Some Pretty Cool Links

You can probably tell from the amount of links here that I spend a lot of time surfing around, on a neverending quest for cool sites. Ok, maybe not neverending, but...pretty long. So check out some of these links. Heck, you might want to bookmark this part (hint, hint) since you probably don't have time to check them all out on one stop. Believe me, if they weren't worth at least a couple of looks, I wouldn't have listed them. Have fun...I sure have.

Ellis, Home of the Railroaders: Yep, this would be my very hometown. Click on the Ellis High School link and see my school, the subject of my usual rants and raves.

Raiyn's Page: Raiyn is my friend, cousin, and partner in crime. She deserves a spot on this page just for that. Plus she said hi to me on her page. So there.

Aryzona's Page: Amanda, aka Aryzona, has worked A LOT on this page. She changes her backgrounds, formats, and pictures about every week. And almost every time she changes something, she calls me excitedly, yelling for me to go visit her page. So you'd better visit, or I'm going to track you down and torture you.

Chat Rooms!: I'm under 20, so I'm banished to Infinity, but that's not so bad. My cool parents visit Thirtysomething (a-HEM), and I've met some cool people in the rooms.

Fridge Poems: This site features Magnetic Poetry with a twist. Instead of seeing them on your refrigerator, you see them on the homepage. I actually wrote one that made it onto the page.

Real Player: Real Audio is one of the coolest things on the Net, in my opinion. Because of it, I've been able to hear rare songs that I can't find anywhere, live concerts taking place across the country, and clips from movies or television.

Clip Art: Here you'll find lots and lots of graphics or icons for your homepage, all neatly sorted by categories. I've been visiting this site regularly for about two months now, and I still haven't seen half of it.

Classic Rock: You have to have Real Audio for this site, but it's well worth it. These songs are classics from the '50s and '60s, so of course, I love it.

Techno Teen: Despite the title, this site is not just for teens. Be sure to check out the Humor Me section; that's my favorite. It has Fun Things to Do in Wal-Mart, When Ordering Pizza, and Honk if You Love Jesus.

Pokers Poster Store: If you want a poster, go here. They have a huge selection, including an Everclear poster that I NEED to order soon. I need some cash, though. Please email me if you wish to send donations. Thanks.

Hotmail: These people are responsible for giving me a free email address, so I'd better include them...

ICQ: ICQ has to be one of the coolest Internet-related inventions. It tells you when other ICQ owners are online, and you can send them messages or whole homepage URLs. Not to mention the cool sounds.

Shockwave: Go download it so you don't miss out on the fun.


Hannibal Lecter: This page is dedicated to Hannibal Lecter, the tasteful, so to speak, psychiatrist/serial killer in The Silence of the Lambs. It has a FAQ, links, multimedia, and (believe it or not) humor.

1999 Oscars: I haven't had time to really look at this page, but I like the Oscars.

Nitpickers: Think of your favorite movie. Do you think it's perfectly flawless? Think again, because Nitpickers will probably prove you wrong. They have listings of technical errors, showing props, the list goes on. It's amazing how they've caught every, you can send in your own.

The Shining: Another great movie that scared me. This site has a lot of just go look at it if you love this movie or Jack Nicholson.

Another Shining Page: You have to really know and love The Shining to like this page. No, I haven't made it through the maze, but summer vacation - I'm going to break loose and get it. Maybe.

Tombstone: The movie Tombstone is really cool, with a witty script and good battle scenes. This page includes all the best parts: quotes, a purity test, and that Latin translation that you've been dying for.

The Blues Brothers Links Archive: This place has EVERYTHING Jake and Elwood. Lyrics, Elwood's speeches, discography, transcripts, pictures, not to mention the LARGEST archive of links. You can spend days here...I have.

James Iha's Birthday Present: Celebrate the birthday of one of the Smashing Pumpkins by signing into this online version of a gift.

The Smashing Pumpkins Collection: This is THE online source of anything Pumpkins. Real Audio, Video, links, lyrics, everything. You can even listen to entire concerts from the Adore tour.

Pumpkins Real Audio: Apparently this page contains everything that the Pumpkins have played, all in Real Audio format. Listen to Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer -- Billy Style.

The X-Files Forum: I haven't visited this place in quite a while, but I really should go back. Register, and you can post messages about the X-Files. Login later, and you can read responses or gather more information. It's a great place to hear about upcoming X-Pos, too.

X-Pic of the Week: Ok, this is how this page works. Every week, a picture is shown on the page. This pic was taken from an episode of the X-Files. Which episode? That's our job -- guessing which one the picture is from. It's a lot harder than it sounds, by the way!

X-Fools: Homepage of the elusive CD-ROM game, this spoof of the X-Files is hilarious. It has two main parts: public access and restricted access. The public portion includes information and a cool Shockwave game, Abduct This; and the restricted area is only accessible when you register your copy of the computer game.

Fun and Games

Funster: These games are so addictive. I haven't been back for a while, but I really need to go...I'm having Funster withdrawals! And you don't even have to play. The rooms serve as great chat rooms, too.

Candystand: This is the official page for candies such as Life Savers and Fruit Stripes get the full experience, you have to have Shockwave. Then you can play Bowling or Pinball for prizes. Of course, there are games for the younger set, too: Shockwave coloring books and mazes.

Celebrity Dunking Booth: Ever wished you could abuse those celebrities that aren't exactly your favorites? Well, this isn't quite as fun as doing it in person, but it's pretty cool. Washed up celebrities like Kevin Costner, Shannen Doherty, and Kid 'n Play line up at that school-fair classic, The Dunking Booth. Requires Shockwave.

Fun Stuff": This page not only has daily jokes and pages of funny things, but also screen savers and desktop icons. You can also play a live game with someone from around the world.

Funny Farm: Don't read "The Poopie List" if you're grossed out easily.

Garfield: Who doesn't like the famous cat of the comics? From here, you can send e-postcards starring Garfield and Odie, participate in contests or trivia quizzes, or play games. You can also download backgrounds for your desktop.

Trendy Magic: Online magic tricks. And I still haven't figured them out.

Shockrave: You have to have Shockwave to have fun on this site. It includes a huge archive of games, both solitary games or live competitions. It also has a listing of old arcade favorites, like pinball, Asteroids, and Frogger.

Word Play: This site has a large listing of cool sites, most having to do with word games. But there's also a nifty translation service or bumper sticker quotes.

Email Postcards and Other Greetings

ICQ Greetings

More E-Cards

The Beary Patch: From here, you can send virtual flowers, cards, hugs, even food.

Virtual Goodies
