I would like to thank the following for help (directly or indirectly).
1. "The Berry and the Poison" by Jeff Wheelwright. Smithsonian, December,1996.
2. "Ichigo to Berry no Okashi" by Hiromi Hamada. March 15, 1998. Sekaibunkasha Publish.
3. http://www.jamm.com/strawberry/index.html
4. http://www.calstrawberry.com/menuhome.html
5. http://members.xoom.com/bfwg/bana1/index.html
6. http://www.4yeo.com/USERS/food/strawb.htm
1. Produced by Gallery A.P.J. graphic station.
2. Art Unlimited Amsterdam
3. Designed by Kaori Suzuki