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Lynzee My Darling Baby Sister

Hi, my name is Lexi Z. I am doing my web page on my two year old baby sister. Her name is Lynzee Z. Her favorite hobby to do is to dance with me and my other two sisters. She loves to jump on our trampoline in the summer. When she takes a bath or a shower she loves to put shampoo into her hair. After she puts it into her hair she asks me to make her hair point up. Then, comes the hard part. She hates washing the shampoo out. But after a few minutes I get the job done. After Lynn takes her bath or shower, Lynn and I will go downstairs, listen to music, and dance.

Her favorite CD is Pearl Jam with "Last Kiss." At the end of the day I crawl into a chair in our living room. She crawls up onto my lap. She usually has her blanket when she is ready to go to bed or when she wants to take a nap. That is about my two year old baby sister.

Thank you for coming to my web page.

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