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Happy Mother's Day!

Hi Mom,
I wanted to get you
something special this year.
I thought and thought about it...
This is what I came up with!
I hope you like it...

Here is a page dedicated to
The best mom ever! Mine,

Gloria Cook

You are the best mom
anyone could have...
I mean that!
I know this year has been tough
But that just makes it all
The better! Making our bond stronger
You've always been there for me
Thru the good, bad, and in between...
I want you to know that
I'll always be there for you!
I may not always show it
More than you may know!
I wish you all the happiness
Life can bring!
Here's to...
The Best Mother's Day Ever!

This was made just for you!
With all my love, Babe

Happy Mother's Day!

May today,
And all the days
That follow, be filled
With Love and Laughter...

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Pages I Made

My Homepage
Need A Smile
How 'bout A Grin
Humor Me
A Friend
A Hard Day
My Little Angel
Accept Me
ABC Friendship
Butt Prints
Halloween 1
Santa's Coming
Winter Fun