Happy Holidays Everyone!!
Last Updated 12-25-99
Hello Everyone. Welcome to The Perfect Fic Fanfiction Library. This fic library is here to give you what no other can promise. Every fic that you read at this site will have been read and some will be reviewed by one of the fic reviewers. Their opinions on the fic have to be very positive for a fic to be accepted into the perfect fic Library. Because of this, this will soon become one of the primere fanfiction sites on the net. Because of this we are very strict on submissions. But, if you feel that your fic has what it takes, here are the submission rules:

Perfect Fic Submission Rules:
1. It has to be about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, The Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, Power Rangers Zeo, Power Rangers Turbo, Power Rangers in Space, or Power Rangers Lost Galaxy. I will take fics based on future teams or children and I will accept crossovers if they meet the standards.
2. It has to be in readable condition. This means text format, Microsoft Word (.doc), or pasted into the e-mail.
3. Once again, it must be about PR. Other show fics will be accepted at the soon-to-open "Other Perfect Fics" site.
4. It must come up to The Perfect Fic standards for writing.
5. It must have a short teaser.
6. Fanfics can be in script format. (But they must be very well written)
7. Please html the fics unless you don't know how. :)
8. No R or X-rated fics at this point. Maybe in the future...then again, maybe not. :P
Coming Soon...

Simple HTML help--For help with...what else? Html! :)
Beta-Readers HQ--Need a Beta-Reader?
The Perfect Reviewers list--Who reviews those fics you love??
The Perfect FAQ--Frequently asked questions. :)
There are currently 67 fanfics at this Library. We need more!
Now that you've read all of that stuff, e-mail your fics here
By the way, This place updates irregularly. Like when I feel like it. ;) But, really, it'll be updated at least once a month.
Disclaimer: Power Rangers, all characters, etc. are owned by Saban Entertainment. Please don't sue.

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Disclaimer: This site is in no way intended to infringe on any copyrights held by Saban Entertaimnent, FoxKids, or Fox. This website is strictly for fun and if so warranted will be taken down immediately. Thank You to Fantasy Land Graphics for the great graphics, backgrounds, and buttons.

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Fantasy Land Graphics

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