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I'm Sorry

by: Webmistress Brandy

Tick tock the clock turns
My head hurts
I can't take this shit right now

Harder harder
The tension grows
Now I know that I will not allow

You to walk over me
For you to stand in front
I'm moving on with my life now
Sorry for being so blunt

No I'm sorry for falling for your front
But, hey, I can't be the only one
Your sorry excuse for a player
Really a first class heartbreaker

So excuse me for moving on
If I stay like this I'll be alone
So I guess this is goodbye,
I'm gone

Forgive me if I get a little cray
And if I go partying with my ladies
To find me a new man
Who isn't quite as shady
I'm sorry

I'm sorry for giving you all of my time
I'm sorry for being so stupid and blind
I'm sorry for giving you.... oh nevermind

Excuse me if I get a little reckless
And find a man who isn't quite as dickless
Forgive me if my nights get a little endless
I guess it's any of your fucking business
But I'm sorry

If I have a few drinks
Get a little spent
And start to vent,
You should back up

But thats just the way life is sometimes
I guess thats hard for you to understand, right?
It's ok I didn't really expect you to
Besides you dont have to
Remember "your cute"

That's your excuse
Just smile and nod
Oh God here we go again
"He's so HOT!"

Give me a break
Take my advice
If you think he has a heart
You'd better think twice

'Cause I've been there
Done that
Already been through all that
Been in love, been so sad
Cried my eyes out 'cause I'd been had

Lemme alone
It's none of your business you male whore
This is my life
And it's not you I'm pheenin' for anymore!
