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Hi,I'm Heather.I'm a beautiful blue eyed 5 year old girl.My parents say that I'm the sweetest and most inoccent angel in the whole world.
A lot of people ask my Mommy and Daddy about my handicap,so I'll try to explain.

My doctor believes that I may have been born with a rare disease called

Rett syndrome
This after many years of seeing doctors and many,many test's.It has left me unable to stand,walk,talk and do many other things other children my age enjoy.It is very difficult for me to communicate and this makes me very frustrated.
But nonetheless I am filled with love and I have a beautiful spirit that people never forget once they meet me.I have a great love of music and I use that to help me through trying times.I love my pillows and snuggling with my daddy.
I work very hard every day when I do therapy,and I'm getting stronger every day.I'm on medicine now to control my seizures,and my Mommy and Daddy are so worried about me and appreciate any of your prayers. :-)

Hi, I'm the newest addition.My name is Lauren.
I'm such a little cutie.My Mommy says I'm such a good baby and a perfect little angel.I have a wonderful and bright personality.I love it when my brothers try to make me laugh.I love to coo and talk and giggle a lot.I'm 4 months old and I weigh over 13 lbs. cause I luvs my formula.:-) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Updated 8/2/00
Hi again! I'm 5 months old and I weigh 17.2lbs now (mommy likes to call me rollie pollie ollie..hehe) and I got my FIRST tooth last week and my second toofer is coming in right next to it wooohooo! I like breaking it in on mommys shoulder lol. I'm STILL a perfect little angel (mommy and daddy said so) :-) I get around real good now, rolling ALL over the place. Keeping mommy on her toes! hehe Well bye-bye for now!