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My Awards Page!

Check It Out! Another One!!

Thanks So Much, Ises!

This is so great! I think it's going to my head!

Thanks so much!

Gee, Just received one more! 9-12-99

Thanks Dunway!

Wow! someone's still finding me! 4-28-01 CONGRATULATIONS!!!

The Original HugSmiles "A Step Beyond" Award Number(40)

Enjoy your Hug Award!

Thanks a bunch! I'm enjoying it!

Pages I Made

My Homepage
Need A Smile
How 'bout A Grin
Humor Me
A Friend
A Hard Day
My Little Angel
Accept Me
ABC Friendship
Butt Prints
Halloween 1
Santa's Coming
Winter Fun

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. I hope you have a moment to sign my guestbook. Please come back and have a nice day! See ya' Cheryl :o)