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Agnosticism is a term coined by Thomas Huxley in 1869. It is an individual who does not believe knowledge of the divine is possible. They feel that man’s mind cannot comprehend the nature of the ultimate reality or the existence of God. In short, man does not know. Huxley held that no belief should be accepted without evidence and an omnipotent and omniscient being might exist but he saw no evidence for it.

Agnosticism has two roots, first an epistemological one and second a moral one. The epistemological root describes an appeal to science seen as the model for all knowledge. The second is the moral root in which it is considered immoral to hold beliefs not adequately supported by evidence.

As well, there are two principle types of agnosticism, the agnostic theist and the agnostic atheist. The agnostic theist believes in a god but says knowledge of its nature is impossible. Agnostic atheism does not believe knowledge of a supernatural being or its nature is possible. We cannot know the unknowable hence we are unable to possess knowledge of its existence.

Agnosticsim separates those who believe reason cannot explain the supernatural from those who defend reason’s ability to affirm or negate theistic belief. It maintains that neither theism or atheism can provide justification for their claims and so rejects both.

Who are some of the more prominent agnostics? The skeptics including Pyrrho and Sextus Empiricus said man could not gain central knowledge and developed most of the doubts and questions used by modern agnostics.

David Hume doubted there is adequate evidence for miracles, immortality, and belief in God. He suggested faith might be maintained independent of empirical evidence.

Herbert Spencer rejected all traditional doctrines of God and felt the power which the universe manifests to us is inscrutable.

William James said it was better to risk error and find truth than not to stand and live in ignorance. Religious decision was a matter of moral decision than scientific inquiry.


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