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My Wolrd

Welcome to My World. It's a funny story, really. My whole life's one big novel. But then again, alot of people's are. Everyone has a story. Whether it's short, long, inspiring, depressing, it's there. That person that passes you every day on the street, that you never really paid much attention to? He has a story. That little girl holding her moms hand in the McDonald line? She has a story. That quiet kid in the corner, reading... he has a story. Everyone does, and this is mine. You might think... What do I care about a 14 year old girls life? Let me refraise that to mean you. I didn't even give you a chance and I insulted you. Please, take the time. It's fun to get lost in other's lives once in a while. :)

Before I get started, let me introduce you to the family I live with... The "what"s equal their personality. (You'll see what I mean... just keep reading.)

My mom
I live with my mom in an apartment building. I love my mom SOOO much, we are real close.

My Aunt Pat
My mom's sister, my second mom, lives 2 doors down and up, with her youngest son, matt, 13.

Bobby... geez, Bobby. He likes to be called Rob. He's 27, my aunts oldest son, he lives upstairs. He does everyone errands, and we love him.

Matt's 13, my best friend... like my brother. Him and his mother (my aunt), practicaly live here, instead of their place. He's so funny!

My Friends (that are in the stories)
In order: Paul, Ruth, Candice, Wesly, Laura, Merissa, Kelli

And there's me.
I'm Amanda. I'm 14. This whole thing is from my point of view. I hope you enjoy the comedy, the tragedy, the good times, the bad, the drama, the never ending saga, that is my life. (Don't forget the comedy)

Now that you know all the people that you'll be seeing in this story, diary, comic strip... whatever you want to call it, let's start.

Let's pick what story you want to hear first
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