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Unexpected Moments

We all have bad days, even the immortal AJ McLean. These laugh worthy pictures are going towards proving this fact.

And Why Do We Call Him Boner??....

I truely hope that AJ's mom bailed and missed these shows! Oh yea and quick question here... is that The Virgin Mary over there on the other side of the stage? It looks like it to me! =Þ

Attack of the Killer Fan!

I don't think AJ want's these chicks to have his autograph... Maybe he hasn't "had his break today".

~Jet Lag AJ~

Looks like AJ mighta had a long night. Te hee hamburgers for breakfast.... nothing seems to amaze me anymore about him EXCEPT....

Oh Booby Booby!

This just isn't right! No further input......

Themz is Menz

Those are men! LOL! They have feminine bodies though huh? He never ceases to amaze me, that's for sure!

All Dressed Up

Hey it's all gravy! We all get this drunk at some point in our ill conceived lives. Isn't that right Katy and Heather?

If you have any "Unexpected Moments" pictures you'd like to see posted on this page, please email them to me.

