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BILLY CHILDISH AND SEXTON MING The Cheeky Cheese cd (Damaged Goods)
WARNING: This one is for major Billy Childish fans only. First of all, the entire album comes off a bit like sarcastic cockney renditions of nursery rhymes. Second of all, it does not resemble much of anything Childish has done before, not even solo. When I got this one, I expected it to be a blues album, but the major instrument featured here is an accordian (instrument from hell-ed.).... and this ain't no Cajun album either!
That having been said, if you are a major Billy Childish fan, you will probably like this one. At first I admit I was skeptical (And that was a first for me when it comes to Childish!). But after the second listening, I began to "get it" and now enjoy it a lot more. If you are in a strange or thoughtful mood, this album really works too. Some of the better tunes are "oma Lake Wee," the hilarious "God Bless Ole' Mitchell," and "The Goldfish Murders." The latter, however, is an older song from a SEXTON MING/Headcoats single.
This album is certainly not rock-n-roll, but it is worth reviewing, both to warn people who thank that it is rock-n-roll and because both Childish and Ming are major names in rock-n-roll and seem to have done something a little different this time.EVAN W.

THE CLASH From Here To Eternity double cd (Columbia)
The CLASH were a band that started it all for me.They were the ones who who made me beleivers in punk rock with the full-out ferocity of songs like "Clash City Rockers," "Jail Guitar Doors," "White Riot," "Complete Control" and, well, you could name a bunch of others. And "London Calling"," with its brash mix of politics and punk styles, never left my turntable for months. So, what are we to make of this new album live (mostly from shows dating 1982) 15 years after the fact? Well, like any releases, of this caliber, it is pretty much for the collector only. The versions of "Complete Control" and others here pale in comparison to the studio versions. I mean they sound clean enough and everthing, but in several instances, Joe or Mick can not remember the words to their own songs. They do not have that raw quality that distinguishes the studio versions. I hear there is a video documented to be released with this thing, so maybe that will tell a different story. After all, by reports that I read at the time (Rolling Stone, Musician,etc.), THE CLASH were a a powerful live band. If you need further evidence, check out the film "Rude Boy" (1980) sometime. Zoom past all the slow spots (there are many) and you will see some of the most fuel-injected live footage of any band you will likely see. I do think all sincerity was intended in putting this out, but until the video sufaces, this one is strictly for diehards. THE NOISE JUNKIE (Noises from the Garage zine)

THE CRUSADERS Middle Age Rampage" cd (Dionysus)
To be honest, this one is actually quite a letdown. It DOES rock...but nowhere near the ferocity of the mighty Fat, Drunk, and Stupid." THE CRUSADERS just seem to be one of those bands where heaviness equals better. This one is a tad more tame and it makes a big difference.

The second song, "Supryse Packagge Fore Mr. Matzkoy," comes closer to the stuff on their last effort, but still does not cut it by comparison. Hopefully the next album will be better. I say there is a chance because Fat, Drunk, and Stupid has got to be one of the best albums of all time. Evan W.

THE DRAGS 45X3 (Empty Records)
In case you do not already know; the DRAGS are a band that mixes punk, garage, trash rock for a pretty insane and pleasing result. This one is a compilation of (of all?) their singles and some live stuff at the end and it's a definate winner!

The comp opens with the chaotic "Suicide Wipers," also featured on the "Sore Losers" soundtrack. This theme continues on "I Like To Die," in which the lead singer thoroughly explores his best options for taking his own life. Of course, this song is much too trashy to be taken seriously and comes off like something out of a black comedy... in other words... great@&#^@# stuff! Another of the best tunes is "Slick's Living It Up"(a PEECHEES cover), a Necessary Evilsesque plunge into the depths of rock-n-roll. I could sit here and explain the entire compilation, but the fact is, there ain't a loser in the bunch!

So if you see this, it is definately worth the money! EVAN W.

THE HATEBOMBSHunt You Down cd (Dionysus)
I am proud to review this one because these guys are the only kickass band that I have heard who are from Florida (how 'bout GAY COWBOYS IN BONDAGE- from Miami:thee editor). This new album has great covers of 60's garage classics, "Going Away Babe," and "Almost There." In addition, there are thirteen originals. The sound can best described as 60's garage mixed with punk. Hell, ROCKNROLL is the best description.
Anyway, I love both of their albums, the debut being ahead of this one by the bat of a tick's eyelash. For all intents and purposes though, I have a gut feeling that most people will like this one more. EVAN W.

THEE HEADCOATEES Here Comes Cessation LP(Damaged Goods)
England's gutter darlings' alleged final album, and it is a good one. Nothing great, but a good one. This one mixes the sound of "Punk Girls" with their first "Girlsville." Unfortunately it seems to be a mixture of the less dominant sounds of the two albums but still worth the money if you are a HEADCOATEES fan. Some good Bo Diddley covers.Evan W.

ELVIS Sunrise Elvis cd (RCA)
This is chock full o' the only ELVIS stuff I dig:The early Sun recordings. While the good songs are very good, this one is a bit pricey for the quality. It is a double cd, but the second cd is almost total crap. They need to make this one into one cd with only 17 out of the original 38 tracks.
That aside, if you are willing, you will find on these cds the best stuff ELVIS ever did. At one time he may have actually had the right to be called the King! Included are the clasic "That's Alright," "Mystery Train," and an insane version of "Shake, Rattle, And Roll." However, do not buy this if you do not like real country (and I mean Real country ala Hank Williams of course), because this reaks of this stuff. Evan W.

This pratically perfect album came out in England in 1973. This year was a pretty sad chapter for rock-n-roll, especially for England, who did not have the beautiful turmoil of the New York Dolls, The Stooges or the MC5. The HoLLYWOOD BRATS, however, were a strong answer to the extremely dull scene. Like the scene of 1977, many of the BRATS fans were disillusined Roxy kids.
I ain't no expert though, all this and more is revealed with the purchase of this, one of the most important records in the history of rock-n-roll, especially since a member(s) went to be in the Boys, one of thr great '77 bands.
The best song on the album has got to be "Zurich 17," one of the best love songs of all time. There are also plenty of proto punk snarlers. What can I say.... this one is a MUST, kiddies. Evan W.

THE MONKS Five Upstart Americans"CD (Omplatten)
By now, the story of the MONKS is the stuff of a legend: 5 ex-American GIs atationed in Germany form a sort of anti-Beatles, record one album and fade into near-obscurity, only to rise from the ashes once again thanks to the efforts of a few die-hard fans. While "Black Monk Time" is indeed one of the great classics of all time, what are we to make of this collection of demos recorded prior to being signed? Is this a case of quick cash-in? Well, no. In fact, it is fascinating to hear such stalwarts such as "oh How To Do Now," "I Hate You" and "Monk Time in this embryonic fashion. You also get to hear two songs that did not make it onto the album: "Pretty Suzanne" and "Hushie Pushie." Lastly, both tracks from an extremely rare 45 they recorded when they were the TURQUOYS demonstrate the upbeat sound they were playing before they shaved their heads and became MONKS. This, my friends, is a look at a great band just starting to shape their songs and became a monster. For that alone, this disc is a necessity.THE NOISE JUNKIE of Noises from the Garage zine

NECKBONES The Lights Are Getting Dim cd (Fat Possum)
This album smokes, plain and simple. It is not as good as their first album.... but these guys definately are still one of the better rocknroll bands around today.And that is a perfect description for this album. Not punk or garage trash, but just plain old rocknroll. The sticker on the cover says "THE NECKBONES" come off like a cross between the early ROLLING STONES and the DEAD BOYS(Boston Phoenix). To be specific, the sound is more like the Dead Boys (ala "All This and More)," combined with the ROLLING STONES.
So how is is this one different? Well, it does not have the same punk rock edge as the last one (which of course is not enough in itself to make it a weaker album) and the songs just are not as catchy. But like I say, this one comes pretty damn close to their debut and is worth picking up for sure... especially if you are a NECKBONES fan. Oh yes... and it boasts Jack Oblivion on the organ, piano, and sax, among other guest musicians. EVAN W.

THE NOMADS Big Sound 2000 cd (White Jazz)
Big Sound 2000 is another reason to call the NOMADS more than merely another lo-fi garage rock novelty act. Their wide range of influences are once again well documented, making them a true rock-n-roll band. Peroid.
This Swedish band's latest effort may be a bit over-produced for the average garage rock schmuck, but the NOMADS are not out to collectively brown nose with anyone. Instead they concentrate on creating very good music, not worrying about their latest sound.
Influences range from garage rock all the way to Johnny Thunders tinged guitar work and many other styles in between. So you can argue all you want about what they sound like, but I choose to just rock out.
I could bore you excessively with some more ranting, but I shall shut my trap, except to say "Garage geeks beware! THE NOMADS will make a man out of you." thee ANTiHiPSTER

OBLIVIANS Best Of The Worst Of double LP (Sympathy for the Record Industry)
Ever hear the phrase "for fans only?" That's what you can expect from this posthumous collection of OBLIVIANS material. Don't be misled: despite this title, this is a collection of odds, ends, leftovers, and live cuts from the band's history. Whatever you do, don't expect this to be the best way to discover the OBLIVIANS if you have not already. Granted, this album has its share of raw OBLIVIANS greatness, like "Alchoholic," "Robot Blues" and "Everybody But Me." You can probably pick your favorites from this whole mess. But you will have to wade through some uncomfortable momements. Their version of Love's "Alone Again Or," for one, leaves a lot to be desired. Even so, there are twenty five cuts here, which leaves more than enough for the diehard, or even the causual OBLIVIANS fan to dig in. But my money still goes to "Popular Favorites" and "Nine Songs With Mr. Quintron" as the band's finest, most together, work. The Noise Junkie (Noises From the Garage Zine)

While it is impossible to to ever witness the OBLIVIANS live, they have been caught in action on this compilation of live songs, outakes, and unreleased songs. I have a slight bias on this one because the OBLIVIANS are one of my faveorite bands ever; but I also beleive this raises the expectations. This has some excellent scoarching songs, including the best damn version of "Locomotion" ever(Especially since the original sucked!). Overal, the whole thing is top notch as long as you minus the absolute awful "Alone Again." Evan W.

THE REATARDS Grown Up Fucked Up cd (eMpTy)
This second album from Jay Reatard and his band of Memphis misfits is a super-loud teenage scream. Much faster than the righteous debut "Teenage Hate," this record is jam-packed with noisy, slashing-raw and Jay's screamed out vocals at full fucking blast. The teenage hate has exploded into something bigger than Godzilla and could no doubt level Memphis faster than the aliens in "Sore Losers." And though it is over in 20 minutes, you can still feel the after-effects from the blasts of lo-fi trash these guys can crank out, This is what punk rock used to be. No, fuck that. This is what punk rock truly is: raw, loud, snotty, in-your-face and no third-grade politics or whiny vegan philosophizing in sight. In this decrepit day and age, that is something to behold. Especially when it is done right, such as this. THE NOISE JUNKIE(Noises From The Garage zine)

THE RESONARS Bright and Dark cd (Get Hip)
You miss the Hollies? Well, the RESONARS just might be your ticket. They have got those Hollie harmonies down pat, but they also incorporate other 60s elements into their songs, such as Byrds-like ringing guitars. Check out the guitar solo in the middle of "Goodbye Melanie" for such example. But the real reason you will be turning this cd over and over is the fact that the Resonars write such great songs that take all those "overused" 60s elements and turn it into something that is their own. Song after song on this disc could be used for examples, from the aforementioned melancholy "Goodbye Melanie" to glorious ringers like "If He Is So Great," which, if there is justice and music was still music, would make one hell of a single. Oh, well, that is what you got a cd player for, right? THE NOISE JUNKIE (Noises From The Garage zine)

SONS OF HERCULES Get Lost lp (Get Hip)
San Antonio's SONS OF HERCULES may not appear to age gracefully, but they know how to ferment their music like a fine wine. Get Lost is their most recent spinner, and their best ever, period. Not only do they blend garage rock with punk to the point that it does not matter what you label them, but they can play their instruments. After many years of amplifying their string strumming and reeking havick upon the drums, THE SONS OF HERCULES has become such a tight outfit, that any additional improvements might cause their guitar strings to break. Fortunently, these lads have not decided to become so tight that they are uptight. Get Lost shows that THE SONS are still very energetic, helping to reinsert the roll into nineties rock. thee ANTiHiPSTER

SPLASH FOUR Shame Shame Shame cd (Dionysus)
These guys are without a doubt the best punk rock band around right now. Of course there are other greats, but if you just want the finest in straight forward punk rock, this is it.
This ep is no exception to the rule. These seven songs are utter sonic blasts that will releive your tension or satisfy your rocknroll palate any day of the week. The singer has the perfect sneering voice and the rock is both angry and sexy at once. THE SPLASH FOUR play punk in that 77 tradition along with a modern twist for the balance of loud and untamed rocknroll. Absolute A+. BUY WITH ALL SPEED!(How about with cocaine...hahaha-ed.)

V/A New York Rocks7" (Carbon 14 zine)
This fine 7" proves that some of New York's rock-n-roll bands have not sold out to this city's new image of "America's Safest City." The saviors of rock-n-roll, THE DICTATORS, kick off this disk with another of their old, yet fine tunes, "Faster and Louder." The TOILET BOYS prove that they can crank up their tunage hi-fi, while still nodding their heads to the New York Dolls. On the flipside, punk rock's most infamous sex change star, JAYNE COUNTY, dazzles the audience, proving that he/she (you take a pick)still rocks out with the best of them. THE MASTER PLAN, which includes members of the DICTATORS and THE FLESHTONES, sums up this mini-spinner, with a fuzed out 90's rocker in a 60's punk tradition. Once your record needle has been damaged due to overplay of "New York's Finest," check out "Carbon 14," America's primo rag covering the best in trash music, music, and culture. thee ANTiHiPSTER

THE REAL KIDS Better Get Good cd (Norton)
You should check out any REAL KIDS records or c.d.'s... case in point Better Be Good. This album is a blue-print for premium rock-n-roll.

Most of you checking out these pages have at least heard of Boston's REAL KIDS ( I shall spare you a lecture in rock-n-roll history). Obviously, this band listened to lots of obscure music, ranging from the MOTOR CITY FIVE to the FLAMING GROOVIES. This compact ditty covers remixed versions of demos and b-sides of singles, no covers of any previously mentioned bands.

After starting to spin the c.d., you should catch your toes involanterily pulsating to the beat, while your ears are assaulted by a sonic fixation. You see, Better Get Good is more infectous than your last puss ridden pimple. Raw, yet catchy tuneage is presented here, which is a very hard trait to find in 90's music.

Enough with this diatribe, just go out and spend your hard earned cash on this most excellent spinner. thee ANTiHiPSTER

TEN HIGH Party Storelp ("96 Bomp/Alive/Total Energy Records)
Singer and guitarist (and rock journalist) Wendy Case has a powerful voice, and kind of sounds like a cross between Joan Jett and Chrissie Hynde. She is backed by an equally powerful band, which pulls off the rare task of being suitibly raunchy without sound ameteurish.

The album starts off with "Get On," a great Sonics style stomper. "Crazy Ways" is a cool 60's style pogo tune with a cool two note harmonica performed by Wendy.

A few songs like "Mindreader" and "Sins of the Family," while not forsaking their "punk-ness," would sound right right at home on on alt-rock radio (strike one-ed), and it sure beats the shit out of Jewel or whatever else the the alternative flavor is.

A SEEDS cover, "Satisfy You." brings back the band into solid garage punk territory, and they even do a Beach Boys cover "Do It Again" (strike two-ed.), without sounding lame!

The best song here is "Slow Burn," a bitter song that is destined to become a garage classic.

I got this album after hearing the band on one of the "Motor City Is Burning" compelations, and it is one of the most solid albums I've gotten in awhile. JON ESWORTHY (JON 139's PUNK WEB PAGE)

V/A Teenage Shutdown: Move It lp (Crypt)
The most recent Teenage Shutdown (T.S.), Move It, concentrates on upbeat frantic good time stompers. This is one of the best damn ones yet, because it starts off strong and only gets stronger as it moves along.

The opening song by PECK'S BAD BOYS ("Crazy World") has already been issued before, but that is because it is GREAT and the sound quality has improved for T.S. As for the rest of the songs, I have never heard them before on any other comps and they rock out with crystal clear sound quality. A few highlights include the SHONDELL's "Something Got A Hold of Me" and THE CUSTOM 5 with "Let's Go in 69."

Overall, this is another great 60's comp that demonstrates how weak oldies radio is! EVAN W.

If anyone is interested contributing QUALITY record reviews, email me at

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