How Much Do We Really Know??

Pawns of the Game

Fox Mulder | Dana Scully | Samantha Mulder | Walter Skinnder | Cigarette-Smoking Man | Alex Krycek | Well-Manicured Man | Deep Throat | X | Marita Covarrubias | The Lone Gunmen | Agent Spender | Diana Fowley

Fox Mulder

The one that started it all. Special Agent "Spooky" Mulder unearthed the X-Files in 1991, and worked with them in the FBI's basement until a shadowy figure burned them...all except for one. Mulder's sister's file. When he was twelve, she was taken away before his eyes, and since then, he has come to believe that she was abducted by aliens. In later years of The X-Files, he's questioned his beliefs. He once even faked his own suicide, but his actions have been kept in check (mostly) by his partner. His background in psychology has helped him gain a reputation for being easily able to capture serial killers, and this skill has also aided him in some of his stranger cases. One other thing...he seems to have an unnatural attachment to sunflower seeds.

Dana Scully

Despite her skeptic background, she's stuck by Mulder for six years, since she was assigned to keep an eye on Mulder's work in the X-Files in 1992. Over the years she's been allegedly abducted by -Mulder's thoughts- aliens, insulted by a tattoo (and attacked by the man who had it), and she's the only person I know of that could gain an appetite while doing an autopsy -- she's a forensic doctor. Her talent for this has helped in identifying some very unnatural deaths. But, of course, she always finds some scientific explanation for every out-of-the-ordinary thing she's seen. Frohike has a crush on her, as did the now-deceased lab worker Pendrell.
