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Ok here's the thing. I do not dislike Amanda Latona. I'm not jealous or envious or any of those other things tennyboppers seem to be afflicted with. I am happy if AJ's happy. On the other hand I used to be a tennybopper and I hated her with a great passion. I know, I know, how could I be so immature and selfish. I mean AJ wasn't telling me who to date, now was he??

There are two different features here. One is for the "I support the Girlfriends" type fans. The other is "I hope Panda Amanda falls of a bridge" type fan.

As I said before, I don't have any animosity for Amanda Latona anymore. I made this page in an insane state of mind. This page is here as a feature because it is funny and it was a hella blast to create with one of my best friends in the whole wide world, Laila!

So without further ado...


The Beautiful and Talented Ms.Amanda Latona


Miss Florida Must Die
