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Against All Odds

Chapter Five

Ella knelt down over her garden tending to her perinials, also watch her daughter tentively who was lying in the hammock on the other side of the swimming pool. She had witnessed a drastic change in Brandy's mood lately and she had caught on quickly to the cause of such a change. It intruiged her as to why her daughter would fall for such a character and she saw in her daughters eyes that she didn't quite know why she liked him either. She even saw a glint of fear in her eyes.

She wished there was a way to comfort her but that look in her daughters eyes also told her that this was past the point of her mama's help. There was no turning back until she has burned herself. Ella just hoped that she didn't get to deep. This character they call AJ didn't seem to her at all the type for committment or the kind that waisted their time dotting on ladies with young naive hearts.

Brandy laid in the hammock daydreaming. She seemed to be doing a lot of this lately. She felt kind of guilty when she thought of AJ in such ways but she was never one to turn her emotions away. She liked to obey her heart over her gut feeling. This played a big part in her writing. She just followed the lyrics to her heart and it flowed better.


AJ, roaming around upstairs, stumbled upon a high heeled shoe. He cursed the shoe and his foot under his breath in one complete sentence. He leaned against a door and clasped his foot in his hands. Brandy, sitting on her bed watching re-runs of Friends, heard obscene cursing ring through the hallway, right outside her door. The threatening vocabulary was immediately followed by a thump right against her door. She rushed to the door and opened. AJ looked up at her, half smiling through his pure pain. He looked so childlike holding his foot. She smiled down at him sweetly, bending down to help him up. She helped him hobble on his other foot to her bed.

He leaned back onto the feathery bed and pressed his hands over his face. His foot was throbbing and it felt like it was on fire. She gently took it into her hand and observed a small cut. She grinned without him knowing. How could this man, with the strong, arrogant show he puts on for everyone around him be aroused over a small cut. It wasn't even deep.

"I'll go get a wash cloth."

She hurried back to his side, liking the thought of playing his nurse, even if it was just for a small cut on the underside of his foot. She wrapped the cool cloth around his foot and applied a soft pressure to it to stop the blood flow. He moaned in pain.

"Aw it can't be that bad," she teased. "It's just a little cut, AJ!" He sat up suddenly and looked at her aghast. "Just a cut," he raged. "You shouldn't leave you shoes lying around in the hall for people to step on like that. I'm in sheer pain right now. This could have been avoided had you simply kept you shoes in your own room, so you can trip over them at your very own leisurely discretion."

She immediately blushed at his tone. She hadn't meant to cause him to hurt himself, nor did she mean to insult him by her remark. She tucked her chin down and tended souly to his foot. She put an antibiotic over the cut and wrapped it lightly with a guaze.

Once she was done she sat on her knees beside her bed. "Better?" "Much," he smiled. He reached his hand out to help her up. It caught her slightly off guard but she waisted no time accepting his offer. His wishy washy behavior had became a regular thing for Brandy. The fact that she couldn't figure him out drawed her in all the more. Once he helped her to her feet he held out his arm, motioning for her to sit beside him. Once she did he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. He kissed her cheek sloppily, sisterly. She smiled, looking down at the floor. "You gotta help me back to my room now," he laughed. "You can walk," she half yelled. "Hey, you injured my foot, now you have to nurse me back to health or I might just have to sue the Davidson family for neglecting such necessities for their guests. So what's it gonna be, princess," he smiled deviously. "Darn, I guess I'll have to be your slave. As you wish master!"

She stood to her feet missing the ostentatious show of affection that was spread widely across his face. She helped him up and braced him on her much smaller shoulders. Infact he did most of the work himself, hinting pain every few steps of the way to his room. Once there he collapsed on the bed, pulling her down with him. "Now my little slave, what will I have of you now," he smiled at her.


"Howie, please tell me this girl isn't serious," Brian yelled into the phone. "She threatened Nick's attorneys?" His heated temper was becoming something of a show, although no one was around to watch. "Yea, that's what I said, Brian. She went in front of the press and demanded that she be taken seriously, despite her age," Howie spat into the receiver. He was absolutely disgusted with the entire situation.

"This whole thing is making him insane, Brian. He's just so lifeless. He doesn't want to eat, talk, or do anything. I'm so pissed off about it. You know this is about money. Somebody should've told this bitch we don't have any," Howie went on. "Alright well I need to go, I think someone needs to use the phone." "Alright, bye Rok."

"Brian," Heather asked, leaning inside his door. He turned to face her. "Are you ok? I heard you yelling about something and I wondered if you were ok," she commented, obvious concern shown on her face. Brian smiled at her polite gesture to help him. "No, I'm fine. Thank you though." "Ok, well supper's ready if your hungry. We're having Chicken Cordon Bleu," she flittered her eyelashes, her french accent sounding pathetic. "Sounds wonderful, if only I knew what it was," he laughed. "Oh you'll love it. My mama's never made anything that someone detested," she assured him as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder and started down the hall. His temper had worked up more than his regular appetite tonight.


Kevin held onto Katy's hand as they walked lesuirley through the forever stretching land of the Davidson's. The moonlight adding a pure romantic feel to the night.

Kevin gazed at the moon, his silver-green eyes shining in the dim light. Katy looked up at him admirably. Even though she was considered tall by most, and even towered over most men she knew, Kevin was a good head taller than her. She barely reached his shoulders. She kind of liked that though. She didn't meet many guys that tall and that broad. She liked the dark masculine features of his face, especially his definitive jaw bone, which she figured ran in the family since his cousin, Brian, had a similar jaw line.

Through the pure beauty of his entising eyes she saw something that troubled him. She was pretty sure that it had something to do with his group. "Kevin what's wrong," she said softly. "Nothing," he smiled down at her reassuringly. "Yes there is. You seem so distant. I can tell something is bothering you." "You wouldn't understand, Katy. I'd like for you to but you can't. I couldn't, no I wouldn't ask that of you."

Katy paused, slightly hurt by his remark, and looked away from him. She made eye contact with him again. "I don't think it would have anything to do with your friends legal difficulties, would it," she offered, trying to initiate the conversation. "How would you know anything about it?" "I read it in the paper," she replied, a bit frustrated. "Are you accusing me of being a sneak. Kevin you can't be angry with me because we get the paper thrown on out doorstep every morning." "Katy," he soothed, rubbing her now slighlty pink cheek. "I'm not upset with you, I just wanted to spare you people the gorey details of something you can't help."

He sat down, pulling her down into his lap, her back to his front. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rocked her back and forth, squeezing her to him. He sighed deeply before he began.


AJ licked Brandy's earlobe teasingly. She jumped noticably and laughed out loud. It seemed to run chills up his spine that he could make her feel such pleasure in such simple things like little hugs and sisterly kisses.

She closed her eyes, still sloppily tossed over his body, braced on top of his by his sturdy grip on her waist. She couldn't bring herself to look at him. The mere feeling of him looking at her, feeling of her took control of all her senses, she needn't not look at him and adding to her desires. She felt his tongue brush her lips, parting them evenly. Her mouth came down on his, letting out only a small portion of the pent up passion that she felt. All the control he had over her, and the man he was, all the woman he made her feel with his flirty little looks and touches, she drank it up in a stingy manner. Her tongue lingered in his mouth, tasting him.

She couldn't make him feel half of what she felt for him, not even a quarter. When her mind took over she broke the kiss. She rose her body off of AJ and out of his grip. "What's wrong," he asked, looking rather confused. She said nothing, just walked out the door, closing it softly behind her.


"Nick and AJ have a problem with women. They just have this crazed love affair with the spotlight. They sort of crave the rock and roll fast lane, it makes them feel different. It makes them feel like they're separate from the real world. Like somehow on the outside they make it seem like they are grounded but behind closed doors they have a way of flaunting their power. As a Backstreet Boy, as a famous person, as whatever, they just want the glamorous life."

Katy listened attentively as Kevin went on. "Well AJ has a sneaky way about him but Nick always seems to get caught. Like little brother always getting the short end of the stick. This time Nick got into it bad, head over feet bad.

One of the more attractive fans that was backstage, that Nick insisted was "his" one night after a show, came in front of the press the other day to announce that she is six months pregnant with his child. Of course she's only a child herself. She's only sixteen. She didn't contact us, our lawyers, no one, just went in front of the press. Damn, we didn't even know until the day after when it hit like a huge storm through the media.

Nick went insane, calling this girl, that was once " his" for the night, a slut. He was going out of sane mind. I mean there was no stopping him. Well of course we all were pretty damned mad at his immature neglegence, not looking out for the groups well being. So as always I was the one to blow up in his face.

Well I went to his apartment, were he lives, to talk to him about it and Howie was there. Well of course we had a heated discussion and I decided the best thing to do would be to leave. Well I didn't make it out of the parking lot. We ended up getting pretty reved up over the entire situation and Howie jumped between us just in time to catch Nick's blow to the eye, that was initially meant for me.

The landlord of Nick's complex called the police and had him arrested. Well not only was he doing a couple of days in the county jail, he faced going to prison because of this girl who decided that she wanted a peice of the pie. I guess someone should have informed this young girl that all this money that her parents are sueing us for is money that doesn't exsist. We have none, not like she's asking anyway"

"So, Kevin, is it Nick's child," Katy asked, still fully absorbed in the story. "For Nick's sake, and for the groups, I hope not. I truely love what I do, and I love all of those guys. I hate to see it wasted on a bit of a woman that he didn't remember the very next night, you know?"

Although to most women that would sound entremely impolite and arrogant, as if saying why waste such a good thing on something so frivolous as women, but Katy understood exactly what he meant.

Chapter Six