Building a Mystery Part 2

Disclaimer: The Power Rangers belong to Saban Ent.

Author's Note: If you didn't read The Rats: Introduction and Building A Mystery part one, you will be very confused. Also, all the characters except for all the Power Rangers, Cammie, the characters of WMAC Masters, Astronema, Scorpina, Divatox and Elgar are my own creation and I will hurt you if you use them in your stories. Also: "Building A Mystery" is a song by Sarah McLachlan, not me. Building A Mystery, FYI, takes place during "Shell Shock" in PRiS.

The Adventures of the Inner City Street Rats:
Building a Mystery
Part 2
By Annie J. Simon

Jennifer-Diabla opened her eyes and found herself in the Crystal Palace, home of the Elder Gods. As the name suggested, it was a magnificent dwelling made out of crystal. The furnishings were just as beautiful; everything was made out of gold and silver and if you moved your head around, the walls danced with color.

But she was not there just to admire the suroundings. The Elder Gods protected the realms, Earth included, and Jennifer-Diabla was one of many Earth Realm warriors the Elder Gods looked after.

Lai, the leader of the Elder Gods and goddess of fire, greeted the ICSR leader warmly. Like many immortals, she was beautiful beyond anyone's wildest dreams. Dressed in a floor-length bright red kimono, flowing dark hair pinned loosely behind her back, Lai was like a second mother to all her Earth Realm warriors-the ICSR included-but when it came to the forces of evil, she had no mercy. Maybe that was why her brothers and sister Elder Gods admired her so.

Barai,god of water, got the ball rolling. He, too, was wearing a kimono, but his was blue as a Carribean ocean. He turned to Lai. "Sister, isn't it time she got her birthright?"

Riara,the goddess of earth, quickly explained that when she was born, Lai promised her mother that when Jennifer-Diabla came to a point in her life when the enemy closed in on all sides, a gift from all of them would help.

"Where is it?" Jennifer-Diabla asked. Lai motioned her to come closer and whispered in her ear. "I see. Thank you, Lai"

The goddess of fire smiled as she left. "Use it well, my disciple."

The Dark Fortress,50 miles above Earth

In the Dark Fortress, Astronema, Princess of Darkness, had her own plans. "I've got to think smarter, not harder," she said out loud to no one in particular, "beat them at their own game." Suddenly, her pet turtle came in front of her. "That's it!" Turning to Elgar, she barked at him to aim the Sattlelazers at New York City.

"Any place in particular, boss?" he asked, confused at her logic.

"Just the sewers," Astronema replied, a wicked smile on her face

The Astro Megaship

Ashley Hammond, Artemis as she was called in the ICSR, looked at the giant orb of her home planet and sighed. It was great to be a Power Ranger, but it would take quite a long for her to get used to the fact that, try as she might, Andros would be hard to talk to. As Jennifer-Diabla, her friend and boss since the beginning of her Turbo days had put it, sometimes it takes a millenium to have someone open up to you, especially if they had been secluded from all human contact for quite a long time.

It was hard to forget her. Ashley could vividly remember the first time she met the ICSR leader, after Tanya gave her morpher to her. They were tracking down one of Divatox's monsters when, by accident, they found themselves in a net meant for the monster. Just then, Tanya came running up with another girl, brandishing a pair of twin hook swords. Tanya's companion-who turned out to be Trini, the original Yellow Ranger-immediately recognized them and freed them.

Apparently, the ICSR were after the monster too and they had convinced Jennifer-Diabla to let them tag along. With their help, the monster was destroyed.

It was the start of a beautiful friendship.

DECA broke her out of her daydream, warning that Astronema had sent another monster down to Earth.

Time to rock and roll, she thought as she pressed the buttons on her morpher.

The End...For Now