Another Christmas Miracle Disclaimer : I don’t own anything Ranger or Christmas related. I do make a couple of references to Christianity in here, so... Anyway, a very special thanks to my kindred spirit Julia for critiquing this for me. Other than that, enjoy, and have a very Merry Christmas.

Another Christmas Miracle
by : Jeremy Ray Logsdon

"Tommy, that elf is totally checking you out," Justin whispered excitedly. "She's a babe, too. Go talk to her."

"Justin," Tommy said sternly. He had somehow gotten himself roped into chaperoning a large group of the kids from Justin's shelter to the Galleria to see Santa Claus. Other than shelter worker Alisa, Justin was the only person he had to talk to.

Justin had taken it upon himself to find Tommy a new girlfriend. He and Katherine had mutually decided to break up when they both realized that Katherine actually was a Kimberly substitute. She had since gotten together with Rocky, and the two were happy together. Tommy, however, was in no hurry to find another girlfriend.

"Look at her!" Justin urged. Tommy had to admit that the elf was cute. She was certainly unlike any elf he had ever seen. She had the most perplexing colored hair. It seemed to be an even mix of blonde, red, and brown. It was unlike anything he had ever seen before, and hung about her shoulders in huge curls. She wore a standard "elf costume," which consisted of a loose fitting green bodysuit and red collars adorned with bells. She wore a green Santa hat on her head and red shoes which curled up at the end and also sported a bell. Her figure was one of her very best assets, and she carried herself in an air that was both incredibly sexy and very friendly at the same time. Her eyes were what Tommy locked on, though. They were a piercing shade of deep blue that he had yet to see on anyone else. The elf, who had for the past few seconds been oblivious to Justin and Tommy's intense gaze, smiled warmly and waved.

Justin eagerly returned the wave, although Tommy spun around in a panic. "Geez," Justin griped. "You are such a doofus around girls."

"Man, when did you start puberty?" Tommy complained. Justin's voice was beginning to fill out and deepen. He was a good six inches taller than he had been when he joined the team. His most noticeable change was the fact that any time he saw a beautiful woman, his eyes immediately followed her every move.

"Tommy, she's coming over here!" Justin cried excitedly, tugging at his arm.

"Justin, what have you gotten me into?" Tommy complained, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment. Despite the reputation for being a lady's man, Tommy was anything but. He had only kissed two girls, those being Kimberly and Katherine, and having spent most of his teenage life in a committed relationship with one or the other of them, he had no idea how to pick up women. He had a hunch that Justin currently had a better chance scoring a date with the elf than he did.

"Hi," the elf said warmly as she stepped up to the two teens. "My name is Mildred."

"Mildred?" Justin asked in disbelief.

"Is there something wrong with the name Mildred?" Mildred asked.

"No," Justin stammered, "it's just-"

"I know, I don't look like a Mildred," she said. "Anyway, your name?"

"I'm Justin," the Blue Turbo Ranger said warmly, shaking her hand. "This doofball is Tommy."

"Justin," Tommy snapped.

"Hey doofball," Mildred smiled, extending her hand. Tommy looked at it for a few moments before finally shaking it.

"Hello Mildred," Tommy said, turning as red as the flannel shirt he was currently wearing.

"I'm just kidding, Tommy," Mildred said. "You are anything but a doofball. You've been good this year, too. Santa Claus will be very kind to you."

Tommy finally smiled a genuine smile and decided he could at least be friendly. "So, think you can put a good word in with the Big Red One for me? I'm still waiting to get that sports car I asked for last year."

"You haven't been THAT good," Mildred returned. "So, are you going to wait in line?"

"No, I think I'm going to let the kids have the first crack at him," Tommy said, lifting his eyebrows slightly.

"How about you?" Mildred asked, turning her attention to Justin.

"I don't believe in Santa Claus," Justin said in a quiet voice. "I haven't for about seven years."

"I know," Mildred said. "Tommy hasn't believed in Santa since second grade. You people... so sad. Anyway, have a very Merry Christmas. See you around, boys." With that, Mildred turned and walked away, bells jingling.

"Huh," Justin grunted. "That was bizarre."

"I think that's right," Tommy said. "I think I did stop believing in Santa Claus in second grade."

"Big deal, so did I," Justin retorted. "Everybody stops believing in Santa Claus around that age. She's just having fun with us."

"Yeah, you're right," Tommy agreed. "If you see Alisa before I do, tell her I went to the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute."

"You got it," Justin promised. As Tommy hurried off to relieve himself, he didn't notice Mildred lean over to the Santa Claus in the mall, who had a real beard and an elaborately made red velvet suit, lined with white fur rather than white cotton as most Santa suits were. Santa Claus listened to her intently, and then began to smile. A few seconds later, his "ho ho ho's" of laughter sounded through the mall, filling everyone there, regardless of religion or beliefs, with an intense Christmas spirit.

Tommy stepped away from the urinal just as Mildred stepped up to him. "Ah!" Tommy cried, jumping away.

Mildred jumped away as well, screaming, "It's just me! I didn't see anything!"

"This is the men's room!" Tommy protested.

"Well there isn't a little elves room, and I had to go someplace," Mildred laughed. "Seriously, though Tommy. I have a... proposition for you."

"You have got to be kidding me," Tommy said. "For God's sake, don't let those kids see you trying to pick up guys. Excuse me." Tommy pushed past her to leave the restroom when Mildred suddenly started laughing hysterically. "What?"

"You think I want to, how do you say it, pick you up?!" Tilting her head back, she laughed heartily. "Aside from the fact that I don't even believe in any of that premarital sex stuff, I'm seeing an Elf in the Ranger Toy Division. They're making a big comeback this year, by the way."

Tommy shook his head sadly and said, "Excuse me." Sighing, he ran out of the restroom and got the shock of his life.

It was as if time had frozen itself. People were paused in midstep. There was not a single iota of movement or even the vaguest hint of sound. "What the-?" Tommy asked in disbelief. He moved toward his wrist for his communicator out of force of habit before remembering it wasn't there.

"Tommy, you might want to know what I want from you before you get all freaked out," Mildred said as she left the men's room.

"You stay away from me," Tommy warned, backing away from the green clad woman. Mildred folded her arms across her chest and watched as Tommy ran down the corridor that led to the main bustling area of the mall.

Every single person in the mall was paused. Tommy looked about him. He saw that Justin was unmoving as well, signifying that the freak temporal anomaly was not centered around the Rangers.

"Ho ho ho!" Santa Claus laughed. Tommy looked up to see that the mall workers portraying Santa and the elves were still moving.

"We're not going to hurt you, Tommy," Mildred said from behind him. Giving a single cry of alarm, Tommy stumbled away, falling over a maroon rope which formed the aisle leading to Santa's lap.

"What the hell is going on?!" Tommy shouted. Several of the elves gasped in alarm and turned to look at him.

"Relax, Green, White, and Red Ranger," Santa Claus said, standing up.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Tommy lied, trying to keep his panic in check.

Santa shrugged. "Mildred, what's the date?"

"Twentieth, Big Red," Mildred answered.

"We've still got time," Santa told Tommy. "Is that okay with you Tommy? Tommy? T-?"

"-ommy," Justin said, shaking the teens arm. With a gasp, Tommy forced his eyes open. "Whoa. You okay man?"

"Huh?" Tommy grunted. "Yeah, I'm doin' good. Just daydreaming... Uh, I think I need to go use the bathroom. Be back in a sec."

Tommy didn't notice Mildred and Santa Claus exchange a smile.

"Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful," Kimberly sang, "and since we've no place to go..."

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow," Trini finished. The two girls laughed as they walked toward the Galleria. "It's about time we got back together, Kim."

"I just wish Billy were here," Kimberly sighed.

"He watched you compete," Trini told her.

"He did?" Kimberly asked, raising her eyebrows.

"From Aquitar," Trini sighed. "He had Dimitria relay the video feed."

"I wish I had been a Ranger then," Kimberly moaned. "I would have tromped off to that water planet and carted his sorry butt back here. I can't believe they actually let him stay! Never mind the fact that the fish chick has anatomy that should completely and totally repulse him."

"They aren't that different from us," Trini said. The two began talking in quieter tones as they walked into the crowded environment of the mall. "That purple and brown thing on their head is just worn in oxygen atmospheres to aid in breathing. It's not a part of them. Otherwise, they are human, only they can breathe in water. It's not too weird."

"I still don't like it," Kimberly frowned.

"Me neither," Trini agreed. "Come on, let's see if Zack is here yet."

Cestria and Cestro looked at the still form on the table before them. Blue light overwhelmed the body, and then subsided it. "Did it work?"

"Billy," Cestria sighed heavily.

"You are finally young again," Cestro agreed.

Billy sat up and looked down at his hands. They certainly appeared normal again. He patted his chest and abdomen, and was pleased to find hard muscle beneath his shirt. His hands then moved to his face, and found no more wrinkles. "It finally worked?" he asked in awe.

"It worked," Cestria said. "You may return to Earth now."

"I wonder if I'll still be welcome," Billy thought out loud as he sat up. He had lied to the Rangers, and made them think that he was young again and decided to stay on Aquitar to be with a fish. He hadn't actually planned on them believing it. In fact, he was insulted that they believed him. He had still been an old man when Cestria and a computer generated image of him as a teenager was relayed to Earth. Part of him had hoped they would believe his lie, so he could die in peace on Aquitar. A bigger part hoped they wouldn't believe it and weasel the truth out of him. Not a single word was said. *Be sure to write!* one of them had said. Some friends... _So why do I want to go back?_

"Of course you will be welcome," Cestro said. "Besides, Billy, there are more people on your planet than the Rangers. If you like, we can create a new Earth identity for you."

"No," Billy said. "No, I'll go back. As Billy. If I'm not welcome, then I'll just move. Besides, I've still got Trini, Zack, and Kim down there."

"I will miss you Billy," Cestria told him. "You have been a good friend."

"So have you," Billy smiled. "Thank you. For everything."

"Zack!" Kimberly cried, already running toward one of her oldest and best friends.

"Kim!" he shouted in return. The two met in an explosive hug which culminated with Kimberly's feet lifting a good two feet off of the ground. Trini caught up with them a few seconds later and added her own body to the hug.

"Have you seen Jase yet?" Trini asked.

"Earlier today," Zack answered. "He's probably at the Sport Shack. He said he had to get a gift for his dad. Come on, let's go find him."

"Can I tag along?"

The three teens turned as one body at the new voice behind them. Upon seeing the voice's source, none was capable of speech. Kimberly, however, was the first to find her voice. "Billy?"

"I can't believe we're all together again," Trini said happily. The original five Rangers sat at a table in the food court, just enjoying the company of the group as a whole for the first time in over three years.

"We can't ever let ourselves get separated again," Billy said.

"Never," Jason agreed. His eyes then fell on Kimberly, who seemed to be gazing off into the distance. "Kim?"

"Huh?" Kimberly asked, yanking her attention back to Jason. "Hold on a sec. Wait here you guys. I'll be right back." With that, Kimberly ran off.

_Why was that woman staring at me?_ Kimberly thought to herself as she ran down the length of the mall. A plump woman with curly white hair in a red velvet dress had been staring at her intently. The woman, who was wearing wire frame glasses, looked suspiciously like Mrs. Claus. Kimberly assumed the women was just an actor for the mall. She wanted to know, though, the reason for that soul-piercing gaze she had fixed on Kimberly.

She suddenly caught sight of the red clad woman again through the crowd. "Excuse me!" Kimberly called up to her, although there were so many people between the two that no one paid attention. Kimberly increased her pace in an attempt to catch up with the woman.

Completely out of nowhere, a large body slammed into Kimberly. She gave a slight cry as she found herself practically in the arms of this stranger. Then, she looked up. "Tommy..."

"Kim," he sighed. He suddenly realized that his arms were on her biceps and quickly let go.

"Tommy," she said again, having completely forgotten about the woman in red. "Uhm, how have you been?"

"I'm good," Tommy stammered nervously. "You?"

"No complaints," she gulped. "Uhm, me and the other guys are here. Why don't you come join us?"

"Other guys?" Tommy asked.

"Yeah," Kimberly said. "Even Billy."

"Billy? Billy's back."

"To stay," Kimberly told him. "Come on."

"But- Justin...," Tommy said, scanning the eyes for his young friend.

"Hey Tommy," Justin called, running up to him. "Who's your- Oh! Hey Kimberly!"

"Hi Justin," Kimberly smiled. "I'm glad you remember me. Now that you've found Justin, the two of you come over here with me."

"Whaddya think, Big Red?" Mildred asked during a break.

"He'll come around," Santa answered. "He'll come around."

"I think the key," Mrs. Claus said as she slowly meandered near Santa and his head elf, "is Kimberly Hart."

"Kimberly Hart," Mildred whispered to herself. "Pink?"

"Old girlfriend," Mrs. Claus said. "They still love each other."

Santa Claus smiled as gears began to turn in his head.

Tommy smiled warmly at his friends. It felt like a part of him was missing. He knew what that part was, and it saddened him to know that it would never be his again. It wasn't the power; it was Kimberly. But she had dumped him for another guy. Tommy faced the unhappy prospect that he was about to live through another Christmas, alone.

Kimberly noticed that Tommy kept stealing glances at her. _Is it possible he still likes me? That can't be possible..._ She had dumped Tommy, supposedly for another guy. _I should probably be insulted he actually believed there was another guy. I would never do that!_ Kimberly had dumped him because she didn't think it was right to keep him tied down when she was going to be on a different side of the country for who knew how long. She'd take him back in a heartbeat if he asked, but she doubted he would ask. She doubted he even wanted to be her friend.

The six friends, plus Justin, talked for a pretty good while about nothing in particular. They were interrupted, however, by an unexpected visitor. "Hi."

"Hi Mildred," Justin smiled.

"Uhm, guys," Tommy said, "this is one of Santa's elves, Mildred."

"I just want to make sure I have this right," Mildred said. Pointing to Zack, she said, "New CD Player?" To Trini, she said, "World peace, and a television." She began to move faster, pummeling astonishing looks into the ex-Ranger's faces. "Weight Machine," she said, pointing to Jason. "Nintendo 64, aren't you a bit old for video games, Tommy? Kim, you want a computer, right? Billy, I don't even know what a Fourier Transformed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer is but we'll do our best. And Justin, hmm..., you want your dad back, don't you? Guess we'll have to wait and see. Ta ta." Mildred turned and walked away.

"What the-?" Billy asked in disbelief.

"Excuse me," Tommy said, jumping up from the table to run after the elf. He placed a hand on her shoulder and turned her around.

"Yes Tommy?" Mildred asked.

"What the hell is going on today?" Tommy asked. "Ever since I met you things have been getting weirder and weirder. Is this some kind of prank, or -?"

"First of all, you're gonna have to stop the cussing," Mildred warned him. "Me, I'm a big enough girl I can overlook it. But it's not going to be a good image for you. Oh, by the way, I know what you really want for Christmas. All you have to do is ask her."

Mildred walked away, leaving Tommy with his mouth hanging open.

"Tommy is close, Big Red," Mildred smiled as she walked past him.

"He has suspected something is up," Santa agreed. "It's been so long. How was this handled last time? I don't remember giving anybody this much trouble."

"Yeah, but you believed in Santa Claus," Mildred told him. "You were from a different time and society."

"The depression hit everybody hard," Santa Claus said. "I had no choice."

"I know that," Mildred said. "I understand completely. If you remember, it was MY idea. I'm just saying that it makes things a whole lot harder on everybody now that Santa Claus is a story for little kids."

"Try Kimberly," Santa said. "Perhaps she really is the key. Convince her."

"Can you handle things here?" Mildred asked.

"Yeah, I think I can handle it," Santa smiled.

Kimberly gave a cry of alarm and spun around. "Calm down!" Mildred cried, her hands up before her in a position of surrender.

"You scared me," Kimberly complained, reshouldering her purse. "Can I help you?"

"In a manner of speaking," Mildred said. "Okay. I've tried the subtle approach with Tommy, and it didn't work. He's a bit dense, at times. Anyway, here's the bit. I am an official elf from the North Pole. Head Elf, actually. Well, we need you and Tommy to help us."

"Look I need to go," Kimberly muttered, pushing her way past the green clad elf.

"Tommy still loves you Kimberly!" Mildred shouted as Kimberly jogged off.

That made Kimberly stop dead in her tracks. "What did you say?" Kimberly asked.

"Tommy still loves you," Mildred repeated.

"Just who are you?" Kimberly asked, slightly panicked.

"I've already told you," Mildred said. "I'm an elf at the North Pole."

"This isn't funny," Kimberly complained angrily. "I don't know who paid you to do this to me, but it isn't funny."

"Talk to Tommy, okay?" Mildred requested. "Please... for me?"

"Leave me alone," Kimberly snapped over her shoulder as she ran off.

"Back to Tommy," Mildred complained.

"I've got an idea," Mildred said eagerly to Mrs. Claus. She pulled two long plastic peppermint canes out of the North Pole display set up around them.

"What are you going to do?" Mrs. Claus asked, looking over the rim of her glasses.

"Show Tommy a bit of North Pole magic," Mildred said. "Excuse me." Mildred hopped over the white picket fence surrounding the North Pole "actors" and their fake snow. She slipped the two candy canes into a surprisingly convenient holster which was suddenly strapped to her back and ran into a large open area just beyond the line of kids waiting to see Santa Claus. She sensed Tommy and Justin staring at her from behind. Realizing that she had Tommy exactly where she wanted him, she began.

Mildred began to move through a slow yet very elaborate kata. The many bells on her clothing jingled in a pattern that was almost hypnotizing. Slowly, the many people in the mall turned to look at her.

As soon as more people began to focus their attention on her, her moves began to increase. She then whipped the candy canes out of the holster on her back and began to spin them gracefully as those they were twin katana blades. The red and white stripes quickly melted into a pink blur in her hands. She twirled about in a circle and then leapt into the air, coming a good five feet off of the ground. The crowd around here immediately burst into thunderous applause, before she even touched down.

She cast a glance at Tommy, her blue eyes sparkling magically. He suddenly rushed at her, completely spellbound. She dropped into a split as he flipped over her. She somersaulted back to her feet and the two began to spar, much to the pleasure of the mall audience.

Mildred engaged Tommy in the elaborate sparring. She suddenly got a glimpse of pink out of the corner of her eye, telling her that Kimberly had arrived. She knocked Tommy off of his feet and turned to the former Pink Ranger. Mildred's eyes widened slightly, as did Kimberly's. Mildred quickly darted away as Kimberly rushed to take her place in sparring with Tommy. Smiling happily to herself, Mildred quickly vanished into the crowd as Tommy and Kimberly began to spar.

As Mildred walked away, she snapped the fingers of both hands, sending a shower of red, green, and white sparks from her fingertips. "Ya gotta love the Elf magic," Mildred giggled to herself as she walked away, bells still jingling.

Meanwhile, Kimberly and Tommy both moved with a preternatural grace that neither had possessed. Kimberly flipped away from Tommy and scooped up the candy canes in one fluid motion. She swiped them beneath his feet, knocking him onto his back, and immediately straddled his chest. She crossed her "weapons" and planted the tips of the candy canes, one on each side of his neck, as though to decapitate him. In that brief moment, both teens' eyes sparkled green and red, and the magic that had gripped them was suddenly gone.

Despite the thunderous applause and cheers that surrounded them, Tommy and Kimberly were completely alone. Both chests were completely still as they stared at each other, seemingly for the first time. Kimberly was the first to snap out of her stupor, and quickly tossed the candy canes aside. "Sorry," she murmured, standing up. She extended a hand down to him and helped him to his feet.

"It's okay," he breathed. "Uhm, would you... like to go get a cappuccino or something?"

"I'd love to," Kimberly smiled.

"And you... light up my life, you give me hope, to carry on, you light up my days, and fill my nights, with song....," Mildred sang in Disc Jockey, prompting impressed looks from the other shoppers. She smiled sheepishly and removed the headphones, giving a slight shrug in the process.

"What are you doing in here?" Mrs. Claus asked.

"It's called country music," Mildred said, lifting up a black C.D. "This girl is named LeAnn Rimes, and she is the best singer in the whole wide world. Then there is that other song, 'The River,' by this guy named Garth Brooks. Man, these people are great! I'm going to have the elves in the Music Department start piping this stuff throughout the entire compound. It's amazing!"

"Tommy and Kimberly are talking," Mrs. Claus smiled.

"I know," Mildred giggled, happily. "We'll have everything arranged by nightfall." Mildred literally hopped away, bubbling over with enthusiasm.

"I never meant to hurt you, Tommy," Kimberly said, stirring her chilling coffee with a spoon. "I just - I honestly thought it was for the best."

"Who was he?" Tommy asked nervously.

"Figment of my imagination," Kimberly sighed. "There was never another guy. I just-..."

"I know, Kimberly. It's okay. I understand, I really do."

"Are you and Kat happy?"

Tommy smiled nervously and said, "We mutually decided to break up. She's with Rocky now, actually."

"Oh?" Kimberly asked, unable to keep her eyebrows from raising. Tommy giggled, a sound Kimberly had never heard him make before. She found herself giggling along with him. "What's so funny?" she finally asked.

"Not really funny so much, as... well..."


Rather than answer with words, Tommy leaned across the small square table and gently pressed his lips against hers.

"YES!!!" a loud voice shouted suddenly, prompting the two teens to break apart with a jerk. They turned to see Mildred at a table not too far away, trying desperately to hide herself but failing.

"Is she stalking me?" Kimberly asked.

"I thought she was stalking me," Tommy answered.

"Stalking is a very ugly word," Mildred answered from across the coffee shop. "Following, yeah, I'll give you that. Stalking, no."

"Why are you following me then?" Tommy asked.

Mildred stood up from her chair and walked over to the two teens. "May I?" she asked, pulling up a chair to join them without waiting for an answer. As if on cue, the waitress walked up behind her and set a green mug, filled with a hot red liquid and topped with pure white whipped cream, before her. "Thank you."

"Who are you?" Kimberly asked nervously.

"I'm Mildred," she said. "I've told you all that like three times today. I'm an elf from the North Pole." Neither teen said anything, so she continued. "Let me get straight to the point. We need help. Big time."

"Help?" Tommy queried.

"Yeah," Mildred said. "This is a biggie, so let me just make sure you're both ready for it."

Kimberly raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "You don't actually expect us to believe you are from the North Pole, do you?"

"Santa and his wife and retiring and we need replacements," Mildred said simply. To Tommy, she said, "We've been setting you up to be Santa since you were twelve. Don't you find it just a bit convenient that you were Green, White, and Red Ranger? You know, Christmas colors. We tried to make you Gold Ranger, too, but that sort of fizzled out."

"What are you talking about?" Tommy tried, laughing nervously. "I'm not a Power Ranger."

Mildred rolled her eyes and said, "Follow me, please."

"What about Justin?" Tommy asked.

"He's gone back to the shelter with the others," Mildred told them. "Don't worry. You are both accounted for."

"It's after five o'clock," Kimberly complained. "I need to catch up with Trini and the others."

"Taken care of," Mildred said. She led them into the now empty courtyard that led up to the "North Pole." Santa Claus still sat in a green velvet chair.

"Hello Tommy, Kimberly," Santa said with a nod of his head.

"How do you know our names?" Kimberly asked.

"Come with us, dear," Mrs. Claus said, hurrying up to Kimberly's side. "Let's let the men chat for a bit."

With that, Santa Claus and Tommy were alone. "So, Tommy," Santa said, standing up. "You're probably extremely confused about all of this."

"Yeah, just a bit," Tommy answered.

"Well, here's the deal. I've been Santa Claus for a good eighty years. And Mrs. Claus and I are ready to retire. About five years ago, I started looking for a good replacement. I found you, but you still had a bit of growing up to do. So, I arranged for you to become Green Ranger, and then when you became White and Red with no help from me, I knew that you were destined to be my replacement. You're practically the embodiment of Christmas spirit!"

"You've gotta be kidding me," Tommy said. "No offense, but Santa Claus doesn't exist."

Santa Claus looked at him for a few moments and then began to laugh. "I would have thought that a Power Ranger would believe in magic," Santa said.

"Do you honestly expect me to believe in Santa Claus?" Tommy asked. "I mean, my parents bought all of my toys. My dad ate the cookies I put out on Christmas eve. Heck, last year I ate the cookies that Teddy put out. Parents buy toys for their kids. If Santa Claus is real, then why do parents still have to buy toys."

"For starters, Santa only arranges for one gift, typically a main gift," Santa began. "And the parents don't buy the gift I give. I just make them THINK that they bought the gift I give."

"Isn't that an awful lot of trouble?" Tommy asked.

"Well, I had to start doing that in the depression," Santa explained. "Magic was at an all time low and I couldn't deliver toys. That simple. So, I used up the little bit of magic I had and made parents think that Santa was just a legend. That way, kid's didn't lose faith in Santa. If a child loses faith, then there is no hope for anyone. That was the world's only saving grace."

"Santa, it's been real, but I have to go," Tommy said as he turned to leave.

"Wait," he protested. "Before you go, at least come see the reindeer and sleigh." Santa hurried up to Tommy and placed a red gloved hand on his shoulder. The two disappeared in a whirling vortex of red light that trailed up into the ceiling.

"Here we are," Santa said as the two materialized on the roof of the mall. Tommy's mouth dropped open, although nothing prepared him for the shock of seeing a sleigh with eight reindeer attached.

"It can't be," Tommy gasped, still unbelieving. The reindeer were all varying shades of brown and linked to the sleigh in pairs. The reigns were seemingly composed of light, and the runners on the sleigh were made of gold. The sleigh itself was a vibrant shade of red, with green velvet seats.

"Tommy, meet Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, and Blitzen," Santa said, gesturing toward the eight reindeer.

"No Rudolph?" Tommy asked.

"Rudolph?" Santa snorted. "Geeze, Tommy, get a grip. Rudolph was just a song from the 1930's."

"This can't be happening," Tommy said.

"But it is happening," Santa retorted. "And I'd like you to carry on my legacy."

Tommy didn't know where the words came from, but they felt natural to him. "What will I do?"

"You'll live in the North Pole, oversee the elves, and every Christmas Eve, deliver toys to all of the good children of the world. Well, not all of the kids. Some religions don’t allow for a Santa Claus. I tend to swing by those kids anyhow, though, and make sure they’re all right. You know, check up on ‘em. Most Christian denominations have Santa Claus, and a few others. But don't worry. It sounds like a daunting task, but you have to remember, as soon as you accept the responsibility, you'll have more magic than you know what to do with."

"Will I have to give up my family and friends?"

"Of course not!" Santa laughed. "You can return to Angel Grove as often as you like. You can even bring them to the North Pole. One of the perks of being Santa is that you don't have to hide it from your friends and family. You can tell whomever you like. The magic takes care of it all, so it's not a problem. At all. Whaddya say?"

"I can't believe this," Tommy said. "This is just unreal." Santa gave Tommy one last pleading look. "I'll do it."

"He just accepted!" Mildred cried happily.

"I'm not totally sure I believe in Santa," Kimberly said warily.

"Come on," Mrs. Claus said, taking her hand. "We have to go to the North Pole." The three women disappeared in a glimmering cloud of red, white, and green sparkles of light.

"Let's hit the skies," Mildred said, hopping into the back seat of the sleigh.

"Kimberly?" Tommy asked.

"I'm coming, too," she said with a sheepish smile.

"There has to be a Mrs. Claus," Mrs. Claus answered.

"Oh?" Tommy asked, raising his eyebrow. "What are you saying?"

"Why don't you two go talk for a few minutes," Santa suggested. "We're gonna go ahead and head for the North Pole, but we'll make sure you get there when you're ready."

He got into the sleigh, as Mrs. Claus sat at his side. "Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!" With that, the eight reindeer began to run the length of the roof. A few feet later, silver sparks of light began to glance off of the reindeer' hooves and they lifted into the sky. Tommy and Kimberly watched in awe as the red sleigh disappeared over the horizon.

"This is amazing," Kimberly whispered.

"I think we're supposed to be talking," Tommy sighed.

"Yeah," Kimberly agreed.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush," Tommy said simply. "I love you with all of my heart. I never stopped loving you and I never will. I've already agreed to take on this new job, and nothing would make me happier than for you to do this with me."

"So... we're gonna get married?" Kimberly asked with a smile.

"I... guess?" Tommy asked. "Is that okay?"

Kimberly's answer was to pull Tommy's face down to hers and kiss him. The two didn't even realize they had been teleported until they opened their eyes at the North Pole.

"Whaddya think of this place?" Mildred asked, smiling.

Kimberly and Tommy were standing on a balcony that overlooked a huge room. Elves of all ages, sizes, and ethnicities were hard at work. Some were wrapping packages, others were making presents, and still others just seemed to be running about in a state of organized chaos. Elaborately decorated Christmas trees were everywhere. Greenery and white lights were strung about various balconies and stairwells that dotted the entire perimeter of the workshop. A small train track snaked through the room. On one wall was a large doorway that led outside, although despite the heavy snow beyond the door, no cold air seemed to be getting in. Two polar bears were sleeping near the doorway, seemingly quite content. Large baubles hung from the ceiling, reflecting the lights from all of the Christmas lights below.

"It's beautiful," Tommy sighed.

"And it's all yours," Santa said. "Today is December 20. We have to perform the exchange of power on December 23. But, you do have some loose ends to tie up in Angel Grove, correct?"

"Yeah," Kimberly said, nodding woodenly. "This is just-"

"It's fast," Mrs. Claus nodded. "You're probably wondering why we're giving all of this up, and a bunch of other conflicting emotions. Well, don't worry about that for now."

"Here," Mildred said. She opened her hand, and two round orbs tumbled from it. They were each attached to a long red rope, which she placed around Tommy and Kimberly's necks. "You'll have a lot of explaining to do back home. If you're wearing these, things will go much more smoothly."

Tommy looked closely at the glowing orb. It appeared to be made of glass. Within it, a snowstorm was perpetually raging. "Magic?" Tommy asked.

"Nearly everything here is magic," Santa answered. "On the 23rd, we'll get you back here, I'll give you the rundown of everything, and then we'll get you two married."

December 23

Tommy and Kimberly had explained everything to their friends and families. As Mildred had assured them, the magical quality of their orbs had enabled them to convince everyone it was the truth. The orbs, in fact, were the only things that kept Tommy and Kimberly believing it.

"I can't believe we're back together," Tommy sighed happily, burying his face in Kimberly's hair as he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

"I've never been happier," Kimberly agreed. "I'm gonna be Mrs. Kimberly Oliver."

"Actually, I think you're going to be Mrs. Kimberly Claus," Tommy said. "I think we have to change our last name."

"I don't care," Kimberly sighed. "So long as you're there with me."

Neither was expecting the teleport that followed.

"You're wondering why I'm passing the torch, aren't you?" Santa asked Tommy before the procedure that would officially make Tommy the new Santa Claus.

"Yeah," Tommy said. "I have."

"Well, for the same reason that you passed your red Powers to TJ. It's time for me to move on. My wife and I have others things we need to do," Santa explained. "Retirement in Florida. We deserve a break. It happens every eight years or so. Eventually, you'll find a replacement as well. If you wish. You won't have to. But everyone does. Ready?"

"What exactly do I do?" Tommy asked.

"Do you accept the responsibility of Santa Claus?"

"Yes," Tommy said. Santa Claus reached out to shake his hand, and red light overwhelmed Tommy's body. There was a bright flash of light, and he was immediately clad in a red Santa suit. The old Santa Claus was suddenly just an ordinary old man in a windsuit. "My body," Tommy said, patting himself down. "I thought it would change."

"It will," Santa answered, "but only on Christmas Eve unless you make it happen. Just a few more things and we'll be ready to leave. You two need to get married, and I need to say goodbye to my elves."

"Come, Tommy," Mildred said. "I'll take you to the minister. Kimberly is waiting."

The newly married Santa and Kimberly Claus stood with the old Santa Claus and his wife, now known as Rachel and William Arquette. The two had just finished their good-byes to the elves. "Don't forget to write," Mildred smiled.

"Send us home, Santa," William said with a smile.

"Goodbye," Tommy Claus said simply as he extended his hand. Red light flowed from his fingertips and swirled around the elderly couple. They disappeared from the North Pole and headed into a new life in southern Florida.

"Well," Mildred remarked, turning to face her new boss. "You two probably want to spend some time together. You know where the master bedroom is. Tommy, or Santa, whichever you prefer, you'll need to be back here in twenty-four hours. Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." Smiling, she added, "Have fun."

"So," Tommy said to Kimberly.

"So...," Kimberly agreed. She slipped an arm inside his and said, "Let us go, Mr. Claus."

Tommy slowly kissed a path down Kimberly's neck. "I can't," Kimberly said, hopping off of the bed.

"Huh?" Tommy croaked.

"I can't make love to you at the North Pole this close to Christmas," Kimberly complained. "I just can't get rid of the nagging feeling that Jesus is watching."

"Kimberly, we're married," Tommy told her. "Jesus doesn't mind if we're married."

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Kimberly agreed. She pulled her red velvet dress up enough to crawl back over to Tommy on the bed. "You're right. We're man and wife, now. Oh wow. That's amazing to say. We're married."

Tommy gave her a slow kiss, but she broke away again. "Sorry."

"Is it me, or-?" Tommy began.

"No," Kimberly assured him. "It's not you. There isn't anything I want to do more than this. I just - not here, not now."

"How about a honeymoon suite in the Caribbean?" Tommy tried. "Would that freak you out?"

"That could work," Kimberly said thoughtfully. Tommy touched his hand to hers, and the entire world swirled with red light. When things turned to normal, the two were sitting on a different bed in a different room in a different building. "Is this room paid for?"

"Santa has connections," Tommy told her, making the reservation slip appear in his hands. Laughing nervously, he said, "Can we try again?"

As Tommy began to slowly kiss her, Kimberly realized her emotional hang-up was gone.

December 24
10:00 a.m. NPT (North Pole Time)

Tommy placed his magical sack of presents in the back of his sleigh. Claudia, his navigation expert, have given Tommy the best course to take. Even with the abilities of time and reality distortion, it was still quite a trip to deliver presents across the entire globe. "I think you're ready to go, Santa," Mildred said.

"I think I am, too," Tommy agreed.

"Good luck, sweetie," Kimberly said, giving her husband a quick kiss. Tommy no longer looked like he had the day before, or how he would look the next day. He was a large portly man with short hair in back and a neatly trimmed beard in front, all of which was snow white. "Be careful."

Tommy nodded and took the lighted reigns in his hands. "Now Dasher! Now Dancer! Now Prancer and Vixen! On Comet, on Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!" The eight reindeer began to run. The twin runners on his sleigh left parallel marks into the snow, until they lifted into the star-lit snowy sky. Tommy's "Ho Ho Ho"'s could be heard long after he was just a red speck in the sky.

There were a few people to which Tommy gave extra special gifts. To Zack, he gave the desire to make one more attempt to win Angela's love. To compliment that gift, he made Angela open her eyes and realize that she actually did love Zack. He gave Billy and Trini the ability to get past their awkwardness around each other and profess their shared love. Aisha was given the knowledge to determine the malady that cursed the animals of her tribe in Africa, so that she could return to Angel Grove. He gave Rocky and Katherine the courage to get engaged, a gift also given to Jason and Emily, and Tanya and Adam. To Justin's father was given a job in Angel Grove so that he could return home to his son. To the current team of Turbo Rangers, he gave the gift of protection for a full year. The gift, of course, would be renewed the next Christmas Eve.

Tommy's last rounds were made in Angel Grove. As he left Little Angel's Haven, his very last stop, he gave a loud, cheerful cry that was quickly lost in the darkness of the night. "Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!!!" He then returned to the arms of his wife at their home, the North Pole.

The End