Last Rites of The Captain

Disclaimer: The usual stuff. Most, if not all, of the characters in this story are mine and are the rightful properties of Saban/Toei Entertainment. Blah, blah, blah, -blah-blah-blah…

Power Rangers: Loss of a Legacy
Book One
Chapter Seven: Last Rites of the Captain
By Pharoh

“No!” he screamed and shot upright in his bed. He was drenched in a cold sweat. “[Sigh] not again.” He moaned.

“Andros…” came the electronic voice of D.E.C.A. “I’ve been monitoring your sleeping habits of late and I would like to advice-“

“Save it D.E.C.A., alright?”

"Save What, Andros?"

Andros shook his head drowsily. He had been around terrans too long. D.E.C.A. made her usual

“Then maybe you’ll want to talk to me.”

Andros turned his head so fast he popped a nerve in his neck. “Ashley!?”

“What’s wrong Andros?” she said sternly; she knew how stubborn and withdrawn Andros could be. It was the way he was when she first met him.


“Don’t give me that! Look at you! You’re soaking wet with sweat! Is this about Karone?”

“Ashley… no…” he responded hesitantly. “Not really…”

“Then what ‘really’?”

Andros was getting a little peeved at Ashley’s interrogative attitude. He was still Commander of this ship!

“What’s brought this on?” he retaliated, gently but still sharp. “And what’re you doing in my quarters?”

“Andros….” She sighed. “Look, I don’t want to fight. I mean there’s no reason to fight anymore; not monsters or evil empires, and definitely not ourselves.” She pulled up a chair and sat down by his beside. Andros sat up and turned towards Ashley, his arms braces against his knees. He couldn’t look her in the eyes as he spoke.

“It’s just that… there’s been so much going on so fast. What do I do now? I mean, I always dreamt of becoming a Space Ranger when I was growing up. To fight evil, wander the galaxy… I never thought that I would put myself, not to mention every other Ranger out of business.”

“Andros…” Ashley giggled. “That’s silly.”

“Really? What do I do now Ashley? All I know and ever wanted to be was a Ranger.”

“…And find your sister.” Ashley added.

Andros looked at her. A look of revelation on his face, then, he smiled. “That’ s right.”

“Plus, I wouldn’t worry too much about quitting the Ranger-business too soon. There are still a whole galaxy of planets who don’t know about the whole Astronema/Karone thing.”

Andros’ smile vanished. “Thanks Ash. Thanks.”

Ashley grimaced as she realized her poor choice of words. She wanted to say something but instead gave him a quick kiss on the forehead. Then, she stood up and turned for the door.

“Good night Andros. Get some sleep… now. You’ve got to meet with that science team…” she struggled for the name.

“Professor Kubota, of I.N.E.T and his science and technology team.” Andros finished her sentence for her but with distaste.

“Andros… You’re making the right decision…” she said just before the cabin door slid close.

“Then how come I don’t feel like it.” Andros mumbled to himself and rolled back under his sheets. Suddenly, he sat up again.


“Yes Andros.”

“Activate personal quarters-privacy grid. No one enters or monitors my quarters without my vocal authorization; coded 5433-Andros… initiate.

“Code accepted.”

“Also, trace Ashley and notify me once she’s in quarters and asleep. If I’m not awake when she is wake me up. Understand?”

“Understood Andros.”

“…And D.E.C.A….”

“Yes, Andros.”

“Address me as Captain. At least until the Mega-Shuttle is put into dry-dock, okay?”

D.E.C.A. made a series of conflicting bleeps.

“Records show that you specifically instructed me not to address you as- in that manner when you first assumed-!”

“I know D.E.C.A.” he paused. “It’s sort of selfish of me, but I just realized that this may be my last time at the helm. I just like to look back and at least remember that I was also a Captain and not just an ‘ex-Ranger’. …Permission to overwrite recorded command granted.”

D.E.C.A. again may of series of bleeps, this time with dramatic pauses as if ‘she’ were hesitant to execute the command.

“Besides…” Andros thought to himself. “It might stop myself from hearing me called another name: Zordon’s-!”

“Execute. File deleted. Personnel file designate: Captain Andros updated.”

“Thank you D.E.C.A.”

“You are welcome, …Captain Andros.”

Andros rolled back under his sheets. He sighed as he drifted off to sleep. Tomorrow, he would give away a part of his soul, a comrade in arms, an old friend. Tomorrow, he would give the Astro-Mega shuttle away… and with it, the Astro-Mega Zord…

The End...For Now