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ASHLEY: Asher basher, What's the matter hon, don't you like the pattern?, Eye Shopping, Oh Scotland, Scotland (ORG), Face Check, Your cat is cute but he looks a little bit like a fly, Jason a.k.a. slug, your chichoo, english class with doubtfire, and someone is obsessed big time with Britney Spears! The 80 dollar kareoke room! A really good buddy : )

JACQUELINE: Hello Kate My Mate! Remember how my grandma used to tell us how you would run up to me in kindergarten and yell my name?? Playing barbies for hours! Kareoke birthday parties.. IT'S MY PARTY AND I CAN CRY IF I WANT TO! Someone is a little too obsessed with Mathew Good Band. Peeing in a pot! You are also one of my best friends : )

LAURA (my little sis): Reading books to you before you went to bed and making sure that you were "listening", singing songs on car trips with dad, 90210, when I used to pronounce your name as "yora", the beautiful new haircut I gave you, the scribbles you wrote in your diary (which I never went into) and the way you insisted that it was your language and you could understand it. Getting mad at who said goodnight to mom first and opening our eyes when it was time to go to sleep. The house upon the trailor was gone! We have so many memories and you are the best sister even though we fight a lot (we always make up in the end!). You are one of my best friends.

PETER: My OK Peter, I care about you so much and my feelings for you get stronger every day. You are so important to me and I am very happy when I'm with you. I will never forget you going down that slide at the ex, and getting sprayed by water from that "port o potty". The Best Western (you know which one) will always be our hotel, "Thought I saw a man watching me", whispered "I love you's", samosas, chilli chicken and fish on rice, the Zipper ride, I love you with all my heart and all my soul. xoxo

CHERYL: You are my work buddy! You and I have had our share of "losers" haha, but we are strong and we know that there are always better guys out there. We share so many laughs and I hope we can always be friends! P.S. Leslie is my boyfriend and I'm also stealing Alex from you, haha

SARAH: You are my other work buddy. We also share a lot of laughs, especially since we are both so bad at finding people's houses *ahem, cheryl's* haha, and we're also bad at remembering where we park at wonderland. haha. Maybe next time we go to Niagra Falls, we won't end up in another country!! hehe luv ya!

WILL: You are, like, the only on of my exes that I am still friends with. Even though you don't call and we never do stuff, you are for some strange reason still my friend. Hope you enjoyed the fireworks from the car and tell Oakley that I love him. XO

TRACY: You are the best and you always have something positive to say about everyone and I think that is a really special quality in a person. I'm glad that u and I have gotten to be closer now that we're neighbours and we share our washroom! You are a sweet girl and hopefully we'll bond even more during the Montessori school year.

MITCHIE: You, me and the group always have so many laughs and we have really bonded over the year. I remember going on the trip with Sarah Fox's class last summer and we didn't know each other and I was too shy to say anything to you then but I'm happy we are friends now!

SIMON and ANDREW: I like calling Simon "Seemon" haha I love doing things with you and Andrew too because we always have so many laughs and we always manage to have an interesting time! You guys are my "Tai co's" (I think that's hakka for big brothers)Keep up the drawing Simon, never stop because you're way too good at it. One day when you're a famous artist, I hope you remember me. haha, :P WHO'S YOUR BANK? I love the Arnold impersonations hehe and we have to get lives and stop invading daybreak so much. j/k ;p luv you guys!

See what Care Bear you are.