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Teen Girl Power - September 1999

TGP - So how many hotel rooms have you trashed?

AJ - Probably a couple here and there. I broke a lamp once - I just got really mad one night and punched it. It didn't hurt my hand but it hurt the lamp! I've thrown glasses out of the window and chucked fruit at cars to see if it hits them. Someimes you get so bored, you want to riot for a while.

TGP - Have you thought of going crazy with your appearance as well??

AJ - No! I would fancy going bald, though - maybe for the next tour in the U.K.. They're more acceptable of strange hairstyles there! Im already receeding a little (Absolutely backstreet dictionary : meaning he's losing his hair!) bit so I'm tempted to say "What the hell shave it all off!!"

TGP - When was the last time you really had a night on the town?

AJ - A year ago when we were in Paris. We stayed out till 4:30 am at this club called The Bourgeois, where all the artists go in town. They were playing old 70's songs and hip-hop. We had to get up at 5:30 am to catch a flight but we missed it and ended up having a completly hellatious day!

TGP - Have you ever been in trouble with the law?

AJ - Only in school. We had the police officers there to break up fights, but I got in trouble because the girl I was dating went to class on the other side of the campus so I'd walk her back after lunch and be late!

TGP - Have you ever "mooned" somebody?

AJ - We've done it on the tour bus a couple of times when the gys in our band bus pulled up next to us at traffic lights. But we dont "moon" anyone else. I dont want strangers taking pictures of my rear!!

TGP - How much money would it take for you to pose nude?

AJ - Wow! I thing its a matter of wether its done tastfully or not. Have you seen the pictures of David Duchovny from the X-Files, where he's just got a little teacup covering his crotch?? I wouldn;t mind that, but totally nude isn't me.

TGP - Have you ever kissed more then one girl in a night?

AJ - At my eight grade dance, when I was 14, I kissed my girlfriend on the dance floor. Then when she'd gone home, I kissed another girl. Then she left and I went with some other girls and kissed all of them!! I kissed quite a few girls that nite!

TGP - If you can have a party right now, which three celebs would you invite?

AJ - Jim Carey 'cause he'd be a laugh, Geri Halliwell 'cause she's a loon, and Geena Davis 'cause I've been head over heels for her for ages!

TGP - Whats your idea of a wild time?

AJ - Being able to do whatever you want and not care about the consequences. Doing things you thought you'd never do, like skydiving naked, so when your old you don't say "Darn I wish I'd done that!" You can say, "I've lived a bit!"

