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Sweet Revenge

By: Webmistress Brandy

“AJ, I promise you, if you ever, ever fuck me over like that again I’ll have your balls. Do you understand me, or am I not making myself clear enough for you?”

“Leslie, baby, listen to me. I promise, I swear I won’t hurt you ever again. All I’m asking is this one last chance.”

AJ looked down into the evil green cat eyes of his long time lover, Leslie. As he leaned down to kiss her he made sure to make good use of his beautiful peepers, sexily turning them to liquid as to lure her in for the kill.

“I love you, baby.”

His lips came within mere centimeters of hers.

“Give me a break, McLean,” she almost laughed, pushing away from him. “I’m going shopping. I’ll be back in a little bit,” she giggled, walking out the door to his hotel room. He moaned and stared at her ass moving from side to side so hot like as she walked away.

“Damn that girl,” he mumbled under his breath as she closed the door.

AJ had met Leslie in Texas, in a bar none the less. Of all the sexy girls in the bar, he had to choose the bartender to flirt with. She was stacked. Long honey colored hair, soft round breasts, slightly popping out of the top of her white tie up top. Her tight blue jeans hugged her behind like something that should have been considered unlawful.

While he flirted and fluttered those forever-long lashes at her, she kept him drowning in the liquor. Before he knew it, it was closing time and he was drunker than sin. Leslie offered to call him a cab but he just smiled and tipped his goofy looking plaid cowboy hat and tried very hard to make his way to the door.

Leslie laughed softly as she watched him. She was used to the entire scene. Guys flirting with her until they had drank themselves wasted and were seeing double of her. She wasn’t laughing because he couldn’t walk. She laughed because she thought he was cute. Of all the guys that had ever hit on her, he was definitely the one that tried the hardest. He didn’t have the stupid pick up lines or the offers to come jump on his lap; he just wouldn’t stop talking period. That and he kept on with those eyes. Those big chocolate brown eyes.

After her boss offered to close and let her go early she started towards the door. Once she was out in the parking lot she realized that AJ was still trying to make it to his car. She offered to help him, then offered to drive him home. He seemed like a nice enough guy.

Well with a bit of his charm, and help from those long lashes and beautiful eyes, she ended up in his hotel room, playing the roll of his on the road one night stand. She woke up the next morning to an empty bed and a note on the dresser.

Thank you for a great time. Stick around
and I’ll show you what good love is made of.

She laughed at the thought of waiting for him. After a quick shower, she gathered her things and headed out the door. Walking down the hallway, she made her way to the elevator. She pressed the button and waited. When the door opened AJ stood there, sunglasses over his eyes. She smiled as she stepped inside, not surprised when AJ didn’t get off. Once the door closed he hit the emergency stop button and within seconds had both her hands pinned against the wall above her head.

“I told you not to go anywhere.”

“What, did you expect me to obey you?”

He licked his lips and grinned sideways. “If you don’t want to mind me I can force you to.”

She chose his enforcement.

Now, two years later, they were still together. She had quit her job and moved away with him. It seemed ironic that she drop her life for this man but he added so much spice to her world that it made life before him seem unbelievably dull.

Normally she stayed at his house while he was on tour but he had invited her along on a short stint up the East Coast. She readily agreed, considering how much she missed him while he was gone. She soon learned though that it wasn’t what she anticipated. Seemed as though she wasn’t the only one that found AJ attractive, although that didn’t surprise her. AJ had lots of charm to go around. But it did more than warm up her temper when AJ got a little intense toward the ladies that took interest.

Leslie walked toward the elevator in the lobby. She figured that AJ and the rest of the guys had already left for the arena to help set up. As she stood waiting for the elevator door to open she contemplated on whether she wanted to soak in the hot tub or find something to eat.

Snatched away from her daze, a striking reflection in the stainless steal elevator doors caught her attention. AJ McLean with his arm wrapped around the shoulders of a petite blonde with thick hips. Leslie watched on as the little slut giggled and grinned at his ever breath. She almost turned around to make her presence known when AJ nibbled her ear and wrapped both arms around her waist, lifting her off the ground and kissing her passionately. The only thing that kept her from it was the very thought of sweet revenge that was being plotted out in her head at that very moment.

The doors suddenly slid open and Leslie made it to the room. As she shut the door behind her, she sat her bags off in a dark corner of the room. She opened the Victoria Secret bag and took out the lingerie that she had bought. She put on a short silk robe over her attire and tied the belt loosely around her waist.

Turning down the blankets, she stretched out over them. She waited for him patiently, having no doubt of what he was doing.

A while after, the door finally opened and she listened for it to close. She wasn’t the least bit nervous; in fact she was excited at the thought of paying him back for taking her for an idiot.

He grinned as his eyes wandered up the length of her. Slowly he crawled up onto the bed, kissing her sporadically as he made his way up her body. His hand wandered up her thigh, higher and higher, as his mouth took hers. She could almost taste the slut on his breath.

Her hands wandered up his arms slowly. Her knee caressed his inner thigh and before he knew what she did, she had him on his back.

Straddling him, she smiled as she undid the buttons of his shirt. He grabbed her ass and jerked her forward, rubbing her harshly over his jeans. She moved his hands away from her.

“Ah, ah…. Don’t touch me.”

He looked slightly puzzled but decided to go along with whatever game she was in the mood for.

She took the silk sashay belt from her robe and tied both his hands to a big round post protruding from the center of the headboard on the bed. Ridding him of the rest of his clothing, she kissed up his body, letting her hands run freely, feeling him up and moaning softly ever so often, as if to be enjoying it immensely.

She kissed his neck, one side then the other, and then her lips found his ear.

“What’s that smell on your neck? That’s not my perfume,” she whispered in a tone that could have been easily mistaken as seductive.

“What,” he whispered back, innocently.

“It’s a woman’s smell, but it isn’t mine. Whose is it?”

Ironically he didn’t answer as she trailed down his body. Her warm breath lightly brushed over his swollen manhood. Her tongue slid up and down the vein along the backside of his dick. Se kissed the tip softly and licked around his head. He groaned and yanked at the sashay that held his hands in place.

“Who was she AJ?”

Her breath breathed hotly over his balls.

“Leslie,” he groaned.

“No, it wasn’t me, somebody else. Think real hard baby,” she said, her hand stroking up the length of him. Her mouth took him in, inch by slow inch, until she felt him in the back of her throat. Her teeth scraped his shaft lightly as her lips made their way to the tip of his head again. Slowly, she went back down, sucking extremely hard on the way back up. The third time back up, when her teeth scraped his shaft, she bit down. Not hard enough to break skin, but enough to make him mad.

He snatched harder at the belt.

“Leslie,” he yelled, fury in his voice.

She continued to suck him, without so much as touching her teeth to his dick. She sucked him until she felt his cum building up. She took her mouth away from him and sat up. He opened his eyes and looked at her, confused.

“What,” he half yelled.

“Tell me who she was AJ,” she asked once again, trailing her hand over his nipples. Her other hand lightly caressed his shaft, not letting him cum, but not letting him fall limp.

“Leslie, quit being a bitch. Suck me!”

“AJ, as long as we have been together, oh wait did I say that? As long as I’ve been with you, you should know by now that you can’t go about ordering me around when I’m upset.”

Her index finger trailed softly up and down the throbbing vein on his shaft, her nails tickling his soft flesh.

AJ squinted his eyes shut and growled deeply.

“Melissa, her name is Melissa. She’s one of the dancers. She doesn’t mean anything, she’s just a slut.”

“What room,” she asked.

“Across the hall.”

She kissed his mouth greedily and straddled him, working his length slowly inside of her. She rode him slowly to start with but eventually worked the pace up to a grueling, heart stopping pace. She wanted badly for AJ to be able to touch her, but she wanted even more for him to suffer. She liked the thought of him pheening to touch her, being in sheer pain from the torture.

After she had her fill she rolled to his side, scooting away from him and off the bed. She showed no love or affection toward him as she untied him.

“Don’t go anywhere,” she ordered. “I’ll be back in a little bit.”

She had some special plans for AJ’s friend, Melissa. Let’s just say she wouldn’t be dancing for a while after tonight.

AJ lay on the bed as she walked out of the room. He knew he had been wrong to fool around on her but torturing him the way she did was beyond necessary. She had to be insane if she thought she would get away with it.

He took a quick shower and, with his towel wrapped about his waist, he stood behind the door and waited for her. When the door finally came open, he didn’t budge. She walked inside the room and looked around.

“Damn it, you know you’d think I’d learn I can’t trust that mother fu…”

Before she finished the phrase AJ picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. Her threw her down onto the bed, scooting her upward with his knee. Before she knew it she was tied to the bedpost with the very same belt she had him tied with.

He smiled evilly at her. “Beg!”

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