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  • 8/19/99

    I added a screenshot of Population: Zero so you could finally see it after a year of waiting. Also, the game has been upped to 86% complete. Hehe.

  • 8/17/99

    Holy cripes! Its been almost a year since new stuff has been added. Sorry to pull a David Zohrob on you guys! I have a new game here, Macincrash, and have updated the Projects page. Pop Zero has been upped to 85%, Unibrow 2 to 50%, and Holo 2 to 10%. Also, the About page was added to the front. As for the Tip Of The Week...eh, well..you can't always get what you want.

  • 9/18/98

    QBasic Central reaches 1000 hits! *sniff!* Pop Zero was upped to 60% complete, also a new link was added.

  • 9/13/98

    The status of Pop Zero was upgraded to 50% complete. A new game was announced, Holocaust 2: Riptide. Also a new Tip of the Week.

  • 8/31/98

    More info about that mysterious Population: Zero on the new Projects page! Improve your programming skills with the Contests! New QB Tip of the Week

  • 8/23/98

    Casino Royale and Truckin' USA are new games on the Games page! Also, a new Tip of the Week.

  • 8/15/98

    New pages include tutorials and awards. Adios, message board. Also, Tip of the Week and new link colors!

  • 8/02/98

    Check out the QBasic Tip of the Week...this special section located on the main page will give you fun, informative tips each week.

  • 7/18/98

    Poing was added to the download page. Also, a new section called Four Feet Under was introduced, a small library of my embarassing "dead" games. Also, visit the new Links page, which brandishes some of my favorite QBasic links.

  • 7/09/98

    Duel 2 has been added to the page.

  • 7/08/98

    Visit the new message board!

  • 7/05/98

    Among the new stuff includes a guestbook, a logo and other screenshots, and a download of my newest game, Duel. Enjoy!

  • 7/04/98

    I added a guestbook, and I'm hoping I will get a download for you all to...well...download, tomorrow.

  • 7/03/98

    What isn't new? This morning I sucessfully registered with Angelfire and got my page a-runnin'.

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