Lets Do Lunch-By Abby

© 1998 *This story is complete fiction. We don not know Hanson.*

Chapter 1--- ICE CUBES

“Abby!!!! Damnit! Where are you?” Jerry screamed..while searching frantically for me. I glanced back behind me.. He continued with his screams, “ABBY!! We need you in studio b NOW!! Do you hear me young lady?!?”
“Uhh, it’s been great talkin’ to ya..I’ll see you guys around..I really need to go..” I informed my company. Taylor mentioned before I left,
“Alright, you better go..bye.” And I ran..yes ran, to studio b..where my producer was screaming his ass off. For the rest of the day..from 10:30 to 8:00, I sang my little heart out..trying to get the soundtrack finished and over. I finnally had to stop when my voice was getting hoarse.
So I was trying to rest in the lounge...with my water bottle, on the couch, I was all nice and comfy. When that bastard Jerry came back in, “Abby, I need you to give some of my boys a ride home...or to their hotel, wherever.” I groaned and got up,
“Alright, who?” Jerry had to think,
“That new group..y’know, long blond hair..from Oklahoma..”
“You mean Hanson?”
"Yeah, that’s them! So, will ya do it?” I shook my head yes.
“Where are they?”
“In the other room..thanks a lot babe.” I got up, didn’t say another word to Jerry, and made my way towards the door. I turned the knob..and vwala..there they were.
“It seems as if I’m giving you guys a lift.” Uhh, what’s his name? The oldest..IKE, yeah, that’s it, he said,
“Really? You are? But you’re not old enough to drive...”
“This is California babe..I have a limo.” I shot back quickly. SO!! I was trying to impress them, who wouldn’t when their keyboard player was a total babe..oh my God he was hot. I was thinking about asking him for a date..perhaps..maybe. All of them were quiet from then on..so I flipped out my cell phone..called my limo driver, and got everything set up.
“So, where are you guys staying?” I asked, trying to strike up a conversation.
“The palm springs plaza, our condo is being painted.” Isaac noted. I think the youngest..Zac, was nearly asleep, and Taylor, looked as if he was gone.
“Ooh, expensive, that’s where I’m staying, I hate rental houses and condos.” Pretty soon, my red sparkle limo pulled up..Taylor’s eyes shot out,
“This is your limo? Coo1!!” He kinda blurted out..Zac was already in the car. I got in, after Ike and Taylor. And soon, we were on our merry way, a half hour trip across town with a new band. I noticed Taylor was clutching a box tightly.
“What’s that little treasure?” I questioned,
“Ohh, it’s just our new album.” He replied..while Ike and Zac were playing with the TV and fridge.
“May I?” I said, implying on listening to it. He bit his lower lip,
“Promise to like it?” I shook my head yes,
“Pinkie promise.” And he handed me the CD case. I popped the CD into the player, and pushed play. Soon, piano chords filled my ears..I leaned back listening..I liked what I heard. I smile crossed my face. “This is really good..” I commented,
“Nahh, you’re just saying that..” Taylor disbelivingly replied.
“No, I’m not..this is great..I know good music when I hear it.”
“Hey, that reminds me, why were you at the rec. studio, you’re a movie star?”
“I’m doing a musical..so, I need to have all the songs recorded.” He shook his head, as if saying ahhh. For the next...10 minutes or so, I listened to the CD..and chatted with Ike, Zac, and Tay. I figured it out..Zac, was the crazy one of the group, being the youngest he had to be. Taylor, was the..hmm, the sensitive, and thoughtful one. Ike was the backbone..the one that kept them all sane.I liked this group. I REALLY liked Taylor. Near the end of the car ride, I thought to myself, either now, or never, and got up the nerve to........Zac and Ike stepped outta the car, but I pulled Taylor behind,
“Just hold on a minute guys, I’m gonna steal your brother for a minute.” They didn’t seem to care. So, I shut the door, and took a breath,
“I was wondering, if, you might wanna have lunch or sumthin’ with me tomorrow?” And I tried not to look at the expression in his eyes. He cleared his throat,
“Yeah, sounds good.” He replied, with a smile.
“Are they supposed to come too?”
“I wasn’t planning on it..I was implying just you and me.”
“Oh, just checking.”
“Okay,” And I got out of the car..Taylor followed, and we joined Isaac and Zac. Tay, was trying to hide a smile, I could tell, when Ike asked him about it..He just said that he’d tell him later. We all walked into the hotel, and I went towards the direction of my room, which was the same direction they were going in. We took the same pathway up to our rooms, and discovered we were in the same hall way. Before I entered my room I had to say good-bye.
“Well, bye guys..” I said sincerely.. Zac waved, Isaac waved, Taylor asked,
“So, what time?” I thought for a second..
“Around, 12, knock on my door around 12..K?”
“Yeah, got it..bye.” And I said bye, and went into my room..as soon as I could I pressed my ear up to the door to hear what they were saying,
“What was that about?” Isaac, I knew it had to be Isaac, asked..
“Oh, Abby asked me to go out with her tomorrow..” Taylor, nearly bursting, said.
“Abby McCoy, asked you, puny, Taylor Hanson, out, on a date?” Zac questioned..
“Yeah...” Taylor said, then I couldn’t make out anymore..they musta walked away. So, I went to bed..being the good girl that I am..pshaw, yeah right. I’m not good, I’m evil.

Okay..hair, check...makeup, not wearing any, check...clothing, check. Okay, I was perfect. Any moment, Taylor was gonna knock on that door..needed to be prepared. I sat down on my couch and prepared myself for the inevitable. *KNOCK*KNOCK* oh, there he was. I kinda, half running, answered the door, there he was.
“Hi.” Was all he said. Oh my..he looked good. He had on blue jeans, a T-shirt with another button up red shirt over it..like, 5 chokers, a woven bracelet, purplish Doc Martins, and the hair added to it.
“Hello..so, shall we go?” I asked, and said..
“Yeah..” He said, looking a bit high. I stepped outta my room, and we were walking down the hallway, when he continued, “You look good..” I was wearing flare pants, a CK t-shirt, and Nike’s. I thought not..but, hey, I did look good.
“Oh, thanks, you too. I finished listening to your album..”
“And?” he asked, half fearing the answer..
“It was one of the best works of music I’ve ever heard.”
“Seriously now.”
“No, I am being serious..you guys are gonna go far. I know it, hell, I’ll endorse your album.”
“Ahh, thanks..That means a lot. It really does.”
“So, where are your parents?” I asked, wondering,
“They’re back in the room..they kinda freaked out when I said I was gonna hang out with Abby McCoy.” I smiled and laughed.
“Well, most people do darling..” I said, in a snooty British accent. He shot back in his..
“Well I’ll reckon they do.” For the rest of the day, ‘till about 6, we did about everything there was to do in California..except Disney Land. And, alas, we were dining, in Planet Hollywood. As we strolled into the restaurant, the press approached. Just before we were mobbed by them I leaned over and whispered to him,
“Okay, this is a piece of cake..don’t say anything politically incorrect, that you would regret, or that they can twist around..” He nodded, with a panicky look on his face.
“SO! ABBY, whose this character your with?” The first reporter asked, I thought for a minute,
“This, my friends, is Taylor...my boyfriend.” Did I say boyfriend? I think I did..oh nelly. The media went silent for a moment...then they began to snap pictures furiously. I grabbed Taylor’s hand and pulled him into the restaurant. His eyes were wide, and his lips were clenched together.
“That was odd..” He commented,
“Yeah, it’s a bitch isn’t it.” I replied, while the waiter took his order,
“Kinda...uhh, did you say...” I cut him off,
“Yeah, sorry..I guess I kinda lost myself.”
“No no, it’s alright, I just thought, that, well...you’ve never been heard of to date much..and, the fact that..well, forget it.” And he quickly took a sip of his coke. I smiled and asked amusingly,
“What? You don’t wanna be my boyfriend?” He choked on what I thought to be an icecube, and replied while trying to swallow it at the same time,
“No, I do..really.” I smiled.. mischeiviously. And took a drink of my coke. Then he unexpectedly continued, “But, I only have 2 more months in California.” I prepared an answer,
“Then we’ll just have to make the most of those 2 months, now won’t we?” He smiled and said,
“Yeah..I guess.” But he said it enthusiastically. So, we did the usual dining out lingo, we talked, we ate, we tried not to look like hogs. And very soon we were on the limo ride home. Taylor was sitting across from me, with no physical contact whatsoever. Oh joy. I decided it was my move this time. I pretended to switch on the TV, and sorta moved over next to him. He still, didn’t do anything, but wrestle me for the controls. Can he not take a hint? Ahh man, I really wanted him to do something, anything, I didn’t care! My move again.. I snatched the controls from his hand, and didn’t let go of it with mine. He kinda glanced at me shyly, but pretended to concentrate on the TV. Then, we started talking again..oh my. At that time, for the first time, I noticed how mesmerizing his eyes were. They were so blue, and beautiful..made me wanna just lean forward and kiss him full on his soft lips. But, alas, I didn’t..I wouldn’t have the nerve. Well, actually, I would, but..I didn’t think the time was right. Taylor caught me studying his features, and mumbled a, “What?”
“Oh, nothing..” I said, tearing my gaze from his lips.
“Nahh, c’mon, tell me..” he said, smiling.
“Uhmm..” I started, he raised his eyebrows questioningly. “I just noticed that you have really nice facial features..and hair.” I said, as casually as I could make it. He turned a mild shade of pink. I tried to look away, but I just couldn’t..nor did I want to. Who would want to? I, had finally found, the perfect guy. How lovely. He was smart, funny, gorgeous, and modest, and it was sure that he played a musical instrument. But, I didn’t know what..but there was a sadness to him. Something I couldn’t figure out, and that you barely even noticed. Hmm.
“Thanks...” He said, trying to seem grateful. I looked more intriquitly at his skin and lips. Definitely the boldest features about him. He looked great when he smiled. Was this attraction I had to him simply physical? No, it wasn’t. I’m ashamed to say this, but he could have passed for a girl with some makeup and boobs. But, we’ll just keep that a secret between you and me. K? Okay. I pressed my lips together like you do just after you put on lipstick. And tried so hard to get away from his gaze..no Spok, tracktor beam..too strong..being, overcome..by glare..HELP!! A feeling erupted in my stomach, that was like nothing you can describe..I wish I could. I took my free hand, and unconsiously ran my thumb across his cheek, and skimmed his bottom lip, trying to remember every detail of his face. I, for some odd reason, could feel tears beginning to well up behind my eyes. I knew my eyes were getting glassy with moisture then. Then, I regained a bit of consiousness, and brought my hand to rest on his neck. Then, I realized his eyes were fixed on mine. His beautiful blues burning into mine. He scooted up an inch. Not even that. Just enough to be closer. He tilted his head, ever so slightly..and was leaning forward..inch by inch..centimeter by centimeter. He was going towards my lips.

*TODAY..ABBY MCCOY, AND THE NEWBY IN THE MUSIC BUSINESS KNOWN AS TAYLOR HANSON HOOKED UP OUTSIDE OF PLANET HOLLYWOOD..WE’LL HAVE THE STORY IN A FEW MINUTES ON MTV NEWS, 10 TO THE HOUR EVERY HOUR* That damn news flash blared over the TV, making both of us turn to watch. The moment was destroyed, and my heart sunk. Taylor didn’t seem dissapointed, but I could see it in his eyes. I was..considerably upset.
Then, a chill came over me. And I folded my arms in front of me, and nestled into my seat, trying to become a bit warmer. Taylor noticed my fidgeting, and asked, “What’s wrong?”
“Oh, I’m just a little cold..probably nothing..just the chills.” This is your chance Taylor..take it.. He had to think about what to do..oh, real hard decision. He scooted a bit closer and put his arm around me. And kinda snuggled up against me. I wasn’t so cold anymore.
“Still cold?” He asked, eyebrows raised. I shook my head no. Of course I wasn’t.

Chapter 2...Isaac falls in love..with underwear.

Ohh damn..not another day at the studio..I wonder if Taylor had any idea where I was? Probably not. Day and night, I had been listening over and over again..to their album. Taylor said it was alright if I borrowed it for a while. Isn’t he sweet? Then, familiar arguing came from outside of the open door to studio B, the one I was in. I stepped outta the door and saw..who woulda thought..the Hanson’s. Well, 3 of them. The most popular 3.
I glanced at my watch..okay, 15 minutes ‘till I had to go meet a friend for lunch. “Hey!” I half said and half sighed. Trying to catch their attention..which I did.
“Hey Abbs.” Taylor said, halting from arguing with his brothers for a minute. Zac rubbed his 2 index fingers together, chanting, “Kissy Kissy”. Taylor playfully hit the bill of Zac’s hat..making it cover his eyes. Isaac had wandered off to the lounge..Pretty soon Taylor, Zac, and I were in there, searching for him. Isaac, was burrowed into the bean bag chair..marveling over a Victoria’s Secret catalog. He cleared his throat, and squeeked lightly, before mumbling, not taking his eyes off of the picture, to Taylor,
“Hey, Tay, come look at this chick..” And he turned the magazine over, pointing to a brunett.. Brayden. Hmmnmnmm. Taylor, being considerate of my feelings, kinda shunned it off, not wanting to be gawking at another girl in my presence.
“Uhh, Isaac..I know her.” I informed him. Ike’s eyes got wide, and he gave me a look, that was screaming to tell him more. “I’m supposed to pick her up from a shoot today, and we’re gonna have lunch.. I suppose you guys can come along as long as you can handle a bunch of super models running around in their underwear.”
At that moment Isaac sprung up, grabbed the cell phone, and was at the door, asking what my limo number was. Now, was he a bit desperate? Nahh. Zac kept repeating to himself, “Huh, huh, chicks, in their underwear..yess, whooheetootoo.” Taylor shmacked him, and followed me outside. Ike was eager to get there, as fast as he could..so the whole time he was nagging us to hurry up.
SoOoOoO..We eventually got there, and were on the set. When Brayden approached us..in her underwear. “Hey Abby..who are your friends?” She asked.
“Uhh, they’re a new band..Hanson..This is Ike, Taylor, and Zac.” She said hi to them..but they were speachless..completely. I covered Zac’s innocent eyes with my hands..so he couldn’t have any reaction..Isaac was suffering from massive heart failure..and Taylor, was able to shun off an image on a peice of paper..but this was a whole new ball park, and he was checking her out! NOOOOOOOO! Not MY Taylor.
I, leaned over, and whispered to Brayden.. “Why don’t you put on a robe..” And I gave her the evil eye. I think she got the point. So, she grabbed her robe and flung it over herself..and tied it, showing how tiny her waist really was. Oh dear God..there’s just no winning. Taylor caught himself, and stopped gawking, Isaac didn’t.
“Abby..I got one more shoot to do..then I can go..it’ll take like, 20 minutes..okay?” She asked, I nodded, and Isaac piped up,
“Can I watch?” And he put on a smile. Brayden nodded her head, and then turned to go into the changing rooms. I looked at Taylor, whose eyes were on her butt as she walked away. I grew furious at that. Isaac, in the meanwhile, grabbed a chair, and was deciding on the best angle for watching someone model in their underwear. I purposly got a look of hatred in my eyes. So, I spun around, and plopped down on the couch. Not far from me, Zac was playing with the wings (for the Angel collection). Taylor smiled to himself and at Brayden. His eyes seemed glued to her. Then, she turned the corner..out of sight. He stumbled around for a moment..and then turned to me. I had the most sullen look on my face when I looked into his eyes. He sat down next to me, and I angled my body to not be facing him.
“What?” He asked, a little panicky. I replied, “You know what.” He shook his head, “No, I don’t.” I sighed.
“Uhh, Taylor, you only stared at Brayden for 10 minutes..why didn’t you go for 15.” He thought for a moment..then realized I noticed his intent gazing. He bit his lower lip, and sounding ashamed, apologized.
“I’m sorry..I didn’t mean to..I just kinda lost myself..I’m only human y’know.” I began to soften up a tiny bit by the sound of his voice. But, I kept looking the other directing, and I made a sound in my throat. He went on with his pleading, “Ooh, I’m really sorry..don’t be mad..please?” I lost it at the please.. He sounded so feverish..and desperate. I nearly melted at that. I turned to him, and said.
“It’s alright..I suppose I lost my temper..a little.” He smiled, and said once again.
“I’m really sorry.” And then he clutched my shoulders for a hug. Which I more than willingly gave. He kinda smelled my hair and, I didn’t wanna let go of him. There was something, unique about him, it’s the kinda thing that, once you get him in your grasp you couldn’t force yourself to lose him. Hmm.
Brayden came out of the dressing room..in her Angel underwear with the wings and everything. Isaac choked on his own drool. Taylor pressed his eyes to my shoulder...purposly sheilding them from Brayden’s curves. Isaac..explored each and every crevice of Brayden’s body..it was kinda sick. Brayden set herself down on her own personal cloud, as the photographer instructed.
Her first pose, was sitting, leaning forward a bit..legs slightly spread. Isaac, from keeping his eyes open too long..blinked..and lost some of his sight for a moment. Brayden has that effect on guys. I, still wouldn’t let Taylor look. The second pose was for Brayden to lay on her side..the strap of her green, nearly see-through bra slightly ajar. That, was when Isaac began to undress her with his eyes. Oh my God..Isaac couldn’t take his eyes off of her for a second.
Brayden..not used to having a single guy react so much to her..was a bit uneasy around Isaac. I would be too. So, she kept on with these..poses of seduction..as I call them..for the next 10 minutes. And nothing too exciting happened. Taylor looked up and asked me, “Is it okay to look yet?” I shook my head no and pressed his head back to my shoulder. I then whispered into his perfectly shaped ear,
“Just be patient..it’s not gonna be safe to look for 10 minutes or so..can you take the waiting?” He, spontaniously thought of something sweet to say.
“On your shoulder? Sure.” I smiled to myself and planted a small kiss on his earlobe. I think I felt his body shake when I did that..Y’know, like, when you breath too hard, and let it out too slowly. I grinned..quite satisfied with myself. And wondered if I should push it...no, not now...later. He laid his head back down..and Isaac was trying to remember every little detail.
Once the shoot was over..and Brayden (thank God) was dressed..we all loaded into my limo..and were off to find us a restaraunt. Taylor and I were watching TV..while on the other side of the car Ike, Bray, and Zac were all sitting next to each other...Zac and Ike asking every question they could think of. Figures.
“So..where do you guys wanna eat at?” I asked them..
“How 'bout this really cool cafe along the coast.” Brayden suggested..We all said, sounds good, and were on our way. Y’know..in California it always takes ya at least 20 minutes to get anywhere...what a bitch. But, then again, it was 20 minutes sitting next to my young lovely. SoOoOo...
We got to the cafe..and it was charming, bravo Brayden on an excellent choice. And, we were taking our seats..I was gonna sit in between Brayden and Taylor. But, as I was sitting down..Isaac pulled the chair out from under me..and I nearly fell on my much-larger-than-Brayden's ass.


Email: braydengirl@yahoo.com