The First And Second In Command

Disclaimer: The usual stuff. Most, if not all, of the characters in this story are mine and are the rightful properties of Saban/Toei Entertainment. Blah, blah, blah, -blah-blah-blah…

Power Rangers: Loss of a Legacy
Book One
Chapter One: The First And Second In Command
By Pharoh

Jason sat up with a start! He heard a scream, a woman’s scream!

“Trini!” he was mentally slapping himself for thinking that Trini’s scream was his alarm clock. That Quantron had hit him pretty hard though. How long had he been out since the Peace Conference had been… attacked? Then something started to make sense and no sense. “Quantrons? Peace Conference? Jason thought. He turned and saw Trini Kwan, his friend and comrade in arms with her back to him floating two feet above the ground. “Trini? This never happened. None of this ever happened…” he shook his head in denial, attempting to wake himself from what he assumed had to be a dream.

Suddenly a bright light caught his eye and Jason was stunned to see that the light was coming from Trini. Enveloped in a pillar of golden light that seemed to cause it’s own updraft, flapping Trini’s long hair and loose shirt upwards, the light seemed to be coming from Trini herself. She floated on the tips of her toes with her entire body tensed as if concentrating body and soul.

The Quantrons surrounded her menacingly but warily. Then, without warning, she raised her arms to her sides and everything around her flew way from her, much like the epicenter of a tornado. Jason was thrown back as well, roughly twenty feet, albeit not as forcefully, the Quantrons were friction burned to nothing in mid-air. He looked up and saw that Trini’s light was gone but behind her he saw a golden wave of light moving towards her and turning the remaining Quantrons to dust. The light washes over Trini and…

“Jason.” Trini said with eerie calmness but he eyes overflowing with tears. “He said- “ Suddenly Jason shot up from his bed in his dorm room. "NOOOO!” he called out. “DON’T SAY IT!! DON’T GO!

“Don’t worry man…” Jason’s roommate, Dexter Stewart chuckled. “I’m only going help my family move into their new home. I’ll be back soon.”

“Huh?” Jason slowly began to remember. “Oh, aw, man! It happened again…”

“You had that nightmare again?” Dexter asked with genuine concern. He dropped his duffel bag and sat down on the bed beside Jason. “That’s three times in four days. I thought you had gotten over it. You’ve been like this since the invasion.”

“Yeah… I know…” Jason mumbled distantly as he stared into space.

“Look, it’s probably because of all these familiar surroundings. Why don’t you come over and stay with my family and me for a few days? All the classes have been cancelled; if not destroyed because of the attack.”

“I thought you said you going to help them move into a new place.”

“Well what I really meant was set up my room in the new place. They’ve all pretty much settled in themselves.” Dexter explained.

“Where is this new place?”

“Angel Grove. Been there?”

“… I’ll… I’ll think about it Dexter.” Jason sighed reluctantly.

“Hey, I know we’ve only been roommates for a few weeks because the freshman’s dorm was trashed but, could you just call me … ‘Dex’ from now on?”

“… Sure… Dex.” Jason complied with a smile.

There was a sound of a horn beeping from out front.

“DEX!” a young blonde-haired woman from a drop-top convertible called impatiently.

“Be right down Molly! Sorry!” Dex called from the second story window. He turned and as usual stumbled over himself. His belongings scattering all over the floor. Jason hopped out of bed to help him pick up, but Dex was constantly picking up one item and dropping two more. Molly’s car horn blared impatiently outside. Somehow they managed to gather everything up and Jason said that he would toss whatever Dex could not carry out the window for him to catch.

As Dex scrambled out the door, Jason dragged the duffel bag Dex decided for Jason to toss out for him to catch. Jason wondered, why on earth would Dex choose this bag to toss? It must have weighed a ton. He looked out the window, saw a beautiful shorthaired blonde-haired woman sitting in a drop-top buggy, and was surprised to see Dex dump his stuff in the back seat.

“Oh, c’mon… He can’t be that lucky and he just got here…” Jason groaned.

“Okay!” Dex called from below with receptive wide arms. “Booms away!”

“Huh? Oh, hey, Dex… I don’t think this is such a good idea…” Jason said concerned.

Dex looked back at Molly and saw signs that she was becoming increasingly impatient. That would make her impossible on the long trip home.

“Just toss it down.” Dex called up in a hushed tone. “I don’t want her mad at me…”

Jason heaved the bag up and much as he could onto the windowsill. “I don’t know man, this bag’s pretty heavy.” He grunted as he edged it forward.

“Dexxxxxx…” Molly growled angrily through her teeth.

“Dex, look man this might…” Suddenly the bag fell out of Jason’s hands, no more like pulled! “Dex! Watch out!” He reached in vain for the bag but suddenly realized that he need not worry. Dex caught the bag without any signs of any effort what so ever.

He waved goodbye/thanks wave to the awestruck Jason and jumped in the car. Jason could have sworn that the bag was floating more than Dex carrying it.

Dex wave goodbye as Molly shifted the gear into drive and noted to Dex:

“By the way Dex, its ‘bombs away’, okay?”

Jason pulled himself back inside and slumped down on his bed.

“Man!” he thought. “I’ve a Power Ranger too long.” He chuckled to himself. However, it was only momentary for the joke caused him to remember why he was having the dream. He remembered last night that he had heard that on the radio that a ‘Tribute to Zordon’ was going to be held in Angel Grove.

He remembered his initial shock that Zordon’s name was actually mentioned on public radio. He sighed heavily as he remembered how much better thing were a week ago. The world was celebrating their near miss with doom, and Jason remember that he wasn’t worried about the Rangers and knew that somehow, Zordon and the Power Rangers ZEO had done it again. He knew Tommy would come through for him. When he returned the Gold Ranger powers to Trey, he saw a team capable of taking on anything and with the most capable of leaders: his best friend, Tommy Oliver. Even when the Salvation Wave washed over him and he could have sworn he heard Zordon’s voice tell him: ‘good-bye’. Naturally, he passed it off as his imagination for he had complete trust that the Rangers would not let anything happen to Zordon. However, after what he heard on the news he was not so sure of the Rangers anymore.

Jason shook his head and tried shrug off the idea, but it kept returning… Was Zordon dead? The announcer only said a Tribute for him, not a memorial.

Jason decided that a walk would clear up his head. It always did before. After getting dressed, he gathered up his backpack and as headed out of the dorm he noticed that the walk was different this time. No matter how he tried to block it out, everywhere he went there was the debris and destruction to remind him of the invasion, which led up to Zordon’s…

“NO!” Jason screamed so loud in his mind that he almost did not stifle his scream. He looked around to see if anyone noticed; that was when he noticed that he was standing in the driveway outside of the university’s campus. He had been so deep in thought that he did not notice how far he was walking from the dorm.

No one was in sight. Jason sat down on the curb, he was tired; not physically, but mentally and emotionally tired from hiding his anxiety. He feared the worst and wondered should he go to Angel Grove. He was afraid of what he may find out.

Suddenly, a black convertible Impala screeched to a halt inches in front of Jason. Jason back-rolled to his feet into a fighting stance. For a moment he could not see the driver because of the intense sunlight reflecting off it’s shiny ebony surface. He heard the driver laughing. The driver, apparently stepped out of his car, and sat on the hood, blocking the glare of the sun.

“What’s so funny jerk?” Jason snapped angrily. The driver continued laughing and Jason suddenly recognized the laugh as his vision started to return.

“Man, you still got it in you man, but you’ve gotten slow.” Zack chuckled heartily.

“Zack! M'man!” Jason smiled dropping his guards to walk over to Zack and give him their traditional slap-shake. “What’re you doing here?”

Zack’s smile suddenly shrank to a forced grin. “Get in.”

At first, Jason did not understand, but it took only a moment for him to comply and he and Zack took off back to Jason’s dorm, to prepare for a trip to Angel Grove.

The End...For Now