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When smoke gets in your eyes,
And you're about to cry,
I will be here.
When the days don't seem to end,
And you just need a friend,
I will be here.
Through thick and thin,
All the outs and ins,
I will still be here.
When life gets to hard,
And you can't get rid of your cards,
I will be here
When you are filled with anger,
And pain won't stop the hunger,
I will be here.
No matter the moment,
When you can't get over it,
I will be here.
And in a hundred years,
You can still call me dear,
As I will still be here.

Lovely Girl
Lovely girl, The future I see in you eyes. The lovely blues, Leave an impression in my mind, Like waves in the sand. The beaches of my mind span as far as I can see. And all I see is you, Standing so firm upon the waves, yet I shake, Atop the sand. Help me to stand like you, Upon the water. Help me to see through the mist.

Thoughts of Sitting
While I sit here,
Falling asleep,
I think of you.
I think of how the two of us,
loved and lived.
I remember how you smiled,
and what you said.
As my eyes burn, 
I think of you.
Wondering if it can ever be again,
as it was.
Your other relationships 
lasted mere seconds compared to us.
Why must you act like that?
To end it so easily,
with such carelessness,
like I was some paltry little being.
The pain is unremitting.

And with this last kiss from my love, I can die. I walked a hundred thousand miles, Over hot sand and freezing ground, Just to caress her face. Now as I fall at her feet, I breathe my last, A single tear falls from my eye, And into an abyss of emptiness. Waiting only for her to join me. I bide my time in this murky residence all my thoughts are of her but while I wait, she to is kissed by death. She has forgotten all about me and thinks of her new love leaving me, alone in the shadows. With no one left, To kiss.

My Prayer
Come and follow me down this dark, dank tunnel. I will lead you to the light everlasting. May the Lord grant us a quiet night and a perfect end to this journey. Our quest is not one of body but of mind. It is never ending and always difficult. Struggles only make us stronger in the days after we are weak. Christ guides us when we fail to do our best, and he asks nothing in return. He is love, He is caring, and He is forever. A question never answered and an answer never questioned. Together as one, we shall live in the Kingdom of God forever.

My Love
Every time I look at you, I become whole. Every thing in me is at peace. When I see you smile, my heart skips a beat. When I see you frown, I die inside You fill a void in me, all I wish is to make you happy, and make you feel whole, make you smile, every day. When I look into your eyes; my mind goes blank, everything disappears. Only you remain. Come warm the cold in my heart. Let me love you more. My angel, every word from your lips is so soothing and so sweet. Touch my heart, let me touch yours. We shall be together forever, if we only you would trust with all our heart, soul, and body.

Prom night
The night when all other care fades,
Except the happiness of that one special girl.
One look from her makes all the money
you dished out worth every cent.
Getting up the nerve to ask her,
the hundred some dollar tuxedo
that you will only wear once,
the twenty on those flowers,
and the fifteen to get that
special wash and wax.
Everything goes away when
you step onto the dance floor
and you look into her eyes.
All you can think about is
if you are dancing the right way, a
nd when the next slow dance is coming.
The way there is filled with anticipation,
Then the way home is filled with recollection,
and a felling of wonder.
Was it all worth the money?
Just one glance at her sleeping there
with that big smile on her face
is the only answer you will ever need.

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