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The Other Night

by: Brandy Jackson

The whisper of the night
In my memory rings a bell
The simple four letter word "love"
Burns like eternal hell

My heart weaps sorrowful tears
But my face hides the continuous pain
Only a few know about the other night
The night my life fell down the drain

Sex, drugs, and Rock & Roll
Isn't that what your teenage years are
Nights of endless parties
Kinda makes you feel like a star

I never said I loved him
It never crossed my mind
He didn't seem to care
And my "friends" were supposidly blind

It's nights like this the truth appears
It hits you like a deadly cold wind
Lets you know who your friends are
Shows you how stupid you had been

I suppose I could have stopped it
I knew better than to go to began with
I could act like it never happened
But, after the other night, life is more than a myth

The other night was pure misery
Misery that left me feeling duranged
Life is a tomorrow
A tomorrow I will change
