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Hi, my name is Ryan.I'm 2 1/2 years old.I'm a big fan of the veggie tales and I really love the movie The Iron Giant, I ask mommy to put it on ALL the time. She LOVES that! hehe.I just went with my mommy and big brother over memorial day weekend to see my FIRST movie "Dinasours" on the big screen! I was so excited!

I was scared at first but then mommy held my hand and I was all better :-)I'm very sweet and I give really wet kisses.I dont like having messy hands.And I have to give a BIG HUG with every kiss.

Updated 8/2/00
HI! I've been busy beating up on my big brother alot lately (pay backs a .....) hehe for all the times hes gotten me cause I'm getting big and strong! It's been raining ALOT around here lately and it hasn't been hot enough to go in the pool so we've been staying in playing with mommy, I like when she plays ghost like on scooby scooby (scooby doo) Well thats all for now.

Hi,my name is Sean.I'm 4 years old.I love to run around wrestle and play rough.I love the cartoon network which drives my mommy nuts cause I don't let her watch HER shows that she likes hehe.

I enjoy being the big boy of the house,because I get to stay up late.I like helping mommy with my baby sister.I like to make the baby laugh by throwing myself on the floor like I fell down cause it makes her laugh.I love dance music and I'm a real good dancer.

Updated 8/2/00
HIYAS! I've been an even bigger help for mommy and TRYING to be good but my little brother is starting to fight back now UH OH! So it's hard to stay good hehe. I love him anyway :-) My baby sister is alot more fun to play with now, I get down on the rug and roll around with her. It's fun! I love swimming in the pool (when its NOT raining) BYE!