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Hey! Glad you made it.I'm Paisley and I'm from New Jersey.
I'm the proud mother of four beautiful children! My oldest is
Heather 5 yrs,
Sean is 4yrs,
Ryan is 2 1/2yrs
Lauren is 5months old.

I've been married for 61/2yrs to my wonderful husband Terry,but we've been together for 15yrs.
Couldn't ask for a more caring, loving, terrific hubby and excellent father. Hes especially good with our oldest who is severly handicapped.It just amazes me. I got lucky! Luv ya babe xoxoxo :-)
Sending pic's out on the web is one of my favorite things to do cause I'm just so proud of all my little darlings.I also love sending things out that make ppl laugh. Only the good sh#t tho lol.

I love music and dancing(especially at Prince concerts) and I'm a big fan of Journey and Creed just to name a few.I love spending time at the beach(not that I can get there that often)

Well enough about me.

Updated 8/15/00
Hello again! Hope everyones having a better summer than me. Ugh, Its been a lousy summer weather wise! It's Done nothing but rain here everyday just about for the past 2 months, only been to the beach 3x's this yr cause of it. Thank goodess for tanning salons or I'd be white as a ghost by now NOT that theres anything wrong with that hehe.Can someone send me some beautiful summer weather please??