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This is a page dedicated to and about the loss of our twin boys, Samual and Isac. If you would like to read our entire story, click here. If you would like to see a picture (it has been doctored by my computer to look presentable) of our babies, click here. To see the babies' hand and foot prints please click here.To read some comforting poetry, just click on each following title. My Boys, Do I Trust You, Is There A Place I Can SCREAM, To All Parents, Some Time We'll Understand, An Answer, To Jessica, Poems by Julie Martin. If you would like to see some pictures of Danny and I and also some pictures of our 'furry babies', then please click here. To see a picture of the babies gravesite, click here.

You are listening to the song 'My Heart Will Go On' by Celine Dion from 'Titanic'. I saw this movie just a couple of weeks before the babies died, they kicked and rolled through the whole movie! The words mean so much to me.

This Heaven's Babies Site is owned by
Katie & Danny.

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