High School: Episode One

I guess the title, image, and background kinda say it all, huh? Well, if you guys have all been good little web surfers, you've probably already read all of this stuff on my main school page. If not, well good for you, you're going to read it now. Unless I scare you away. Which is entirely possible. Ok, anyway, have fun reading all my stuff. It sure is fascinating.

My school day is usually pretty busy; most of my homework is in geometry. Luckily, my friend Aryzona is in all of my classes, except for study hall. She usually helps keep me sane, but sometimes she just adds to the problem!! :-)

My schedule

English:Class starts at 8:20, which is just too early to study the Odyssey. :-) We're now studying Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet. So that isn't so bad, but who knew the English language would be so hard to understand.

Mechanical Drawing: This class would be a lot more fun if some people would pay attention... (if you're in my class, you know who I mean!) AutoCAD is confusing, and we have a teacher who likes to watch us squirm. What more can I say? The third nine weeks, just after Christmas break, we started screen printing. That was pretty cool. My projects were a Smashing Pumpkins shirt, a Pumpkins license plate, and an Everclear heat transfer. But now we're working on floorplans and drawing houses. Hoo-ray.

Physical Science: Mass, force, and terminal velocity really doesn't stimulate my brain much, but I've lived through it so far! ;-) And watch out for flying rubber bands...I speak from experience, here! Now we're studying chemical reactions, and they're pretty hard to understand sometimes.

Study Hall: The best seventeen minutes of my day. I spend my time in here talking to (*gasp*) seniors and other upperclassmen. Unfortunately, the school authorities decided to move the computer lab into our teacher's classroom, so we were kicked out into the gym. This really isn't too bad, but imagine studying while basketballs are flying across the court. Oh, never mind...we don't study during study hall.

German: In this room, we learn a lot. Most of it is not German. Oktoberfest presentations took up a few days, and somehow we wander onto the subjects of airplane crashes, liquid paper, and strange laws. Of course, we do have our fair share of verb conjugation and translation quizzes. And we really know how to use our 1978 textbooks! On the last day of school before spring break (which lasts from March 20 to March 28), we made pretzels in the home ec room. Paula, aka Uschi, kinda put too much salt on hers, and mine were doughy. But hey, we had fun...right?

Lunch: Well...this is the usual 15 to 20 minute gabfest, after which we rush to check the email we don't have. (Drop me something at my school email!!) Of course, I haven't checked my school mail for a couple of months...maybe I should do that. SO SEND ME SOMETHING!

1st semester -- Geometry: It's getting better, finally. Sometimes after lunch, we have a group gathering in the hallway, asking, "How did you find the congruency of that irregular polygon?" (Okay, I admit it, we just sit there and go, "Um..." ;-) Just kidding!)

2nd semester -- Statistics: Ok, this is tough. It's so tough that I actually wish we had Geometry again. Sort of. Last week we wrapped up the State Assessment Tests...those were a real thrill to take.

Typing: Chat room practice during the summer really does help! I'm proud to say I finally broke 106 words per minute, while Amanda (who sits next to me) is getting 118 as of May 26. (Which is a good thing! I don't resent it at all...) Then she and Jamie make fun of me because I allegedly talk to myself. Hmmm...

Phys. Ed and Speech: P.E. is ok, since we have a very empty locker room and few people. But just this year, I've gotten hit in the head with a tennis ball about five times. But I am all right. Those two years getting hit in the head with a volleyball really toughened me up! I don't have any problem with speech, except actually giving the speeches. No matter how well I know the people or how many people are in the class (eight), I get really nervous. But I made it through a 7-minute speech. What makes it worse is when a CERTAIN PERSON that we like to call "Rudy" comes and sits in and tries to make me laugh or something. Darnit.

So that's my typical day of school. I'm sure you enjoyed reading about all the fun goings-on of my day. :-)

Email: trajik1@hotmail.com