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~frenz 4ever~

Herez my kik-frenz aite!!

if i 4got n e 1...n i kno i missed LOTS of ppl...sorri...juss tell me n i'll fix u up dere kk?

lotz of ~luv~ n ~hugz~

~mac n bethune~

alan~ hihi!! stop thinking ur weird cuz everyone is!! thanx 4 alwayz being a ~swt~ friend n stay funn!! =Þ i can't think!! it's too early!! so what up? n e thing new that i should kno?? lol!! j/k...n e wayz...i hope 2 c u online more cuz ur always screwing up ur cpu!! ~BAD BOI~ hehehe!! u kno i'm kidding rite? mb u should get a new cpu...=D oké..~bye~ =P don't get ppl mad n e more!!

richie~ hihi bro!! ur my KOOLEST bro ever!! n e way...i kno i don't make sense but *shhhhhhhhhhhh* don't tell n e 1!! hehe!! so what up?? u kno what?? i think u should stop getting soooooooooooooooooooo many t shirts!! hehe!! u don't rilly need THAT many!! =Þ n u better wake up early cuz i don't wanna hear u whining bout me calling u in the morning n waking u up!! j/k!! n e wayz...hav lots n lots n lots n lots n lots of funn @ skool!! hehehe!! n juss cuz i go 2 a diff skool u better not 4get ur swt swt kute kute sis!! kk?? u HAV to promise!! but course u won't!! hehehe!! n u better stop making me look bad @ tennis juss cuz u kno i'm no good!! itz juss a fluke kz!! =D so what r u gonna get 4 ur swt lil sis 4 her bday huh?? better b good u kno...*j/k* i think i gotta stop this!! hehehe!! don't worri...i'm juss joking!! n e wayz...~bye~ ~hugzz~

mandy~ hi!!!!!!!!! what up?? n e thing!! u don't talk too much!! =Þ n even if u think u's kool cuz ur never boring to b around n NO1 think's ur annoying so quit thinking that!! hehehehe!! happi bout skool starting? =Þ oops!! stupid question!! hehehe!! stay happi kk?? ~bye~ i'll ttyl on icq tho ur ~always~ hiding b hind those away n n/a signs n i dunno if ur there or not!! hehehe!! so u better get bak on *online* cuz then i kan juss keep blabbing on n on n on n on n on n on!! good luck w/******* lol!! stay happi...hyper...n all the other stuff!! =P

christine~ hey!! um...supp?? u kno what?? i think those BIG chats r sooooooooooooooooooooooooo stupid cuz i never kno what ppl r talking bout!! *whew* @ least it's a lil better than not doing n e thing!! hehehe!! ~laters~

andrea~ =Þ hihi!! i kno my hp is boring n not worth looking @ cuz ur hp is soooooooooooooo much better!! hehehe!! n don't deny that cuz i kno what i did w/my hp!! hehehe!! don't go on aa too much cuz it gets sooooooooooooooooooooo boring after awhile!!

tim~ HI TIM!! hehehe!! what up?? ne thing new?? i think ur ~weird~ hehehe!! j/k!! don't take that to heart cuz u kno ur nice!! so i hope u had lotsa funn @ the ex...tho it's BORING juss walking around!! u kno all my lil msgs r getting shorter!! hehehe!! don't blame me cuz i'm doing this @ 8 in the morning!! oké i juss feel stupid!! hehehe..~j/k~ n e wayz...~bye~

steve~ hihi BRO!! aiya!! stop sleeping sooooooooooooo late!! i don't want my other KOOL bro to look like @_@ when i see u again!! no good no good!! hehehehe!! don't u luv jenn's shoutouts n how she keepz rubbing in how u lost to her in daytona TWICE??!! hehheheheh!! *shhhhhhh* ur the only 1 who knos how much i suck @ driving!! thatz y u gotta drive me ~everywhere~ when u get ur lisence kk?? no excuses!! i mean EVERYWHERE!! hehehhe!! don't spend TOO much time in the arcae cuz it's not good 4 u!! go shopping like me cuz @ least u get something outta losing all that money!! i don't kare bout that dreamcast game u ~alwayz~ play now w/all those gem thingy's that u hav 2 pik up n kill each other!! no good no good!! u got better things to do like making me not bored outta my mind @ home!! waste of money!! hehehe!! j/k!! it's a kool game juss don't tell n e 1 that k? thanx 4 the text bk!! save my life u kno!! heheheh!! but whatz a bro 4 rite?? =D u kno ur kool so juss stop denying it kz?? ~bye~ ~hugzz~

thomas~ hihi!! what up?? u kno what?? u gotta learn how to play tennis...stop making me look good when i'm not!! lol!! j/k!! so n e wayz...stay weird kz n don't turn into a jabroni like all the guyz say!! hehehehe!1 oops...i'm not gonna go on bout that k?? juss cuz i'm ~nice~ so n e wayz...~bye~

renee~ hihi!! hvnt seen u in a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGG time after summer skool!! too bad...we gotta go do something again but it's ok since skool's starting!! okok...uh...stay happi always n stop yelling @ ppl like micky!! hehehe!! that's juss funni!! so hope 2 c u soon!! ~bye!~

william~ hi!!!!!!!!! aiya!! i ran outta things to say n i'm TIRED!! hehehehe!! n e way...i think ur ~nice~ but u gotta get over britney spears!! she's not that great...n she's FAT!! hehehe!! sorri...i had to say that!! hmmmmmmmmmmmmm...u kno there's lots of prettier girls out there!! *sigh* what's so great bout britney?!?! i juss don't get it...oké...? so who's *** in ur life?? don't u think i'm WAY too nosy!! always wondering bout stuff happening!! i kno i kno...i should stop!! stop being a fag in public w/thomas!! lol!! juss kidding!! i'll ttyl on icq if jenn's not on like 24/7!! hehehe!! ~bye~

hanson~ hey!! i didnt rilly get 2 kno u but u were pritty ~nice~ in summer skool!! alwayz keep smiling kk?? um...~laters~

ken~ hi ah gor!! =D j/k!! sorri if this shoutout isnt too great but that's only cuz i'm getting tired!! so if u don't like it...blame it on some1 else!! hehehe!! i'm juss not gonna even try 2 bring up richie's party!! lol!! *boxers* lol!! oops...sorri...that juss slipped out!! =D @ least it was better than what some other ppl had 2 do rite?? i beat u in foozball!!! *YAY* hehehe!! i kno u were juss being ~nice~ to let me win n all! *sob* so nice man!! =P GIRLS RULE n u kno it!! hehehehe!! don't argue w/me!! be a ~good~ boi kz?? lol!! hehehe!! i'll ttyl on icq!! ~bye~

kay~hi kay!! i didnt kno u played tennis!! =) so good...=( i feel bad now...i think i need practice...lost so badly...*sob* j/k!! so mb i'll c u @ st.john's!! =D that's alrite i guess. N e wayz...~bye~



micky~ u kno what?? ur my kutest friend @ aci!! ur rilly nice 2 talk 2 n all but u kno that ur a little ~weird~ all I gotta tell u iz not 2 parti 2 hard!! hehehe!! don't 4get me since i won't b c ing u much!! n i hope it's all ok if i keep going 2 u w/all my guy probs n skool probs n all that!! sorri...but ur kool 2 talk to so i won't feel all that stupid telling u all that info!! u probably kno more bout me than me!! hehehehe! ok...wait...that didnt rilly make sense...o well...i don't make sense!! like u alwayz say...*speak english* u kno what?? it's our lil secret...i KAN speak english!! *shhhhhhh* hehehe!! i kno i'm weird...u don't hav to keep telling me but juss don't rub it in cuz then it juss hurts!! hav lots n lots of funn w/out me @ aci but ish all kool!! hehehe!! hm...uh...quit getting all psyched w/all these video's not too good 4 u u kno!! n um...i hope we kan still talk bout nothing on the phone n kount the *beeps* if u ever use that phone again!! had funn doing that tho my 'rents got sorta pissed when i stayed on 4 hours juss counting...probably thot i went insane!! hehehe!! it's used to it i guess!! i'll ttyl n i better c u soon n when i visit aci u better not hide n 4get all bout me... hav funn ~alwayz~ ~bye~ ~hugzz~

benita~ hey hey benita!! i hvnt talked 2 u on the phone in awhile cuz jenn's alwayz on it!! hehe!! *shhhh* i didnt say that alrite?? juss remember all those ~weird~ times wiff me @ aci if u need a laugh cuz that's always funni!! don't 4get me too quicky n don't MISS me TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!! ok?? i kno u will!! ~j/k~ what was i again?? strawberry pudding!?!?!?! so kute!! hehehe!! that's was weird!! ur soooooooooo diff from ur bro!! *sigh* thatz all good!! n plz tell me i don't look like that cartoon u put in my yrbk!! soooooooo funni!! i juss laugh all tha time reading that msg!! u kno what we HAV to do?? i HAV to go out 2 lunch sometime!! i hvnt seen u 4 SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO long n everytime i ask u 2 go somewhere u kant...=( thatz no good...=*( making me cry!! hehehe!! i'll cya laters!! ~bye~ ~hugzz~

carmen~ hey carmen!! what up!? u been a wikid friend n ur karie here won't 4get that @ leacock kk?? see?? now i kno it's u calling me when i hear karie cuz i dunno n e 1 else who calls me!! sooooo kool!! i'm gonna miss u lots not seeing u in sci class n e more!! i had sooooooooooooooooooo much funn bugging ya hin in class n getting him in that w/ms rao!! that was kool!! n um...what else...good luck w/all those guys on ur bak n u kno u R pretty n all that!! not like me!! NO ARGUING!! thatz what i like bout shoutouts...no1 can argue bak rite away!! hehehe!! u kno ur a guy magnet n all that juss stop denying cuz that getz annoying...ur juss b ing SOOOOOOOOOOOOO modest u kno!! ish not good!! better b more positive cuz that kool!! n e wayz...i'll ttyl n visit u later kk?? ~bye~

michelle~ hi michelle!! hvnt talked to u in awhile!! tell me when u get icq cuz then i kan tty more like carmen!! heheh!! hav funn @ aci n don't 4get me...!! sci class was pritty kool...i guess...u kno ms rao's seating plan never werked!! we juss sat where we pleased n she couldnt do n e thing!! hehe!! that's juss kool!! i dunno what to say but um...basically...uh...what i told carmen!! hehehe!! ttyl!! ~bye~

victor~ hihi!! i kno i don't kno u ALL that well...but i still think ur weird!! don't spoil aci so when i visit it won't b like trash!! hehehe!! j/k!! keep smiling n all n stay happi!! don't get every1 partying 2 hard...thatz no good...alwayz hav funn kk?? tty on icq!! ~byeeee~

stephen~ hey stephen!! u kno u HAV to smile more!! see?? like this!! =D that's a good smile!! hope u had lots of funn this summer but too bad skool's starting agian!! that soooooooooooooo sux!! that rilly rilly sux lots!! *sigh* n e wishes that u don't get stuck in 1 of ms.s's klass cuz that juss not n e good!! try to stap happi n don't parti too hard!! n like all my guy friends...don't go to the arcade that much!! it's a waste of money n time!! *sigh again* n e wayz...i'll see u on icq!! ~bye~

rose~ hey rose!! u kno i hvnt rilly gotten 2 kno u @ aci...i think i juss met u in the middle of the skool yr...o wellz!! i think uv gone to the ex WAY too many times...duznt it get boring?? but 2 me...n e thing's not more boring than juss sitting here n typing out all these shoutouts!! TIRING!! i think both my hand's gone numb!! o well...nothing i can do!! i can't sleep in today 4 some reason...dunno!! *sigh* =D hav lots of funn @ aci!!

mathew~ hihi matt!! hehehe!! n no...i don't think that sounds like a rug n e more!! hope u keep up my style w/all those butterfly klips in ur hair!! looked good!! hehehehe!! j/k!! n trust me!! if i ever get another cell...i'll go 2 u if u still werk @ the same place! hehe!! i'm gonna miss fambustk soooooooo much juss cuz i don't get 2 put my klips in ur hair EVERDAY n bug u EVERYDAY!! *sigh* *sob* ish ok...i'm fine now...don't worri!! u better not 4get me!! especially u!! i put so much time in bugging u n u better not waste all that!! hm...what else?? uh...if i remember n e of the other things i wanted to say...i'll tell u on icq or juss add to this later when i got time!! i hav time now but i juss kant think!! it's toooooooooooo early!! *sigh* now i'm beginning to run on n on n on!! u kno we gotta go out somewhere sometime cuz i never rilly getta see u n e more!! cya laters!! ~bye~

mimi~ hm...what to say...what to say..!! i think ur a real nice person n um...stay happi!! sorri...bout this not so good shoutout cuz i'm sooooooooooooooo tired!! hehehe!! don't mind me momo..kk?? n e wayz...keep smiling!! ~bye~

ben~ hihi bennnnnn!! dim ah?? hehehe!! my chenglish!! << is that how u spell it?? dunno!! n e way...u hav nice hair so stop worri ing bout that already!! u been a rilly nice friend n all!! thanx!! ~bye~

gee~ hey gee...what up? uv been a kute friend all the time!! i'm gui so this is gonna drag a lil!! n e way...i had lots of funn juss talking to u n ur sooooooo kute w/ur dimples!! hehehe!! aci was funn w/u in it but too bad i'm not gonna see what happens nxt yr...mb u can tell me over icq kk?? hav lots of funn w/all those guyz @ ur side!! ~bye~

peter chan~ hihi!! i hvnt known u 4 long but ur nice n all...u kno i alwayz got u mixed up w/this other guy i dunno but not after awhile!! juss a stupid mistake!! ur a rilly kool guy to talk to so u better keep smiling...stay happi n don't parti too hard kk?? thanx 4 b ing a kool person!! ~bye~ ~ttyl~

wendy~ hey girl!! supp?? u kno ur a buy magnet so STOP denying it!! it's annoying u kno!! no good no good...u kno u R so stop it stop it stop it!! n stop saying i am cuz i kno i'm not!! *sigh* sorri...i had to get that outta my system!! hehehehe!! so how're things wif u n ur hubby...~alwayz~ trying to make me feel all weird in tetrinet n trying to beat me n ganging up on me!! hehehe!! that's not fair u kno!! hehehe!! i'll talk 2 u more on icq but me juss rilly rilly tired after wasting all that energy telling u that ur pretty n all...seriously...not lying...o arms r getting tired...this is sooo not good 4 me u kno!! hehehe!! i shouldnt b up this early...but my bad shoutouts b4 were sooooooooo bugging me!! n e wayz...i'll ttyl!! ~byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee~

raymond~ hey raymond!! i hvnt talked to u lots so um...i'll juss make this short n swt...4 all the yrs iv known u...uv been a kool friend!! thanx lots...4 some odd reason...i think i might juss miss ur nice ways!! heeheheh!! you better treat my mandy rite (gf) or else!! jk!! hope u hav ~fun~ together!! =D ~laters~

adam~ hi!! hvnt known u 4 long but i think ur kool!! hav funn going bak to skool n all! n all i kno is that summer skool was pritty ok...@ least it was semi better than some of my normal classes!! i hope u had lots of funn w/those curtains *letting the light in* hehehe!! n e wayz..hav a hype yr n millenium!! !bye!


~frenz from all over the world~

aaron~ hihi!! i think iv known u 4 WAY too long!! u alwayz witnessing all those fites i hav w/jenn @ ur place...n yes u DID take my lil ball when we went to that IBM club thingy when we were babies!! i hav a pic to prove that u kno!! hehehe!! n e way...u changed LOTZ...*sigh* it was pritty funn b4 when we actually HAD some things to do...but now it's diff cuz all we do when lil jenn n i come over 2 ur place is watch a movie...bubble n ur cpu!! *sigh* ur kik ass but ~nice~!! i think u proved enuff how much u luv ur gurl n all!! u better stay tru azn!! ~alwayz n 4ever~ too bad u couldnt come to wonderland w/lil n us cuz we had a wikid time!! too bad!! coulda made it tradition like how we used 2 go 2 niagra falls when we were kidz 4 the winter...that wuz pritty funn i guess...4got what it was like now...!! u kno i could keep going on n on bout n e thing but i think i'll juss shut up now!! n e wayz...i 4got what i was gonna say again n e there's juss no point!! i'll ttyl!! ~bye~

lillian~ hihi lillian!! iv known u like a few months less than aaron!! kool huh!! n e wayz!! u kno i was juss looking @ a pic of all 4 of us n our bros n sis' when we were still lil babies!! jeez i was soooooooo chubby!! hehehehe!! *shhhh* only u kno that!! hehehehe!! i'm TIRED!! wonderland was soooooooooooooooooooooooooo much funn!! hehehe!! cant b lieve i actually went on those rides...1ce in a lifetime!! hehehe!! n u dragged me on them all!! i woulda juss stayed on the floor b4...but i guess not!! we should get on the phone more since i cant see u all the time!! mb we can juss do something again later cuz it'll b pretty kool!! mb this time aaron can come but i dunno!! y do u hav to b soooooooo tall?? *sob* making me feel all short n stuff tho i sorta am!! heehhehe!! u kno it was a bad idea to get wet @ nite!! *sigh* i hav a cold!! hehehe!! thatz no good rite?? what else?? i think it was still more funn b4 but u kno now we don't get mad @ each other n e more...u realize that..?? hehe!! that's juss weird!! ok...i think it's time 4 me to shut up w/ur shoutout...sorri bout running on 4 so long!! ~bye~

chris~ hihi!! ur a pritty nice guy to talk to on icq cept i still dunno what u look like!! it's pretty hard making convo when i'm bored outta my mind!! hehehe!! n e wayz...stay happi kk?? n um...that's bout it!! ~bye~

jenny~ hihi jennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny!! hehehe!! what up?? iv known u 4 pritty from when?? um...i think it was gr 4...n e wayz...we been pritty kool friends!! =Þ n um...ur still SOOOOOOOOOOOO skinny!! u better eat more or more ppl r gonna think ur anorexic or something!! thatz no good u kno!! no good!! hehehehe!! n e won't miss u cuz ur gonna go to the same skool as me but if u werent i'd miss u kk?? hehehe!! i'm TIRED jennnnnnny!! hehehe!! *sigh* me n my guy probs!! hehehehe!! n e wayz...i guess i'll see u on registration day...of mb i'll see u online n tty then kk?? n yea...i updated this kk?? ~bye~

jason~ hihi!! i dunno u that well but ur nice to talk to over icq!! hope u hav the BEST time when skool starts...*sigh* i think i'm beginning to regret changing schools...dunno y!! =( n e way...i'll b fine!! i'll ttyl too k?? ~bye~

james~ u kno aa is geting ~real~ boring!! ur pritty funn to talk to so keep it up!! stay happi...keep smiling n don't parti too hard like most of my other friends kk?? ~bye~

clynn~ hihi!! what up?? thanx 4 reading all my guy probs!! hehehe!! j/k!! uv been pritty nice tho i don't rilly kno u that well!! but i guess ur rilly kool!! hehehe!! sorri...but my arms getting tired from typing so much!! =Þ i hope u hav a rilly rilly funn time @ skool!! n u better not 4get me on icq when all that hw comes!! hehehee!! course u won't...*rite??* ok!! i guess i'll add more in awhile but ur kool n juss keep thinking that kk?? keep me happi...u keep happi....hav funn n um keep smiling!! THANX!! ~bye~

joe~ hihi!! ur kool to icq w/ u kno?? but u hav to go online more kk?? i'll tty some other time cuz i sorta ran outta things to say rite now!! ~bye~

kenneth~ hey kennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneth!! what up?? ur weird u kno that?? hehehehe!! j/k!! thanx 4 ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL those rides all over the place!! pritty kool!! heheeh!! sorri bout that...but it's juss that lillian n aaron kant drive so we cnat go n e where!! hehehe!! wonderland was fun rite?? tho we didnt see u 4 more than HALF THE TIME!! heheheehe!! hm...........i wonder what u were doing...hehehe!! okee...~bye~

jenn~ aiya!! ur my rocker sis!! hehehe!! u kno what?? i think ur ~wEiRd!~ hehehe!! don't worri...thatz only cuz uv alwayz been like that!! the HyPeR aCtIvE kind rite?? hehehe!! what's wiff the *ducky* w/u n ur luva boi johnny!! *wow* watta prediction i made huh!! jeez...these r MY shoutouts n i KAN DO WHATEVER I WANT!! =D I'M MAD @ BOTH OF U!!! u kno y?? cuz u BOTH ignore me!! i'm both ur lil sis but noooooooooooooooooooo......i still get ignored!! i'm NEVER EVER gonna go 2 the mall when both of u r around!! *sigh* so fan...i think you should stop ignoring ppl if ur gonna invite ppl...*sob* i ~always~ feel left mean!! BAKA!! hehehe!! sorri...sugar high!! don't mind me!! i'm fine...juss need to calm down a lil!! these o'henry's rnt very good when u need to calm down u kno...soooooo not good!! ok..........*whew* i gotta calm down...! sorri bout that...*sigh* n e u keep luving ur 3EB dunno what's so GREAT about them but um...yea...ok!! i can slowly see myself become less n less important!! *sob* it's alrite...i understand..both u n *sob* johnny can juss let me b all alone!! *sob some more*!! see??? BOTH OF UU R GONNA make me CRY!!! n e wayz...i'll b juss fine in a moment!! remember 2 find some *smile* songs n stuff kz?? =D hehehee!! um..what else?? ok...nothing else...juss keep w/ur SPECIAL *ducky* boi ~bye~ ur logo -----> =D <-----isnt it juss gross how mushy u made johnny...?? *tsk* *tsk* u should b a ashamed of urself... ~BYE SIS~

johnny~ MOSHI MOSHI BRO!!! koniichiwa?? what up *ducky* boi!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! soooooooo mean!! what kinda bro r u?? bugging ur kute lil sis to update her shoutouts!! no time u kno!! lol!! so *fan* if you kno what that means!!hehehe!! u kno i ~ALWAYS~ knew there was something going on w/u n jenn n now look what happened!! *hint* *hint* heheheheh!! dont you think ur sis is WAY TOO WEIRD!! but that's a good thing rite?? *whew* um...u better b haappi that i updated my shoutouts juss 4 u!! dont u feel all SPECIAL inside?! i hav a questions since ur sooooooooooo wise n all but Y IS MY SHOUTOUT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SHORT on ur hp??? huh?? =( i dont feel special n e more...=( my big bro duznt wanna talk 2 me n e other things on his mind...*sob* i um...understand...*sob some more* heheheheh!! juss kidding!! um...n e wayz...what to say...what to say...i dunno!! um...uh...keep smiling!! n um...uh...stay happi!! n um...uh...don't parti too hard? i dunno!! hehehe!! so when r u gonna watch that pokémon movie w/jenn huh?? am i invited!? jk!! COURSE NOT!! stupid question!! GOTTA CATCH'EM ALL!! POKéMON!!! don't u think pikachu rule?? of course he does!! =D dont'll always b weirder than me bro...flameboi...invis boi!! n NO!! i don't think ur MEAN!! ok?? this is a LONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG shoutout u kno...u should b HAPPI!! u kno what?? so n e gossip i should kno about?? HEY!!!!!!!!! what happened 2 ur ~used~ to b kool n now it's all mushy!! heheeh!! uh...i think jenn melted u into some swt good man!! i think johnny's feminin side is coming!! =D *shhhhhh* don't worri...i won't tell!! =D thanx 4 all the mp3's even tho u ignore me on icq sometimes n when we go to the mall n how u pretend i dont exist!! =D n e not mad kz?! face it bro...i'm KOOLER than u n u kno it so stop denying it!! =D hehehehe!! n FLUFFY hair is KOOL too!! =D ok!! me gonna go now!! i can't make ur shoutout TOOOOOOOOOOOOO long rite?? ok...~BYE~ WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!! u kno this is orange rite?? *hint* like ur um...HAIR!! heheheheheehehehe!! BRO~


***if i 4got n e 1...which i kno i did cuz i cant remember juss leave me a msg n u'll b up dere!! hav funn!!***

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