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You Don't Adore Me
by:Webmistress Brandy

You said I was your sunshine
I made you happy when your skies were grey
When things got a little crazy
We went our separate ways.

Where do I go to find the happiness
That we used to know
My world is turned upside down
My heart beats so slow.

Then I cried
Calling out your name
Screaming out in vain
But you ignored me.

And when I cried
My whole world went insane
You wont stop the rain
You don't adore me, anymore.

Who knows what started the fire
I said I didn't love you
You know I'm a liar
You tempted my desire, always.

I'm not immune to you anymore
I bit the apple to it's bitter core
I think happiness ended
When you said for-nevermore.

Then I cried
Calling out your name
Screaming out in vain
But you ignored me.

And when I cried
My whole world went insane
You wont stop the rain
You don't adore me, anymore.

When the rain stops
And the sun comes out again
Maybe then you will come back to me
And my heartache will end

Then I cried
Calling out your name
Screaming out in vain
But you ignored me.

And when I cried
My whole world went insane
You wont stop the rain
You don't adore me, anymore.
