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Mr. Perfect

Audrey lay in the bed with her head propped on her tear stained pillow. It had been two days. Two days since she had risen from this bed. Two days since her life ended. Two whole days since he left her. The window was raised beside her bed. It felt like eight hundred hells outside. As her mind relived the night, tears welled in her eyes again.

She wasn't much of the sobbing, crying type, well that was until she met Logan. All her life growing up she felt less than great. She didn't date a lot and the guys she did date, she didn't take much interest in.

Audrey was a dreamer. Always had her nose in a book or writing some poem. At a young age she had dreamed up the perfect beau. For some ungodly reason she couldn't let this image go. She couldn't help but compare all her "suitors" to her image of Mr. Right. Until she met Logan.

Logan was what every man should be. Light brown hair, soft brown eyes and a great smile, and that was just his facial features. He was ripped in all the right places, and I do mean all the right places. His beautiful behind was the topic of ninety percent of the conversations at the hair salon. To top off all these perfect traits, he was an Aussi, the rugged type.

She thought back to a couple of nights ago when he still belonged to her, when it was her that was wrapped up in his lovely arms. It was funny to her how she was able to sleep so well before she had known him. Now she couldn't possibly think of life going on without him.

She sighed heavily as she heard her bedroom door fling open. She didn't care to see anyone of the entire human race right now, maybe not ever.

"Get up," Julie yelled. "Please don't make me force you to get up. I don't know if you realized but you haven't been to work in two days. You know the grass is still green outside, as a matter of fact the sky still hangs over head. And you know, it may be real hard to believe, but the world still spins. Life don't stop for Logan Montgomery."

"Shut up," Audrey said very sternly. "Get out. I don't want to see anyone. Tell everyone to stay out of here, do you hear me."

"Fuck you, get up. I don't have time for this. We're late to work."

Julie threw Audrey's Mirror Lake Golf Course shirt on the bed.

"Please go away," Audrey begged, her hand on her forehead.


"Please Julie. I just need time to think about things," Audrey pleaded.

"Audrey," Julie said, half smiling as she threw Audrey's khaki skirt at her, "You have been locked away in this room for two days. I doubt you've slept. I know you haven't eaten. If you haven't 'thought about things' then just what the hell has been going on in here, huh?"

Audrey slid out of bed, obvious reluctance in her body expressions as she threw her clothes on. Julie grasped hold of Audrey's shoulders after she had gotten dressed.

"Listen to me. You are strong. You can get through this. I'll be here for you if you ever need me, ok?" Katy just smiled at her.

Strong. That was a funny term. That's what she used to be, or at least she thought she had been. He had changed that. When she found him out she didn't ask question or beat around the bush. She decided that she would say goodbye and let him go quickly. That way he didn't have time to make her feel sorry and cause her to cry. It was funny how she had been doing just that since he walked out on her command.

Julie tried extremely hard for the next few weeks to cheer Audrey up. She wanted for Audrey to see that there were more men than Logan Montgomery. She had made a lot of progress though, or so it seemed. She still felt that there was something lingering on with the entire situation.

Six months afterward, Audrey had made an attempt to start over and put her past behind her. Just, this time, she would do it by herself. No Mr. Perfect to cling to and depend upon. She would be her own person.

He still called her house now and again. He would call while she was away at work and listen to her answering machine recording then hang up. He acted like he didn't know she had caller ID.

One night in her dreams, he came to her. He was calling her name in the distance, as if he couldn't find her. She seemed to be in a dark forest, unfamiliar of her surroundings. Terribly ugly and overly large creatures were slowly moving toward her. She cried out for his help, but he still couldn’t find her. Just as she screamed out for the last time before the big, hairy monster grabbed her up, she opened her eyes. Upon doing so she discovered Logan hovering over her bed.

She didn't ask what he was doing there, or how he got in for that matter, she just rose to her knees and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down onto the bed with her. Her lips found his and kissed them greedily. She hadn't wanted a kiss that bad in all of her entire life. His hands wandered down her back, trailing down her spine. He clutched at her side and inched up toward her breasts.

He ran his other hand through her lengthy hair. Pressing some of his weight into her, he pushed her down onto her back onto the bed. He worked in a ferocious manner to get her clothing off, as she did the same to him.

She didn't understand the full context of the scene that was taking place, she only knew, dream or reality, resisting was beyond her capabilities at this point.

"Logan, I've missed you," she whispered to him.

"Audrey, being without you was more than one man can handle," he answered back.

Without hesitation he thrusted into her with the force of a freight train. She squeezed her eyes shut and held her breath as she wanted this more than she wanted to live but she wasn't quite sure how much her body could take.

She didn't really realize how much she had missed him until he was back in her arms, in her bed, her lover, her man. Her nails raked across him back as she held on for her own dear life. She didn't know that such an animal lived inside this mortal man.

Crying out to her release, he soon found his and rested his body at her side, holding her very close. He kissed her ear as she fell asleep.

The next morning she awoke to birds chirping and bright sunshine coming through her window, almost like a fairytale. The only thing wrong with the entire setting was that she was alone in her bed. Logan didn't lie next to her.

She rose from her bed and showered and dressed for work. The “strong” in her wouldn’t let her down now. As she was ready she made her way downstairs. As she looked to the kitchen she saw a lovely vision of Logan, her Mr. Perfect, standing at the counter cutting fresh fruit as the eggs cooked on the stove. The best part was he was doing it in sweat pants alone.

She smiled overly big as she realized the reality of the night before. “It wasn’t a dream,” she said to herself with sheer pleasure. Her smiled soon faded though as she thought about what she had done.

Why had she been so stupid? Why was he stupid enough to believe that he could just waltz right in the door and claim his territory once again? Who did he think he was?

"Logan, we need to talk," she said, grabbing her purse to leave, insinuating that this wasn't going to take long.

"Yea," he said, his accent shining through, "What about, love?"

"About us, no I mean about what happened."

"No, no wait. Please don't start this. I know you are upset because of what you think I did."

"Damnit Logan Montgomery, if you even so much as start to lay a guilt trip on me, I promise to you..."

"I didn't cheat on you. I have never cheated on you."

"Logan, you can't pull the sheet over my eyes. Julie told me about you and Macy and when I said I didn't believe her, when I called my best friend a liar, what do I find? I find you at the lake, on the boat with a bikini sporting Macy Spencer. Are you calling me a liar now, Logan?"

"Audrey, you are so completely impossible to argue with. Macy is my cousin!"

"Logan, she American! What the hell do you take me for?"

Logan came behind her and clutched his hand over her mouth.

"Let... me.... finish.... My dad is American, she is my cousin from my dads side. You may even ask her if you'd like. I am not sleeping with my cousin. We don't tend to do that a lot in the Outback."

Without taking his hand from her mouth her brought his lips to her neck, although he didn't kiss her, he just let his lips linger there, breathing warmly over her skin. Her head tilted slightly to welcome his kisses.

"You know, Ms. Audrey, I think you owe me a lot for making me suffer so badly. All those lonely, lonely nights without you, you know your going to pay me back for that, don't you?"

She fought against him so she could turn around to embrace him but he wouldn't let her go.

"Don't think your going anywhere for a real, real long time!"

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