Page 7

Warning: These pictures were NOT taken with a zoom camera... right Rebby? Hehe... Sorry about all of the hands in these pictures. I wish that a certain somebody (you know who you are) wasn't RIGHT IN FRONT OF US... Hoochie Momma... you and your cheap perfume, bleached white hair, and WAY too much make-up. And yes, we know that you got invited up on stage, but that was a major mistake, poor Jeff didn't have a good view of you. Don't think that we were the only ones complaining... that poor girl next to you looked like she was going to cry, and that mom sitting behind you looked like she was going to throw up because of your perfume. The concert was great, I wish you weren't there :) Please don't ever sit in front of us again :) Okay, enough complaining... on to the eye candy. Enjoy.

Drew   Jeff   Justin  

Jeff   Drew   Jeff  

Justin & Nick   Jeff   Nick & their wardrobe person  

All pictures on this page are © Copyright 1999 - Say Cheese, 98 Degrees and may not be used or altered in any way unless you have written permission from the webmasters. All rights reserved.