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All She Ever Wanted

By: Webmistress Brandy

Jared parked his bright red Camero in the school parking lot. As he got out he locked the door and paused only for a moment to watch Brandy walk by. She was short and petite with short brown hair and big hazel eyes. She looked almost mousy but somehow she was cute in her own way.

She stuck her nose up in the air and jutted her chin out like she was the only important person in the world when she walked by him. If she were trying to defy him it wasn’t working. “She wants this,” he laughed smugly to himself as he threw his book-bag on his back and started to class.

Brandy threw her stuff down on the floor beside her desk. She tried to act calm but he made her blood boil. That self-assured look he donned every time she was within a five-mile radius of him made her want to kick him in the forehead.

“Brandy, what’s wrong with you?” Katy asked, letting a small laugh escape her as she sat down in the desk beside her. Brandy looked so cute when she got this mad.

“Nothing, I’m just tired.” She brushed it off and took out her notebook. “You don’t have to work this Friday night do you?”

“No, why? Uh oh. This usually means you want to get into some trouble,” Katy joked.

“No, Jennifer is throwing this party and she wanted me to invite you and Wade.”

“Wade? I have to take Wade? Oh well, I guess I’ll have to get drunk and pay the consequences of not being able to make responsible decisions with him. Darn!” Katy responded sarcastically. “Is Jason going too?”

Jason was Brandy’s boyfriend. If there was a party, he would be there, with or without his girlfriend. If there was trouble he was in the middle of it. He had done every wrong deed known to man but to Brandy’s parents he was the perfect angel. He was big, thick with hard muscles, and tall. He had pretty eyes and dark hair. Looks wise, he was more than she needed (literally) but she always had to bail him out of some kind of trouble. As every girl friend would agree, that gets old very quickly.

“Yes, Jason’s going.” She sighed heavily as she thought that meant she would be Ms. Designated Driver.

**Friday Night**

The music was so loud it almost made the street vibrate outside of Jennifer’s house, or maybe it was just Jason’s car. He wrapped his arm firmly around Brandy’s neck as he walked in the door and announced his arrival loud and clear. She quickly spotted Katy and Wade and practically ran toward them as Jason made his way to the open bar out by the pool.

By midnight Jason was passed out, belly down beside the pool. Brandy groaned as she thought of the load she was going to have to lug out to the car when she was ready to leave, which would be as soon as Katy and Wade came downstairs and helped her stuff her sorry boyfriend in the backseat. She placed her hand on her forehead and sighed heavily, plopping down in one of the lounge chairs beside her boyfriends near comatose body.

“Want a drink?” A voice came from behind her. She turned around quickly to see her worst nightmare and her sweetest dream all rolled into one: Jared Blake Mathis.

She cradled her head in her hands once again. “No thanks,” she moaned.

“Oh c’mon, it can’t be all that bad can it?” he smiled, taking a seat beside her.

What arrogance, she thought to herself. He reeked of self-confidence. Something she wasn’t to overly endowed in.

“Look,” she half yelled, picking up her boyfriends arm and letting it go, watching it fall heavily back to it’s place on the concrete. “You want to throw him in the truck for me? Or would that be to much to ask?”

“Whoa, what’s all this hostility about? Did I do something wrong?”

Brandy thought back to a time when she was very much smitten with Jared. A time when she would have died to have him sitting here next to her, this close, offering her drinks and smiling flirtatiously like he was doing now. But bitter animosity took over along side her pride, as she felt disgusted for allowing herself to be near him this long.

“Whatever, Jared. I don’t really have time for this,” she said, standing up.

Jared nudged her boyfriend in the ribs with his foot. “Looks to me like you got all the time you want.” He tugged at her hand until she sat back down next to him.

“Here, drink,” he demanded, shoving the bottle towards her.

“No! I have to drive my bone head boyfriend home, remember?” She wanted to kick herself because she thought for sure she just smiled and giggled at him. Giggling and smiling, she had to be absolutely crazy.

He grabbed her chin, “See that’s what I want to see.”

Can I puke now, she thought.

His blue bright blue eyes were almost hauntingly hypnotizing. They held her firmly in place as he kissed her softly on the lips. He pulled away, making sure she was okay with the situation. She wanted to say no. She wanted to protest. She wanted to scream, and throw this beer bottle at him. But she didn’t. She sat there hypnotized but subtle fantasies that played around in her mind of warm flesh and sweat laden bodies. The fantasies became stronger as he kissed her again, this time more passionately and stronger than before.

Their tongues played together and he teasingly roamed her body with his hands. When the first soft moan escaped her he lowered her back onto the chair and placed his hand under her shirt, on her warm stomach. His mouth roamed down to her neck and softly blew in her ear.

It took everything she had to breathe. Speaking was almost irreproachable.

“Jared…. No,” she started.

He hushed her to be quiet as his now warm hand roamed up her thigh, and under her skirt.

“Jared, not here. Let’s go in the house.”

He jerked himself away from her like if he had to think about getting up he wouldn’t be able to manage it. He took her hand and practically drug her in the house and up the stairs. He led her into a half-lit room and shut the door behind them. He back her up until her the back of her knees were rubbing the edge of the bed. While he made love to her mouth he eased her onto the soft bed.

Lifting her tank top over her head, his kissed her chest and felt of her breasts underneath her glittery black bra. She sat up and removed his shirt. She kissed his chest and paid special attention to his nipples. Nipples that she had dreamed of licking just as she was doing just now. He expertly unfastened the back snap of her bra and watched it gracefully fall the floor, along with the other clothes that were slowly accumulating into a pile beside the bed.

They pressed their bare chests together in an attempt to be closer. Brandy fit her hands in-between them to unfasten Jared’s belt. He didn’t make this task easy since he pulled her closer with his hands squeezing her bottom. This did nothing for the control Brandy was trying to maintain. Brandy managed to unzip his pants and rid him of them in one fluid motion. He now lay flat on his back and his erection was very visible through his boxer brief underwear. Her back arched as she lowered herself on top of him, letting her baser needs take over. She straddled his body, still in her to tight for comfort dark blue jeans and all since of control was gone.

Their mouths searched for each other frantically and his hands groped her breasts. She moaned in his mouth and that’s all he needed. He raised her body up and flipped her over. Now hovering over her, he kissed her neck and on down to her collar bone. His mouth blinding traveled down the center of her chest until it reached the very center of her breasts. He kissed one of her nipples and then the other. When the wetness of his mouth lapped around one of he nipples she nearly came of the bed. Her back arched and she whined in agonizing torture. His hand slid down her side on onto her hip. He made his way to her crease and softly rubbed her sensitive area through her pants. His massage grew more aggressive as her hands clawed at his back.

“Please,” she moaned.

He unfastened her pants as he kissed down her stomach and before he got below her belly button her pants were gone. Once they were removed he inched his way back up to her face. His throbbing hard on was rubbing her inner thigh. When he pressed himself onto her femininity she lost all sense to breathe. She squeezed her eyes shut and latched onto his body, pressing her hips up to meet his; silently begging him to give her what she had wanted for so long.

She lost herself the almost sex foreplay that he seemed to enjoy teasing her with. When the two of them became totally naked, she was hardly aware. Clothing was the last thing that she was worried about at this point. When she felt his manliness press into her, fully and completely in one swift motion, she threw he head back and exhaled. An exhale that she had waited for, yearned for, for so very, very long. She inhaled sharply when he pulled out and pushed back in.

He pressed her insides to match his perfectly. It felt so right to be with him. Nothing else in the world had made her feel so complete and whole. She grasped his flesh and begged for him to take her further. She met his hips with her own thrust for thrust.

He pulled out of her and she looked shocked. She didn’t have time to think, she only knew she wanted more and she wanted it now. He hushed her and turned her over to lay on her stomach. She didn’t protest she only did what she was told. He raised her body up to meet his, her backside pressed into his lap. Once he entered her she melted beneath him. The only thing hold her up was his hands on her hips, shoving her onto his erection again and again.

Flushed and exhausted, the both of them found their release. They lay together, their bodies gleaming with warm, gleaming sweat. They fit together perfectly. He kissed her ear before she nodded off to sleep.

It seemed like only a few minutes before he woke her up but truthfully it had been a while because the sun was rising. She scrambled around to find her clothes and thanked God her parents thought she was sleeping over at Katy’s. She and Jared staggered downstairs in a complete daze. They decided to go get something to eat before he took her home.

For a split second Brandy wondered how Jason got home. “Oh well,” she thought. “Maybe he’ll fin for himself.” For once she had all she ever wanted.