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Winnie The Pooh

This One's For You,

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Pages I Made

My Homepage
Need A Smile
How 'bout A Grin
Humor Me
A Friend
A Hard Day
My Little Angel
Accept Me
ABC Friendship
Butt Prints
Halloween 1
Santa's Coming
Winter Fun
Merry Christmas

Well, Alright!
This Pooh page just won an award!

Thanks so much! Oct.11,1999

Links To More Pooh!

Great Pooh Cards Here

Parriet's Pooh Place

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I Just found this in my guestbook!

11-3-99 Thanks!

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P-P-Piglet's P-P-Pooh Ring Fragment

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is owned by Cheryl.

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Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. This page was made for my mom, who loves pooh! I Hope she likes it! See ya' Cheryl