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Staring Problem

by: Webmistress Brandy

Madison walked down the science hall smacking on her gum. She was headed to Anatomy and Physiology. She thought about skipping, she hated science to unbearable extents, but then a lovely image floated through her mind. She couldn't skip, he was her reason for getting up this morning and coming to this ill forsaken sorry excuse for a school.

Madison's parents had sent her away to a catholic school in Savannah, Georgia, when she reached junior high. They thought that it would be a great opportunity for her. They expected her to be a devout little catholic schoolgirl. She was the exact opposite. She resented her parents from day one for making her drop her normal life and go to a school more than one hundred miles away from everyone she knew.

She wasn't a bad student; her intelligence came at a natural rate. Hardly ever did she study or try really hard in any of her schoolwork but she always seemed to pull things off at the last minute. And that had gotten her thus far, a senior in high school. She walked into the classroom, thirty seconds late nonetheless. Mr. McLean stood behind his desk talking to another student. She didn't miss the "your in trouble young lady" look he shot at her over the rim of his glasses.

Madison blew the look off and popped a bubble with her gum. Mr. McLean hated when she smacked her gum; in fact it was against the rules to chew gum in his class. She slowly swayed to the back of the classroom and took her seat.

Mr. McLean stood at his podium and began the roll call. When he reached her name he looked up over the rim of his glasses at her once again. "Spit your gum out, Ms. Brooks." She stood up and walked slowly towards the garbage can next to his podium. He didn't continue the roll call, as he made the rest of the class wait for her. Madison didn't mind though, in fact she only had one thing in mind.

She stretched her gum out of her mouth and then rolled it around her finger. Mr. McLean looked rather irritated at her, but there was something else in the look. She sucked her gum off of her finger and dropped it into the trashcan. Even slower she walked back to her desk, her navy blue uniform skirt swaying as she did so.

He proceeded with the lecture and he notably observed that Madison didn't write down the first note or open her book the first time as usual. Yet she never, ever fell asleep in his class. An hour into his lesson the heat of the day, along with the air conditioner in his classroom being broken made him roll up the sleeves of his white button up shirt.

Madison studied his arms hard. That's about the only thing she studied in this class, was Mr. McLean. She had never been so gullible as to fall for a teacher but he was her definite exception. Mr. McLean had this Einstein thing going on with his hair. Sort of a messy on purpose thing. He wore rimless glasses that should have been outlawed in the 30's but they suited him, she thought. And anything else he wore-- or didn't wear.

"Ms. Brooks," a voice called, interrupting her impure thoughts. "Would you like to answer the question or are you going to stare at me with that hateful look all day," Mr. McLean asked, resting his elbows on the podium. She thought to herself how that look was anything but hateful. She rolled her eyes.


"Yes Madison, three is the only constituent of the blood plasma that doesn't pass from the capillaries into the tissue between the red blood cells. Thank you for your time. I'm sorry to have bothered you."

"No problem, anytime," she mumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

Her face flushed slightly, she didn't think he could hear her from way in the back of the classroom.

She quickly retorted, "Anytime, Mr. McLean!" This time the entire class heard her loud and clear.

"Oh? How 'bout right after class. You can serve detention for me." He smiled as if he got the last laugh.


Mr. McLean crooked his finger at her as the other student filed out of his classroom. Last class of the day and he thought he would get to go home early tonight. Instead he had to stay for detention with Ms. Know-it-all. Why does she act so devious and hateful? That pretty little face seems so charming, until she opens her mouth. A tongue that could make Satan blush with the lashings she was known for.

He would teach her how to behave if it meant being here for one Friday afternoon, or a month of Friday afternoons.

He turned and walked back to his office in the very back of the lab. She followed. He folded his arms and leaned against his desk. "Sit," he said sternly. She did as she was told and crossed her legs prettily.

He shut the door to his office and then retreated to his smooth leather chair behind his desk. He folded his hands and placed them atop of the desk. He stared at her, never opening his mouth. She blushed nervously. All her dirty little thoughts that she had had about him since the beginning of the semester had faded. He was making her feel awkward by staring at her with his piercing brown eyes.

"Stop!" she half yelled at him. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Why can't I stare at you. You stare at me, freely. I just wanted to see what pleasure it held. Just eyeing someone for an hour and a half."

"I do not stare at you," she said, looking aghast. She noted to herself that she wasn't dreaming this because if she had been her nose would have just grown a full ten feet.

"Ms. Brooks you do stare at me. Everyday. Every single second of the hour and a half I stand in front of my fourth period class and teach, you are staring at me. Why do you look at me with such contempt? I have did nothing or said nothing that would cause you such animosity to my knowledge."

She was more than blushing now, she was embarrassed. In fact her entire body was blushing. He took his glasses off. She looked into his big brown eyes and she almost melted with ecstasy. Please don’t let me wake up... Please don't let me wake up, was all that her mind could say.

"Did I, Madison?"

"Did you what," she asked softly.

He grumbled and the exhaled a deep breath, most becoming she thought to herself. "Do or say anything to make you mad at me?"

"Oh no, why would you think something like that," she asked, almost too lost in his puppy dog eyes.

"Well what is that hateful look for?" He demanded.

"You have something on your eye," she informed him. He brushed his eyelash. "Don't avoid me. Just tell me Madison!" "You didn't get it," she said leaning forward, reacheding over and touching his eye.

Mr. McLean accidentally overted his vision to her cleavage that was partly visible down her shirt but was tucked perfectly into a white bra. His thighs turned hot.

"There," she said, leaning back in her chair. Then he noticed her legs. He carefully gazed ever so often at her thighs. How they were crossed, one pressed against the other. His vision wandered upward toward the hem of her skirt.

He cleared his throat and met her eyes again. This time her gaze was warmer. "We could sit here all day and look at each other, or..." Madison's heart stopped. Oh my God, she thought, was he just looking at me?

"Or what," she said with a hint of contempt, only to hide her lust.

"Or you can tell me about your attitude problem so we could make arrangements to have it adjusted."

Wow! If he only knew what I want him to adjust about my predicament, she thought. "I don’t have an attitude problem, Mr. McLean. And I certainly do not hate you," she smiled.

"Ok, then why the look of contempt," he asked, confused.

"I have no contempt for you either!"

He leaned back into his chair, slightly sinking into it. He looked at her in plain out puzzlement. This girl was insane. He couldn't find anything to say to her; he just sat there trying to figure her out.

"I can't help but to stare at you," she said, her face red. "Wha... what? You can't help but to stare at me? I don't understand you at all Madison! You are making no sense what so ever," he exclaimed, his face burning with frustration.

He looked on as her eyes lowered and her chin fell. She twirled her thumbs over each other repetitiously. She had never looked so victimized the entire semester. She always looked powerful and independent. Like no one would be able to get under her skin at any cost. He realized he had proved her wrong as he caught on to this entire charade. He smiled knowingly.

"Stand up," he commanded. She looked at him, eyes wide, in shock. What is he talking about, she thought. "Stand up!" She shook nervously at his tone and did as she was told immediately. "Slide your chair over her behind my desk."

"I... I..."

"Ah ah, slide the chair over her."

Shaking uncontrollably she slid the chair next to his, behind his desk.

"Sit." She sat. "Put your foot in my lap." She looked at him, her mouth parting slightly, trying to find words to stop him. Since she didn't want to stop she couldn't find the words. He unfastened the clasp on her black shoe and slid it off. He smoothed his hands over her foot, up onto her shin, and over her knee. When he reached the end of her knee high he rolled it off of her leg, slowly.

Madison bit her lip. Please don't let me wake up... please don't let me wake up!

He took her foot and raised it higher, pressing his fingers into the sole soothingly. It tickled but she couldn't even breathe, much less laugh.

"Why do you stare at me, Madison?" She opened her eyes and cocked her head quizzically.

"Mr. McLean, you know why I stare at you."

He shook his head, although he knew good and well why. "Tell me why you stare at me." He ran his index finger down the arch of her foot and back up. She inhaled a sharp breath.

He sat her foot on his leg and picked the other one up off of the floor, doing the same to it as he did to the first one. As the knee high rolled down her leg he made sure to trail his fingers up to her mid-thigh and then back down to the stocking.

He repeated, "Tell me, Madison." She didn't answer, just let him tend to her other foot. He treated this one a bit more rough, as trying to get an answer from her. He noticed her other foot rubbing his inner thigh. He rubbed up her silky leg back to her thigh. She jerked her head back suddenly and chills rose to her skin under his gentile hands. He had found a weak spot.

He trailed his fingers over her thighs again and again, more enticingly each time.

"Madison," he whispered. "Tell me why you stare." His hands seemed to move higher and higher up her thigh as his words escaped his luscious lips.

Her hand suddenly moved over his as she managed to say, "I want you Mr. McLean."

His hand rushed to her crease. She was soaked all the way through her panties. He grabbed her waist, stood her up, and threw her onto his desk in one jerk. He unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor before he ripped her panties off, not bothering to take the time to slide them down her legs.

She sat up and eagerly grabbed at his clothes, greedily kissing his mouth. Once his shirt was off she kissed down his neck on over his shoulders. She kissed his chest and stopped a moment at his nipples. Never had she wanted to suck a man’s nipples so bad. She bit and teased him while he slid her shirt up. Her fingers were dug so deep into his back that he couldn’t raise her shirt over her head. He had to deal with just raising it to a satisfactory level.

Kneading her breasts hard with his hands, he pushed her backwards. When she fell back onto the desk he removed her shirt and bra totally. His mouth fell straight to her firm rosy tipped mounds. He kissed and sucked her nipples. Going from one to the other, sucking hard, then sucking soft.

He slipped one finger, two fingers, and then three fingers over her slit. Her chest arched off of the desk like a cat and she sat up. He looked at her with hot desire as he watched her explode. He loved the look on a woman’s face as she came; it was most defiantly women at their very, very best.

Feeling pleased with his abilities, he continued his kisses down her stomach to her navel, where his tongue quickly slipped in and out before moving to her hip. He licked down her leg and kissed her foot before licking up the other leg. His tongue moved inside her inner thigh. He breathed her name up against her creamy skin.

Her thighs parted immensely in anticipation. "Mr. McLean," she exclaimed, reaching for his head. He jerked back. "Please," she pleaded. His tongue flicked her and jerked back inside his mouth quickly. She held her breath as not being able to handle any of this any longer. He pressed his lips to her awaiting, throbbing slit. His tongue massaged and caressed her every fold, darting in and out of her over and over again.

She came again and before she knew what was happening his pressed the tip of his tongue over her clit and rubbed it back and forth. She kept coming, she had no control, and he drank it all up.

He stood up straight. She glanced up and him and let her eyes wander the length of his body. His erection was very evident through his back slacks as he undid his belt and shoved his pants off. He shoved her back farther onto the desk. He wasted no time and within seconds he was inside of her. Deep inside of her. Taking notice of her wince of pain that fell over her face he retracted himself just a bit from her. Easing his entire length back into her.

Slowly he moved atop of her. With her encouragement he sped up. Before long he was shafting her, making her call out in vain. As neither could take much more, she dug her nails into his back and they exploded together.

After a moment of stillness he withdrew himself from inside of her and stood up. He sat down in his chair and grabbed his boxers. Within seconds she was one her knees in the floor, slapping his clothes from his gasp.

She lapped her entire hand around his dick, sliding the rubber off. She stuck her tongue out to the tip of his head, licking the access cum off of him. Her tongue lingered over the head of his growing cock and her hand worked his shaft up and down. She could feel him swelling in her hand and when he was completely hard she took his entire erection into her mouth. She sucked him slow and hard.

He grabbed a handful of her long dark brown hair shoved her head down faster and faster. The more he pushed her the more she submitted to him and his needs. She wanted to please him, and she wanted to be his to do with as he saw fit.

He was turned on further by the suckling sound her mouth was making from her sucking so hard. He picked her up and grabbed for another rubber. Sliding it on, he grabbed her by the arm, jerking her closer to him. She stood in between his legs and he gazed up at her, smiling over accessibly. Her jerked her down onto him. This time when she winced with pain at the size of him she looked as though she enjoyed it.

Her hands ran up her own body. Up her abdomen and rubbing her breasts. He couldn’t help himself. She looked so sexy. He pulled her closer, pressing her breasts into his chest. When she moved up he lifted one into his mouth. She braced her hands on the back of his chair, crying out to him. “Mr. McLean!” He grasped her ass in his hands and pinched the skin teasingly as she rode him endlessly.

Once he felt his climax coming on he grabbed onto her hips and jerked her up and down vigorously. He watched her body as everything bounced, even her lovely hair. He let her nipple fall out of his mouth and he locked his mouth onto hers. Grasping both her hips he raised her to the very tip of his cock and shoved her down hard one time, two times, and then a third. With that they both screamed out.

Exhausted, neither of them could move. They even found it hard to breathe. The room was spinning at a deathly rate.

Once Madison came back to the third rock she raised herself off of Mr. McLean. Her only expression was WOW! She was incapable of speaking any other words. She didn’t have the brain capacity. Getting your brains fucked out took on a whole knew meaning in Mr. McLean’s office.