldn’t see myself taking your life away from you.”

“Taking my life away…” he stuttered. His voice rose with every syllable. “Taking my life away?” He was now facing her with his hands on her shoulders, shaking her almost violently. He suddenly jerked her still.

Kevin gently took her hands and laced his fingers in with hers. His eyes turned to liquid and a soft smile gleamed over his lips. He brought her fingers up to his mouth and kissed them tenderly one by one.

“Katy, do you love your family?” he asked softly, now kissing the palm over her hand. “Do you love this house you call your home?”

Katy looked puzzled but she nodded even still.

“Do you love you mom and your dad and your beloved sisters, Katy?” He kissed up her arms. As he reached the curve of her neck he whispered, “Do you love the child you carry inside of you; our child?” His eyes locked with hers. “Katy, do you love me?”

Her breath was broken and her skin was crawling with chills. She loved him so much she couldn’t find words to explain it. All she could say was, “Yes.” It wasn’t very audible but it was the best her body would let her do. Her heart was beating so fast she was afraid it might pop right out of her chest.

He grabbed her wrists tightly and shoved her away. “What if all of that was just jerked right out from under you one day? What if your “life” was taken away from you, Katy? Would you be mad and irrational?”

Katy stared blankly at him. She couldn’t find words to explain her actions now. Kevin was right, she had been the irrational one, but how does one admit they were wrong when it was only to protect the one you love? How do you admit defeat when if you do so you will loose more than face? What if it meant you would loose the one you love? But if she didn’t admit defeat he might leave her again. Leave her standing on her mama and daddy’s porch for the second time. Damned if you do and damned if you don’t, she thought. As the helplessness took over her body she fought back a fresh batch of tears.

As they both stood there staring at each other, Kevin waiting for and answer, Katy searching for words, Jack walked out onto the porch.

“Katy, is there a problem.” Jack’s fatherly defense was overflowing. His voice was deeper and his eyes looked fierce.

“No, Daddy, I’m fine,” she smiled although the situation spoke for itself. Kevin still held fast to Katy’s wrist and they were inches apart.

“Mr. Davidson,” Kevin said, letting go of Katy’s hands. “I’d like your permission to marry your daughter.”

“Marry her?” Jack exclaimed, rather confused.

“Marry me?” Katy soon followed.

“Yes sir. I would like your daughter’s hand in marriage. She’s carrying our child and it wouldn’t be right if the baby were born without a father.”

“I understand where you’re coming from, son. I understand you mean to take responsibility, but my daughter, and Ella and I can take care of the kid just fine on our own. I don’t intend for Katy to be tied down with anyone she’ll be unhappy with. And if I’m not mistaken you two aren’t bubbling over with love.”

Kevin stepped closer to Jack, looking into his fierce eyes. “Mr. Davidson, I love your daughter more than you or anyone else will ever know. In all honesty I love her more than I love my life. She is not carrying your child. That child is mine. It’s not your place to take care of it. It is mine. Just as you honor and protect the ones you love, I intend to do the same. With all do respect, with or without your blessing, I will marry Katy.”

Jack, not looking a bit shaken, still with all the dignity and all the pride he had had since the day his first daughter, Katy, was born, he shook his head. “Then so be it. If she agrees, then you’ll have this family’s blessing.”

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