Great Expectations-By Brayden

© This symbol means "Copyright." i.e.-NOBODY can take this.

**This story is pure fiction. We do not have any affiliation with Mercury
Records or Hanson.**


Neve, a girl of 16 walked around her room tapping her fingers on the closed
boxes. She is tall and pretty and very popular at her school. She has light brown hair
and hazel eyes. Her parents had decided to move being the spontanious people they were it
was no surprise. Her mom had grown up in Tulsa and after her old
high school buddy persuaded her to move back she convinced her
husband,daughter,and her 12 year old son to move there.
"You'll love it! It was so much fun when I lived there!" She had exclaimed
one morning. So,they packed all their stuff and flew from Orlando,Flordia
to Tulsa,Oklahoma.

Chapter 1-The Arrival

"Hey Mom! You didn't tell me my room was so big!"She yelled running down the stairs of her new house.
"Stupid,mine is too. So there" Jamie;her brother said.
"Jamie,don't call your sister stupid!And yes, your rooms are big!"Her mom
said with a smile.
"Oh,and where's dad? My window's stuck." Neve said as she sat down.
"He's with Walker. There unloading stuff."Jamie replied.
She gave a confused look and to her mom she said "Who?"
"Oh,thats Diana's husband,remember?"Her mother stated.
"Do they have any kids my age"Jamie asked as he dug his rollerblades out of
a box.
"Ummm,lets see. Mack is four,Avie is six, Jessie is ten, Zac is twelve,Taylor just turned fifteen and Isaac is 17. The oldest three are in a band,*and* they
just had a baby girl named Zoe." her mom said.
"Hanson!! Wow! I've seen them on MTV? before!"Neve exclaimed.
"Yeah, and when you unpack your stuff you can meet them." her mom

Neve had unpacked almost everything and thought her room looked pretty
"Hey,are we going to meet them or not?" she yelled into the kitchen.
Not seeing anyone there she walked into the living room. Everyone was
sitting there. Including the Hanson clan.
"Uh,oops?"Neve said blushing.
"Everyone,this is my daughter Neve." Her mom said.
She shook everybody's hands. She noticed how cute Taylor was.
'He's only a year younger than me. It could happen.'she thought to herself.
"Since,you guys just got here, how about we all go out for dinner?"Diana
"Yeah,that'd be cool!"Isaac exclaimed. He really thought Neve was pretty and wanted to get to know her better.
So they got into seperate cars and drove to the Olive Garden.

Chapter 2- Playing Footsie

They got a table after waiting for ten minutes. The adults,baby,Mack,and Avie sat at one table
and Ike,Tay,Zac,Jessie,Jamie and Neve sat at another table.
"Mind if I sit by you?"Ike asked Neve
"No,not at all!"Neve replied
They ordered the food and Neve started asking them questions about Tulsa.
"There's a really good Cafe! I'll take you there sometime."Taylor said
Taylor felt a kick from Isaac after he said that.
"OW! Uh,wait maybe Isaac can take you." Taylor said with a frown
"Oh well,it doesn't matter who takes me!"Neve said with a smile
Everyone started talking about summer break,and Ike was telling jokes.
Soon after dinner Neve started thinking of Isaac.He was cute and very funny.
She dropped the crush on Taylor and set her sights on Ike.

The next morning Neve awoke with the sun rays falling across her face. She got up
and looked out her window and saw Ike playing basketball with Jamie,and Zac.
Isaac looked up and saw her at the window and waved. She waved back at him with a smile.
"Come and play"he yelled "We have an uneven number!"
"Ok! I'll be down in a little while!"She yelled back
She got dressed and walked down her stairs in her shorts and Gap? shirt.
"What took you so long? Everyone left already!"He said with a sad face
"I'm sorry! How about you show me around town."Neve said dribbling the basketball
"Ok! My name's Joe and I'll be your tour guide today!" he said in a goofy voice.
She laughed but thought of something. "Wait,I need to tell my mom and dad where I'll be."
"Alright. They're inside talking to my parents." He replied.

They decided to walk to the Cafe they had mentioned earlier. Ike opened the door for her and she walked in.
"Hey,this is a cool place!" she said
"Yeah, I like it!"Isaac said
They both sat down and ordered a root beer, and a Dr.Pepper?.
"I hope you don't mind me asking you have a boyfriend?"Ike quietly asked
"Nah,do you have a girlfriend?"She teasingly said.

Chapter 3-Twister

As they walked home Neve looked up at the sky.
"Whats up with the clouds? They're yellow!"
"We better hurry. It looks like we might have a tornado."
"Oh,thats great!"She said sarcasticly
They fastened their pace and soon arrived at the Hanson house.
"Thank goodness you're home!"Diana exclaimed.
"There has been a tornado warning since 10 minutes ago!"Neve's mom said
They all went down to the basement and sat around.Their parents decided to cook supper.
"Shouldn't they stay down here?" Neve asked
"Don't worry! The Hanson boys shall protect the young Neve Prescott!"Zac yelled in a funny voice.

After playing all the games that were in the house Zac fell asleep and Tay got bored.
Ike and Neve went upstairs and ate there supper. While there parents weren't watchin they snuck outside.
"Yow! Its too windy!" Neve said loudly against the wind.
"Hey! Do you have a basement at your house?"Ike asked.
Ike grabbed her hand and they took off the Neves house.

They sat on the couch in Neves basement. The phone rang and Isaac answered it .
"Hello, Prescott residence."
"Hi"the voice on the other line said "Is Neve home?" The male voice continued.
"She's busy. Can I take a message?"
"Yeah,tell her to call her boyfriend."
Suddenly,the phone went dead due to the tornado and left a very confused Isaac.

Chapter 4- Breaking Point

"I thought you said you didn't have a boyfriend."Ike said.
"I don't."
"Then why did the person on the phone say he was?" Ike asked getting mad.
"Oh...OK. Well,he was my boyfriend but we decided to seperate once I moved"Neve said
"So why didn't you tell me!" Isaac said holding his anger.
"I didn't think it mattered! Besides I wanted to hang around with you."

Isaac sort of understood why she didn't tell him but he was mad.
After the storm was over Isaac went home and Neves parents came back to there own house.
"You shouldn't have left in the middle of the storm!" Neves dad yelled.
"I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Well,go to your room and stay there for awhile." Her dad said.
"Ohhh,Neves in trouble!"Jamie said sarcasticly.

As Neve walked into her room she started to feel bad about what she had done.
She sat at her desk that looked out her window. With nothing else to do she just looked at each of the houses naming each of the trees in the yard.
A skill she had learned in camp. Her gaze landed on the Hanson house. She saw a figure in Ikes room hoping it would be him.
"Neve! Hi!!!" Zac yelled from his window.
"Hey Zac! Where is everybody?"
"Taylor and Ike are at the movies and my mom and dad are out at dinner."Zac replied.
"Ok. See you later!" Neve yelled back.

Neve sat at her desk desk.
"The one time I don't have homework I wish I did."She mumbled to herself.
As the sun started to sink below the horizon, she pulled out a piece of paper and started to write.

I'm carrying this heavy load
I don't know what to do
The only thing I know is that
I'm in love with you
Fly the wings of an eagle
No matter how high
I'll be thinking of you the whole time

She looked at the poem and then out the window again.
Fireflies were lighting up the sky and she could feel the hot but relaxing summer air.
Noticing the big tree right outside her she decided to climb down it.
"Ouch!"She yelled as she fell from the tree.

She ran up the walkway of the Hanson's house and rang the doorbell.
"Hi Neve!" Shrieked young Avie.
"Hi sweetie! Can I talk to Zac?"
"Yup! He's in his room."Avie said making a gesture towards the hallway.
As she walked to their room she noticed all the family pictures on the wall.
Smiling to herself she knocked on the door with the big Hanson sign on it.
"Jessie, I told you to leave...hey Neve!"Zac exclaimed
"Hey....I decided to escape from my room."She said eyeing the almost bare walls.
"I'm glad you came over. I'm so bored!" He screeched.
Laughing,she casually walked to the bunkbeds and secretly dropped the poem on Ikes bed.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Zac said as he tinkered with the lego? castle.
Noticing the car pulling out of her driveway she said to herself "Hmm..They must be leaving for that meeting."
"What?"Zac said looking confused "I asked if you wanted to watch a movie."
"Oh yeah. Sure."She said with a smile.

Chapter 5- Reconciliation

Through the middle of the movie,"Liar Liar" they heard the back door open and shut.
"Ikey and Taywor are home!" Mac yelled as he ran to greet them.
"Well,I better be going!" She said hoping she could leave before confronting Ike.
"Uh! The movie isn't over!" Zac and Jessie whined.
"Yeah,go ahead and watch the rest of the movie. I'm just going to my room."Ike said as he walked into the room.
"Uhh,Hi Isaac." Neve said.
Eyeing the both of them Zac said "Are you two in a fight?"
"No,of course not Zac." Neve answered.
Taylor looked at Zac and shrugged.

'Why does she do this? I finally got my mind off her and then I come home and she's here!"Isaac thought to himself as he jumped onto his bunk.
Noticing the piece of paper by his head he opened it.
After he had read it a surge of happiness raced through his heart.
He jumped off his bed and ran down the hallway,composing himself before he reached the living room.
"Neve." Isaac said into the room.
Five blank faces looked back at him.
"She went home."Taylor said

He walked across his yard,the night air sweeping at his hair.
Gazing up at Neve's window he called her name.
Not getting an answer he picked up a small,smooth pebble and threw it at her window.
Not knowing what to expect he waited.
The window opened and Neve stuck her head out. "Hey."
"Hey. I got your note." Ike said
"Do you wanna go on a walk or something?" Neve asked.
"Yeah." Ike said with a smile.

As Neve walked out the door Ike held out his hand.
She took it and lead him to the end of the walkway.

"My parents are going on vacation." Ike said to start conversation.
"Really? Where?"
"A ski resort in Denver. I think they're gonna ask your parents if they want to go." He continued.
"That'd be cool! Except...I'd be left alone with Jamie! Yuck~!"She said with a funny face
"I think they said you would stay with us." Ike replied with a smile.
"You seem to know alot about this! Are you sure they havn't planned this already?"
"Well, actually they have...I wanted to see how you would react!"He said grinning.
"I think its cool!"She said leaning against him.

As they stood on Neve's porch, Isaac took her hand.
"I'll see you tommorow....right?" He asked
"Of course." she replied
He slowly leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the lips.
Isaac stepped back and said "I better be going".
"Wait!" Neve said as she looked up at the tree & her open window."Can you give me a boost?"
"Yeah." Ike said smiling.

Chapter 6- The Party Begins

"Ok, everyone remember. Phone numbers are on the fridge. If you need anything call Neve and Jamie's grandparents." Diana said.
"Alright! We understand everything! Don't worry and have fun!" Ike said as he urged them out the door.

They watched as both sets of parents drove away in the Prescotts car.
"Well,what do we do now?" Zac said with a sly grin.
Taylor smacked Zac on the head and told him to get lost.
They were mad at each other because Zac put mud in Tay's bed.

"How about we go to LaserQuest?" Ike suggested.
"No, I don't want to. Jamie and I went yesterday!" Zac complained.
"I'll go!" Taylor said excitedly
"Yeah! Zac and I can babysit!" Jamie yelled.
Neve and Ike looked at each other and agreed so Ike,Taylor and her left.

They arrived at the building and it wasn't very busy so they got in fast.
Taylor and Ike popped on the vest and got their gun working but Neve was confused.
They all laughed and Ike slipped his arms around her waist so he could buckle the side straps.
He stayed like this for awhile until Taylor interuppeted them.
"Here, get your gun started"
"Uh, oh yeah." Ike stammerd
The door slid open and all the 24 players ran into the flashing darkness.

"No! More butter!!!" Zac screamed, happy at his creation.
"Ok! Add some salt too!" Jamie yelled.
"Now, let it pop."
It had been about 30 minutes after the other people had left so Jamie and Zac put in a movie for the little kids and they were making popcorn.
They walked into the other room to wait for it to get done and sat down by Jessie and Mack.
Zoe was asleep in the other room.
About 10 minutes into the movie Mack exclaimed "Zac...something smells stinky!"as he wrinkled his nose.
"Yeah, smells like burnt.....POPCORN!!!" Jessie said.
"POPCORN?!?!?" Jamie and Zac screamed.
They ran into the kitchen to find flames licking up the walls.
"Hurry! Get water!!"

Back at LaserQuest Ike and Neve stood in the darkness kissing.
They thought they were hidden but soon a little 10 year old came up behind Neve and shot her.
"Hey!" She yelled shooting back, but by the time she had untangled herself from Ikes imbrace the kid was gone.
"Oh well." Ike said resuming to what he was doing.
Right then the game was over and the announcer was telling them to go to the main room.
They found Taylor and headed to the car.
"Sooooo, did you two have fun?" Taylor said with a grin.
"Yeah, but everyone kept shooting me!" Neve said.
Taylor just rolled his eyes and Ike laughed as he hugged her.

"Omigosh! What happened here?" Taylor yelled as he walked though the kitchen door.
"We...sorta had a fire..."Jamie slowly said.
The fire was gone and everybody was ok so they decided to go set up their beds.
"Ok..Zac and Jamie can sleep in Mom and Dads bed and Neve can sleep in Zac pullout bed." Taylor said.
"Fine with me." Ike said happy that him and Neve would even be in the *same* room.

Neve crawled into Zac's comfy bed and pulled the covers to her chest.
Taylor decided to take Ike's bed so Isaac and Neve could talk or "whatever".
They stared at each other as everyone lay in the darkness.
"I'm cold." Neve said as she looked at the open window.
"I'll keep you warm. I'm cold too." So Isaac snuggled up to her even though he was hot.
"Thanks." She said with a sweet smile.
He kissed her softly on the lips.
'Awwwwww' He thought. Life couldn't get much better then this he said as he pulled the covers to his shoulders.

Chapter 7- Morning Sun

Neve was fully awake but Taylor and Ike weren't so she lay there looking at Isaac debating on cooking breakfast or sleeping.
She continued staring at Isaac and he soon woke up.
"Whaaaat?"He said in a whiney voice as he buried his face in her upper arm.
"Nothing...good morning." She said laying her head by his trying to look at his face.
He noticed that so he quickly kissed her cheek and dived back into the pillow laughing.
She stuck her tounge out and smiled and said "I'm gonna check on Zoe. Do you wanna help?"
Seeing that the clock said 8:30 he said yes because this was the time she usually woke up.
She pulled him out of bed and walked into the hallway as he leaned on her for support.

Zoe slept in Walker and Diana's room so they had to be quiet not to wake up Zac and Jamie.
"I'm still tired." Ike said yawning.
"Lay down until I'm finished then." She said gently rubbing his back.
He kissed her hand then laid back down next to Zac.
"Hi Zoe!" she said in a quiet voice "Are you hungry?"
She started to walk into the other room when Ike's hand reached out to her.
"Where're you going?"He whined
"To get Zoe's bottle. I'll be back."

When she returned Isaac had fallen asleep again and was slightly snoring.
She smiled to herself and to Zoe she said "Isn't he cute? Just like you!"
After changing Zoe's diaper she put her back into her crib and walked over to Isaac.
He sensed her coming and opened his eyes.
"You're back. Will you lay down with me or actually us?"
Nodding, she squeezed in between Ike and Zac. As soon as she lay down Zoe started crying.
"No....don't. She'll stop." Isaac said hugging Neve.
But Zoe didn't stop so finally Ike got up and held her.
Neve watched Isaac and noticed how wonderful he was with babies.
She figured he would be since he helped raise 6 others.
Neve stood up and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and breathed in his smell.
" smell like powder."
"Hey, she stopped crying!" Ike said smiling.
They stood there for awhile rocking Zoe back and forth.
Zac suddenly woke up at that moment.
"What are you doing?" he asked as he rubbed his eyes.
"Yeah."Jamie said

They all poured themselves a bowl of cereal and sat down to eat.
Jessie was in the other room with Avie playing with Zoe.
"Remember that our parents are coming home today." Ike said through a mouthful of cereal.
"Yeah. Come over today! We can get in the hot tub or something." Neve said
At that moment a silence filled the room. Taylor dropped his spoon and Jamie and Zac looked up at them.
"What?" They both asked.

They, which was Ike, Neve and unfortunently Taylor sat in the hot tub.
"We're leaving for tour in a week!" Taylor exclaimed.
"You are? Why didn't you tell me?" Neve said looking at Ike accusingly.
"I,I was going to. I was just waiting for the right time."
"Oh."She said with a frown. "Where're you going?"
"Its just around the United States, so probably 2 months." Taylor explained.

Chapter 8- Leaving for Tour

"I'll call you when we get at the hotel. Ok?" Ike said.
"Yeah,ok." Neve said her face buried in Isaac's shoulder.
The whole Hanson family got into their white van and headed down the road.
Ike,Taylor,and Zac all looked out the back window and waved.
Neve sadly waved back and turned her head.

She sat on her bed looking at her magizines.
"I'm soooo bored!" She yelled outloud.
It was the next week and school was starting in two days.
She had already made some new friends but was still nervous.
She decided to call her friend Darnell. She was a few years younger but was still cool.
They had met at a summer volleyball camp and had hung out awhile.
"Hello?" The girls voice on the other line asked.
"Darnell? This is Neve."
"Hey! Whats up?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to get some friends together and go to Laser Quest."
"Great! How about hour?" Darnell asked.
"Sure! I'll call around and see who else wants to go with us. Bye!"

They all arrived at LaserQuest. They, included Neve,Darnell,Tatum,Danielle and Afton.
Everyone got their vest and gun and waited for the announcer to say they could start.
All of a sudden three boys walked up to them and started talking.
Tatum and Afton seemed to like the attention but these guys scared Neve.
One of them started flirting with her. She looked him over noticing he was the same height as her and slightly smaller.
She seemed to notice his eyes the most. They looked suspicious.
Finally, what seemed like and eternity the game started.
"Uhhh...gotta go!" She yelled and ran off.
"Wait!" he said as he followed her.
"What?"She groaned.
"My name's Nate." he said walking behind her." you have a boyfriend?"
"Yes."She said while shooting at Danielle.
"Oh. Who?"
"His name is Isaac. Do you mind? Your sorta blocking my way."
"Oh...sorry. Isaac who?"
"Argh! If you have to know, its Isaac Hanson.."
"That guys gay."He plainly stated.
"Actually, he isn't. Excuse me!"
She walked past as he mumbled "He'll be gone soon."

"See you Monday!" Neve said as she dropped off Afton.
She arrived at home and noticed how empty the Hanson house seemed.
Looking at it longingly, she unlocked her front door.
Her parents and Jamie had gone to his school so he could meet the princepal and some of his teachers.
Walking into her room she took off her sweaty clothes and took her shower.
She walked into her room and changed into her pajamas.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw dim headlights right outside of her house.
She looked out the window and saw a man in the car. He saw her and drove away.
The licence plate read: GNM 7659
As she called the police department she nervously looked out the window.
"Umm,hi. I need to run a licence number."
"Ok. Please state the letters clearly." The femine voice on the other line replied.
"It's GNM 7,6,5,9."
There was a slight pause then the voice said "That belongs to a Nate Richardson."

She placed the phone on the receiver and sat there shocked.
The phone rang and she jumped, for it disturbed her thoughts.
"Hello?" she meekly asked.
"Hey! Whats wrong?" Ike's comforting voice asked.
"Oh,uh nothing. I'm glad you called though. Where are you?"
"We're in Minnesota. Are you sure nothing's wrong?"
"Well...I don't think it's anything to worry about. Its just some guy."
"Tell me about it."He said concerned.
"Ok. Some friends and I went to LaserQuest and there were three guys there. Well, one was like flirting with me..."
"Your not dumping me are you?"
"No! Just listen. Anywho...he asked if I had a boyfriend and of course I said you were. He said some mean things and this evening a car was waiting outside, apperantly watching me get dressed. So, I ran the licence number and it ended up being him." She said with a shakey voice.
"Your parents are home aren't they" Ike asked.
"No..not right now."
"Maybe you should call someone to stay with you. I don't want anything bad to happen."
"You're sweet. I'll be fine! Really!" Neve said hopefully.
"Alright, but if you need anything call me. I'll be home in two more weeks."
"Really?! I'm so glad!" Neve exclaimed.
"I can't wait to see you, and if this guy keeps bothering you tell me. Ok?"
"Why? You going to beat him up or something?"She asked teasingly.
"Yeah. Well,gotta go. I love you." He said sweetly.
"I love you too."she said smiling. "Bye and goodnight."
"Goodnight." Isaac answered "Oh, and I'm happy that you love me."
He hung up the phone and looked up at Taylor who had just walked into his hotel room.

Chapter 9-First Day

Neve and Afton stepped into the crowded hallway and milled there way to the locker area.
"Well, my lockers over here."Afton said pointing to that area.
"So's mine. Lets go!"
Neve put her stuff in her locker and looked to see who was on her other side.
"Ahhhh."She gasped dropping her bag. It was Nate who was standing next to her.
"I saw you the other night. You looked really good." He said slyly.
"You creeten. Leave her alone!" Afton said pulling at her arm.
Neve followed her looking behind her shoulder. He gave her a dirty look so she gave him the finger and turned around.

A week went by and Nate left her alone. That was until that Friday.
"Nooo!" Neve cried as she read the note that was taped to her locker.
"What's it say?" Afton and Danielle asked both grabbing the note.

Outloud, Danielle read-

You think you're gay boyfriend is going to help you but he isn't.
He's too weak for anything. I wish he would die and that's possible.
Maybe his plane will crash or maybe I'll beat him up. That would be easy.
Even in a fight he wouldn't last long.
I hope you think about this. If you know what's good for him you'll dump
him for me.
- Nate

A tear slid from her eye. Isaac was coming home today. Should she show him the note?
As if reading her mind Danielle said "You should really show Isaac this."
Neve nodded and they walked away.

Neve said hi to her parents and walked to her room. She decided to take a nap so she laid down.
She soon fell asleep and let her worries drift away.

The next thing she knew, a hand was gently shaking her arm.
"Huh? What?" She asked confused.
"Hey!" a soft voice said as a hand brushed the hair away from her face.
"Your back! She softly exclaimed as she sat up.
"Yeah"He quietly said. "You look very stressed."
She avoided his gaze and said "He's still bothering me."
Gripping him tighter she started to cry again.
"I don't want him to hurt you Isaac!" She sobbed. "I think we just read this." Neve said laying down covering her eyes.
Isaac read the note and with a sigh he firmly said "No. We're not going to break up because of this jerk. It's what he wants."
"What if he does hurt you? That can't happen! I'd feel so guilty as if it's my fault!"
"He won't." Isaac stated. "He won't." He said looking off in the distance with a strange look in his eye.

Isaac walked home knowing a lot of stuff needed to be done. Especially unpacking which he dreaded the most.
He bumped into Zac who exclaimed "Hey! Watch it Chewy!"
"Oh. Sorry Zac."
Walking down the hallway he plopped down on his bed and thought about what he should do.
'Maybe I should fight him.' He thought to himself.
"Hey Ike. Whats up? You look distraught." Taylor said as he dumped his clean clothes into a drawer.
"OK, I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone!"
"I promise." Taylor said curiously.
"Well,remember that guy who's stalking Neve?" Ike asked.
Taylor nodded and said "Yeah."
"I'm gonna fight him." He sternly said.
"I don't know if that's the right thing to do but okay. You'll have to find out where he lives and stuff though."
"I already know." Isaac said looking up at Taylor.
"Well....ok then."

Chapter 10- The Fight

Isaac had talked to Neve earlier that day but didn't give any hint of what he was going to do.
As he walked up Nate's sidewalk, his anger started to build.
He rang the doorbell and waited impatiently.
A guy about his size answered the door. Recognizing Isaac he gave a sneer.
"What do you want?" Nate asked
"I want you to leave Neve alone." Isaac said.
"Ohhh! Who's going to make me?" He said taking a swing at Ike.
Isaac was fast and dodged out of the way.
"Uh uh. Don't even try that!" Isaac yelled.
Ike grabbed Nate's shirt making it rip.
He hit him hard once in the face and then in the stomach.
Nate stood there holding his stomach, groaning with pain.
Isaac got even more mad for no reason and kicked him down.
He started walking back to his car but heard a rustle behind him.
Nate jumped onto his back knocking him down. Isaac turned his body around and hit Nate.
This time Nate got Isaac. He had hit him on the eye and on the nose.
Isaac struggled to free from his grip and succeeded.
Nate stood there looking *very* angry. Ike hit him one last time.
Yelling in his face he said "Don't you dare speak to or touch Neve again! Don't even talk *or* look at me or I swear I'll kick the crap out of you!"
Pushing him down he walked to his car and drove away.

Wiping the blood from his nose Isaac tried to sneak into his house.
He thought he was safe until Diana, who was talking to Neve's mom saw him.
"Oh no! I'll have to call you back." She hung up the phone and looked at Isaac alarmed.
"Uh...hi?" He said not looking at her.
"Clarke Isaac Hanson! What in the world happend to you?"
"I sorta got in a fight." He vaguely explained.
Taylor had just walked into the room and with wide eyes he gave a gasp.

"Isaac, you know better ways to solve your problems." Diana said while wiping the blood from his nose.
"I know. I learned my lesson. I won't even be able to see Neve until my black eye goes away." Isaac sadly said.
"You need to tell her what happend. I'm not going to let you lie to her." Walker said.
"Do you two *know* how much she'll hate me if she found out? Please don't make me tell her!" He pleaded.
Walker and Diana both looked at each other and agreed "Ok, you don't have to tell her."
The phone rang and Isaac answered. "Hello?"
"Hey Isaac! Wanna come over?" Neve asked
"I, uh, no I can't. I have to get my...braces tightned." He stammered.
"Oh ok." She said in a dissapointed voice. "Well, I'll see you later then."
"I love you." Isaac said with a little hope that she wouldn't be mad.
"I love you too."She said with a sigh. "Bye."
Isaac hung up the phone and clenched his sore eye shut.

It had been four days since Neve had seen Isaac and was very upset.
"What if he took the advice in that note and decided to break up with me?" She asked Danielle over the phone.
"Well, if he won't talk to you, go over to his house. He'll have to talk to you then!"
She decided to take her advice. So after her homework was finished she walked over to his house.
Taylor answered the door with a surprised look.
"I really need to talk to Isaac." She said looking desperate.
With a sigh Taylor told her to hold on.
"Isaac. Neve's here. She said she really needs to talk to you." Taylor said.
Ike looked up from the couch with his eye still swollen shut and said "I can't see her."
Taylor walked back to the door and said to Neve "He's busy right now."
"Taylor! I know he isn't! Move. I have to see him."
Neve pushed past the prostesting Taylor and walked into the living room.
"Isaac?" She asked
He slowly turned around hoping that she wouldn't see the huge black and blue that covered his eye.
"Oh my gosh! What happened?" She asked as she sat next to him on the couch.
"I got in a fight with Nate." He said looking at his feet.
Neve hugged him and felt so much better.
Still hugging him she said "Is that why you wouldn't let me see you?"
"Yeah." He replied as she softly kissed his eye.
"I was so worried that you were dumping me!" She said with relief.
"No, I could never do that." He said hugging her tighter.
There they sat on the couch just holding each other. He thought about how he could've lost her so he gave her a strong kiss on her lips.
Neve forgot about the time and ended up staying over there the rest of the night.
When she finally woke up she was sorta dazed. She noticed Isaac laying beneath her and heard Diana talking to Walker in the kitchen.
"Diana?" She softly said.
"Yes?" She said walking into the living room.
"What time is it? I'm supposed to be at school."
"Well,you fell asleep over here so your mom let you stay!" She said.
"Oh, but what about school?"
"Well....we have to talk to you about that..."She replied with a smile.

Chapter 11-School's out for the summer! *Singing*

Isaac woke up then, smiling when he noticed Neve laying on top of him.
"Hey there. Did you sleep as well as I did?" He said playing with her hair.
"Isaac, we need to talk to Neve so, why don't you get washed up." Diana said.
Ike blushed not knowing his mom was standing there & said "Ok."
Neve watched Isaac leave the room and said to Diana "Whats wrong?"
"Well, we're going to wait until your parents get here till we tell you. They should be here pretty soon"
"Is it something bad?" Neve asked
"Nope! Not at all" she heard a knock at the door "Oh there they are!"
Diana walked over to the door as Walker,Taylor,Zac,and Isaac who was carrying Mac entered the room.
"Hi."Neve said to her parents.
"Well"Said Walker clapping his hands together "Should we tell them now?"
"Now's the best time!" Neve's dad replied.
Neve and Isaac were playing with Mac and looked up.
"Well?" Ike asked impatiently.
"Since you two were having such problems with that one young man, we were thinking that Neve should start homeschooling with us." Walker stated.
"Really?" Neve said looking at her parents.
"Yes. That is if you want to." Her mom replied.
"Yeah I want to! Is Jamie doing this also?" Neve asked hoping the answer would be no.
"We've decided that Jamie will stay at his regular school since he's not having any problems." Diana said.
"Yay! Nevie gets to be with me awww day!" Mackenzie said flinging his arms around her.
"Thats so cool!" Taylor exclaimed.
"Yeah! But...would'll happen when we go on tour?" Zac asked with critacal look.
"Umm...well. You can go with us or your parents will take over." Walker said directing the answer to Neve.
Neve nodded and with a smile she said "When do I start?"

The adults went into the kitchen for coffee and left Zac,Isaac,Taylor and Neve in the living-room.
"That'd be soooo cool if you went on tour with us! You'd have so much fun!" Zac said sitting indian style in front of her.
"Yeah,it would be great." Isaac said as he nuzzeled her neck.
"Oh,cut it out you psyhco's" Taylor said laughing at his joke.
"Fine. We'll go to the basement." Isaac said pulling Neve from her seat.
"OK!" she said laughing.

Isaac flopped onto the couch pulling Neve down with him. He flipped on the TV which happened to be VH-1.
"Hey, it's you! What a surprise! Let's see what it's about." Neve said.
"And it's Hanson who just wrapped up their tour around the United States but reportedly the eldest brother,Isaac, now has a girlfriend. We don't know if this report is true but what will it do to the band? Send your opinions to
They flipped off the TV surprised at what they just heard.
"Well, It's true!" she said kissing him playfully.
"Yeah but.." he said as he scrunched his eyebrows together. "What if its bad for the band?"
Neve gave him a shocked look and said "Do a press conferance and lie."
He nodded his head and leaned against her.

At that moment Zac came into the room.
"What's wrong?" He innocently asked.
"Someone has told the people at VH-1 that we're going out." Ike stated.
"Either that or they're trying to start a rumor." Neve corrected.
Looking at Neve, Zac said "Maybe that Nate kid told them.
Stunned, Neve replied "That is sooo possible."
"Well anyway." Zac said to Ike "We need to start school now."

They all sat down at the dining room table except for Mac,Zoe, and Avery.
"Ok, Neve. Right now we're reading over the Revolutionary War. You should catch up pretty fast." Diana said while giving Neve her books.

After an hour and 30 minutes went by they were allowed to go outside and play.
Deciding on playing basketball, they split into teams. To make it fair,Taylor was on Neve's team and Zac was on Ike's team. Jessie went to play in her playhouse with Avie.
"Ok, check." Neve said passing the ball to Zac.
They played for about 10 minutes when Neve said "Oh crap!"
"Whats wrong?"Ike asked.
"See that car in my driveway?"
"Yeah. So?" Ike replied.
"It's Nates."
"Should we tell mom?" Taylor asked.
"Wait." Isaac said holding his hand up. "He doesn't know Neve's homeschooling."
"Sooo?" Tay asked confused.
"So, we go to Neve's house and catch him red-handed." Isaac explained.
"Good idea! Lets go." Neve said grabbing Ike's hand.

Isaac opened the front door, not surprised it was unlocked. Not seeing anything suspisious they headed upstairs.
They heard a thumping noise in Neve's room, so cautiously they opened the door and found Nate rummaging through her drawers.
Apparently, he couldn't find what he wanted and climbed out the window.
"Hurry. We got to get back home." She whispered.

When they entered Ike's house Zac had explained the whole story to Diana.
"Well,well,well???" Zac said excitedly
"He was there. In my room!" Neve said as she sat down.
"I'll call the police but the only thing we can do is get a restaining order." Diana said.
"Thats fine." Neve mumbled. "I need a vacation."
"Ohhhh, you'll get one soon enough!" Taylor said with a mischevious grin.

Chapter 12- A Long Deserved Break

As Neve sat down beside her mom to watch TV she gave her a hug.
"Poor girl! You're probably so stressed out." Her mom said.
"I am. Right now my life seems like a deranged story you would find on the internet!" Neve said shaking her head.
"Oh honey. I really doubt it's *that* bad!"
"No, but still." Neve said shrugging her shoulders.
"Well, how would you like to go on a little vacation?" Her mom asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Diana and Walker think that it would be best if you go on tour with the boys. Not only will you get away from Nate you'll get to see Europe and keep up on your work." Maureen *Note:that is Neve's moms name.* informed.
"That would be so fun!" She said dreamily.

After she got bored of watching TV she walked up to her room to go to sleep.
Her clock read 11:00.
"Hmmmm..I wonder what I should pack." She said outloud.
"Try clothes!" Jamie said throwing a towel at her.
"Hey. Don't do that." Neve said.
"Why do you get to go and I don't? It's not fair!" Jamie complained.
"Well, you have school,you would get homesick,and you weren't invited!" Neve said teasingly.
"Will you bring me back presents?"
"Sure! But I'm not even sure if I'm going or not." Neve said.
"You will. Isaac will make them let you go." Jamie explained.
"Oh yeah?" She said with a smile. "How do you know?" Neve asked with her eyebrows raised.
"Don't tell but....Zac and I were listening to Ike and Taylor's conversation and we came to the conclusion that he looooves you!" Jamie said with a smile.
"No, really. What did he say?"
"I'm not saying what Isaac said! I'm too much of a visual person!" He said as he ran out of the room.

The next afternoon while Maureen was making lunch the doorbell rang.
"Neve, can you get that please?" Maureen asked.
"Yeah." She got up from where she was sitting and crossed the living room.
She opened the door with a smile when she saw Mack,Diana,Jessie,and Isaac.
"Hi!" She said as Jessie and Mack both hugged each her legs.
"Hi sweetie!" Diana said kissing her cheek."Where's your mom?"
"She's in the kitchen. Come on in." Neve said.
Diana walked into the kitchen and heard her say "Does she want to come?"
"Soooo Jessie. How's ballet going?
"Great! We're doing a recital!" Jessica said excited at the topic.
"Nevie..pick me up pweese!" Mack said looking up at her.
As Neve picked him up Isaac looked over at her.
"Neve,pick me up too!" Isaac said jokingly.
"Hey! I'm not Hercules!" She said smiling.
"That's a relief!" Ike said giving an exsasperated look.
"Nevie, can I give you something?" Mack asked sweetly.
"Sure Mack! What?"
"Dis!" He leaned forward and kissed her on the lips.
"Thank you Mack! That was sweet." Neve said with a smile.
"Hey man. Are you trying to take my girl?" Isaac said tickling him.
"Ahhhh! Mommy help me!" Mack screamed.
At that moment both Maureen and Diana walked into the room.
Looking at Isaac and Mack then at Neve, Diana asked "So, are you coming with us?"
She glanced at Ike who nodded his head. Jessie and Mack did the same "Yeah. It'll be fun!"
Diana explained what she would need. That included clothing,and other stuff nessasary for the trip. It would last about 6 months because they were traveling all-over Europe and to Australia.
"Oh yeah." Diana said. "Why don't you come over so you can study."
"Alright. Bye mom." Neve said and walked out the door.

They had finished their work and Taylor, Isaac and Zac asked Neve to help them pack.
"OK...Isaac. Let's see what you have packed so far." Neve said.
"Should I take these pants?" Isaac said holding up a pair of maroon, vinyl pants.
"" She said wrinkling her nose.
"Ok...fine." He said shaking his head.
"Come on Zac. Let's go get are rollerblades and see if they'll fit in our suitcase." Taylor said.
"Ok." Zac said running out of the room.
"I've been wanting to ask you something." Isaac said taking her hand.
"What's that?" Neve asked.
"Who's the better kisser? Me or Mack?" He said with a smile.
"Hmmmm...kiss me and I'll be able to tell you!" She said laughing.
Isaac leaned his head in and kissed her. When he was about to pull away, Neve pulled him back and kissed him some more.
"So? Who's better?" Isaac said shocked at how good of a kiss that was.
"Let's just say Mack needs a lot of practice." Neve replied.

Chapter 13- Just Cruisin' *Yippie! It's another Will Smith song!*

After Neve had said goodbye to her parents and brother she put her bags into the large white van and sat between Isaac,Zac,and Mack.
"Yea! We're going to Erup! Mack said jumping up and down in his seat.
"Yeah we are! But first you need to put on your seatbelt." Neve said to him
"I can't." He stated.
"And why is that?"
"'Cause I got to go pee!" He said with a smile.
"Actually he doesn't." Isaac whispered to Neve. "I think he just likes saying that." He said with a smile.
"Oh well that's a lovely thing to be saying!" Neve said rolling her eyes.
"Alright everyone! Does everybody have their seatbelts on?" Walker asked from the head of the van.
"Yes!" A chorus of replies yelled.
They started the 30 minute ride to the airport. Isaac slipped his arm across Neve's shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.
Mackenzie eyed Ike's movements and soon did the same. Mack being shorter had to put his small arm around her waist.
"Nevie...." he said to get her attention.
"I'm Isaac." He stretched his neck up and also kissed her on the cheek.
"No your not!" Isaac replied."Would you do this?" He cupped her chin in his hand and kissed her lips.
"Yuck!" Mack screamed.
Jessie who was watching the entire ordeal started laughing along with Taylor,Zac,and Avie, said "Teenagers are funny!"

Finally arrived at the airport and checked in their bags. Waiting for them there was some policemen to guard them.
As they rushed passed the crowd of screaming girls, hands were grabbing at anything and everyone.
"Ow." Neve quietly said as someone had made a long scratch up her arm.
Isaac, noticing what had happened leaned over her as they walked along, sheilding her from any further injuries.
Running to their seats on the plane, a few stewardesses gave them bad looks.
"Woah. That cut is really bad! I'll get you a bandages. Hold on." Isaac said getting up from his seat.
"Hey!" Zac said walking up to her. "Can I sit by you?"
"Of course!" Neve answered patting the seat next to her.
"Ew. Does your arm hurt?" Zac asked with his brow raised.
"Not too bad. It just stings." Neve said.
"Here, I'll kiss it for you." Zac said bending over.
"No, it's bleeding."Neve answered.
"I don't mind!" He kissed the cut slightly and looked at her when he was finished.
Suddenly Ike returned with some bottled water and guaze.
"Gross Zac! Why do you have blood on your lips?" Ike said with a weird look on his face.
"Huh? Oh oops." and quickly wiped his mouth.
"I'll fix it up nicely." Isaac said in a german accent.
Zac looked at Neve and shrugged his shoulders. When Isaac was done he kissed the bandage and smiled.
"Thank you." she said smiling back.
"I hope it feels better 'cause this is going to be a long flight!" Zac said trying to get Neve's attention.
"Really?.. How long?" Neve said ruffeling his hair.
"10 hours." He answered nodding his head.
At that moment Mack stopped at there seats,smile fading seeing there was no more room for him.
"Uh. What 'bout me?" He pouted.
"I'm sorry Mack."Ike said."You can come and sit on my lap when the plane is in the air."
"I want Nevie!" He shouted.
"Shhhh! Ok. You can sit on Neve's lap later!" He said whispering.
"O-tay!" and he sat by his mom and dad.

*Zac's thoughts (Yes I can now read minds)*
'Hmmm...I wonder if Neve would ever go out with me? I'm only 4 years younger than her. She's so pretty.'

*Back to the plane*
The plane took off and the seatbelt sign went off.
Zac sighed and leaned against Neve pretending he was tired.
"Are you tired already?" Neve asked stroking his head.
Secretly liking that, he replied "Very. I'm just going to take a nap."
Neve turned back to the conversation with Isaac. Smiling at Ike she said "What do you want to do when we get to France?"
"Hmmm..isn't France the country of love?" He slyly asked.
"No silly. That's Italy." she said slightly nudging him.
"I'm back,I'm back,I'm back!" Mack said smiling."Can I sit on your lap now Nevie?"
"Yep. Get up here!" Neve said smiling back.
Mack scooted past Isaac and sat in the middle seat on Neve's lap.
"I wuv you Nevie." Mack said hugging her. "You're nice!"
Lauging she said "Thank you Mac."
"Now," Mac continued "Isaac has to give you a kiss." He said pushing Neve's head against Ike's.
Not making lip contact they smushed noses instead. Trying again, they made it on the mouth instead.
Zac pretended he just woke up and asked "Don't I get one too?"
"Yup!" Mack replied and put there heads together,Zac making sure their lips touched. 'Ahhhh! I'm in heaven.' he dreamingly thought.

Neve,Zac,Ike,and Mac all fell asleep at some point on the long trip. Mac was curled up on Neve's lap;quite comfortable,Neve was leaning against Ike and Zac had linked arms with Neve,sleeping on her shoulder.
"Excuse me." a soft voice said."The plane ride is over."
"Ok.Thanks."Isaac said stretching.
Gently shaking her shoulder, Isaac woke Neve up.
"Guess what..."
"What?" she replied.
"We're in France! Huh Ha!" He said

Chapter 14- Out With the Old

Walking to her room, Neve was so tired she could barely unlock the door.
"Here. Let me help." Ravi;the backup guitarist said.
"Thank you." Neve replied. "How come your not tired?"
"Oh..I'm used to it." unlocking the door he exclaimed "ah hah!"
Smiling Neve thanked him once more and wished him good-night.
"Wait,do you mind keeping my guitar in your room?" Ravi asked.
"No,of course not." taking it from his arms she walked into her room,shut the door and instantly fell asleep.

The next day Neve sat on the queen size bed playing the guitar. A hobby she had mastered at age 12.
Slowly the door connecting the boys room to hers slowly opened.
"I didn't know you played the guitar!" Taylor said as a smile spread across his face.
"Yeah well..I guess it's my deep dark secret." Neve replied with a grin.
"So,what can you play?" Taylor ventured.
" about.." and she started playing the opening part of MMMBop.
"I'll be right back." Taylor said as he ran back into his room.

They soon returned. Ike,Taylor,and Zac sat across from her on the couch.
"So,what's all the commotion?" Isaac asked.
"I'm really not sure."Neve replied."I started playing the guitar and Tay got you guys."
"Come a little more!" Taylor exclaimed.
She again started playing MMMBop. When she was finished Zac yelled "Play for us!"
"Zac. That's what Ravi is for." She said in a slow soft voice.
"No. Ravi was called last night saying that he was needed to work on his CD." Zac explained.
"Yeah and we found another back up but he dances really weird." Ike continued.
"I don't know...." She slowly said "I'm just worried that the fans will be upset seeing a girl playing for you guys." Neve said with a frown.
"They'll be fine! As long as your good." Isaac said placing his hand on her shoulders.
"Well,when you had that girl play violin for I Will Come To You, they started a petition." Neve said.
"Are you serious? That's stupid!" Zac exclaimed.
"I guess I'll have to think you'll have to ask your parents." Neve told them.
"We will." Was Taylor's reply.

The guys except for Zac left to give Neve some time to think.
"Am I bugging you?" Zac asked staring at her.
"No,you're ok." Neve replied staring at the ceiling.
They both turned as they heard the door open.
"Hey guys!"Diana said cheerfully. "Neve,can I ask you a favor?"
"Sure. Whats up?"
"Well,Jessie wants to go see "Titanic" and Walker and I don't have time too. So, can you possibly take her?"
"Yeah! I love that movie! I'll take her." Neve said.
"Can I go too Mom?" Zac politly asked.
"Sure." Diana started rummaging through her purse and gave Neve $50.00.
"Umm...I don't think we'll need this much." Neve said as she handed some back.
Diana pushed it back and said "This is so you can grab some lunch."
"Yea! Food. French food is even better!" Zac said jumping up and down.
Jessie walked into the room and quietly asked if she was able to go. Diana said yes so Neve,Jessie,and Zac walked out of the room into the hotel's hallway.

They walked down the street to the nearest theater which was two blocks away.
"Neve?" Jessica asked.
"Who do you like?" Jessie continued.
'Me stupid!' Zac thought.
"I like Isaac." Neve said grinning.
'Ike's a nimrod. You need a real!' Zac continued thinking.
"No,I mean...a famous person." Jessie exclaimed.
"Isaac is famous you idiot!" Zac yelled.
Sticking out her tounge at Zac,she said with a dreamy look "I love Leonardo DiCaprio!"
"Zac be nicer!" Neve said scolding him. "Ok Jessie..if I had to chose an actor I would choose...Matt Damon."
"Matt Damon? He has a weird nose!" Zac said with disgust "But if you like him so do I."
"Oh wait. There's the theater."Neve said pointing.
"Wow!!! That line is huge!!!" Jessie said amazed.
They had stood in line when a cart selling teddy-bears caught his eye.
"Hmmm...$10.00." He mumbled.
"What Zac?" Neve asked.
"Can I have $10.00?"
"I guess. Here you go."She said handing him the money.
"Thanks!" he said excitedly as he ran off,thinking 'She'll really like this!"
"Where's HE going?" Jessie asked.
"I have no idea." Neve replied walking closer to the ticket taker.
Zac soon walked back where Neve and Jessie stood, with the brown,medium size,teddy-bear.
"Who's that for?" Neve asked noticing the bear.
"Uhhh...someone special." He said with a grin.
"Your mom?" Neve asked.
"Some unknown girlfriend?"
Zac shook his head yes.
"Who?" Neve asked confused.
"You!" He said handing it to her.
"Ohh! Zac that's so nice of you!" She said giving him a hug.
'Woah! Me and my brillant ideas.' Zac thought lingering in Neve's embrace.
"Neve." Jessie said tugging at her shirt. "We can get our tickets now."
"Good!" Neve replied handing the cashier $13.00.
They walked in casually while Zac eyed the candy.
"Hey! Gummie bears!!" Zac said excitedly.
"Ok..we'll get Gummie Bears." Neve said with a sigh.

Back at the hotel Taylor and Isaac were having their own conversation.
"I hope Neve really considers this." Ike said wistfully.
"Yeah...Zac does also." Taylor said with a roll of his eyes.
"What do you mean?"
"Come on Ike! It's soooo obvious!" Taylor said laughing.
"What is? I'm totally clueless."
"Oh really Alicia? You haven't noticed that Zac is totally bugging over Neve?
"Are you serious?" Ike said with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes!" Taylor said trying to stifle his laughter. "You better do something or Zac 'The ladies man' is gonna get your girl!
"Oh well. Let's go ask Mom and Dad if she can play back-up." Ike suggested.
"'k" Was Taylor's reply.

"Walker?" Diana said loudly trying to find her husband.
"Yeah?" He replied peeking out of the closet.
"Well, the boys had suggested that Neve play back-up for their next concert."
"That should be alright but what about Mike? We already hired him." Walker explained.
"Hmmmm..the boys don't want him. Maybe we can tell him we don't need him yet." Diana said.

"I'm sitting by Neve!" Jessie yelled.
"No,I am!" Zac yelled back.
"Shhh! I'll sit in the middle by both of you." Neve said in a hushed voice.
"Cool!" Zac said grinning.
They took there seats and began to watch the previews. Soon the feature presentation came on and Jessie started to quietly chant "Leo,Leo,Leo." over and over again.
"Shhhh!" A person in front of them said.
At a glance she noticed a tall figure walk past her saying "Neve?"
"Ike! Over here!" Neve said smiling.
"Oh there you are!" Isaac said turning around.
"Zac can you move?" Neve asked politely.
"No. Have Jessie move!" Zac said in a high but quiet voice.
"Eww! Zac of little intelligence!" Jessie sighed as she moved and sat on the other side of Zac.
"I'm glad you're here." Neve said placing a kiss on his lips.
Zac getting a sudden urge of jealousy, purposely spilled his Dr.Pepper all over Isaacs pants.
"Oops!! I'm so sorry!!" Zac said with a hint of satisfaction.
"It's ok. I'll just go to the bathroom and get it cleaned up." Ike said with a sigh.
"Excuse me." one of the ushers said. "I need to ask you to leave. You're being much to loud." He continued in a French accent.
"Ok..let's go guys." Neve said taking Jessie's hand.
Zac stood by Neve as they waited for Ike to come out of the restrooms.
"Uhhh..Neve?" Zac asked fidgiting.
"Yeah?" She replied looking down at him.
Noticing that Jessie had wandered off to look at a gumball machine he took his chance. "Do you love me?"
Taken aback by this question she replied "Well,yes as my friend."
"No..I mean." He said closing his eyes to get his thoughts in order. "Like, how you love Isaac."
"Zac." She said carefully. "I don't love you in that way. You're my boyfriend's little brother." She said with a sympathetic glance.
Zac's lower lip started to tremble as he suddenly ran off but not before he grabbed the teddy-bear he had given her. Bumping into Isaac, he gave an evil glare and kept running.
"What was THAT about?" Ike asked as he continued to watch Zac.
Neve explained what had happened and Ike asked "Should I go after him?"
"No, I think I should. Why don't you take Jessie back to the hotel."
Isaac drew her in for a hug and kiss 'till they both went their seperate ways.

Neve soon caught up to Zac who had reduced his run to a fast walk.
"Zac! Please don't be mad!"
"Just leave me alone!" he screamed.
Seeing the hurt look in her eyes he lowered his voice.
"Listen, I'm going to go back to the hotel. Don't worry about me." Zac said with a sigh.
Clutching his hand she said "Be careful,Ok?"
Pulling away from the grasp he replied in a plain voice "Yeah. Whatever."
He started walking again while Neve turned her back. 'How could I have been so stupid? Why would she love me when she could have the smart,perfect Isaac' He thought sarcasticly.

Neve sat on her bed near tears because she felt so bad for Zac.
"Don't worry about it." Ike said trying to comfort her.
"Ike! He's a 12 year old! He's so impressionable at this time! I mean..what if he never has the courage to tell another girl that he likes her again?"
"Come on. You starting to sound like a therapist." Ike said jokingly.
Giving a weak smile she asked if she could be alone for awhile.
"Sure, I'll be in the other room if you need me." He said hugging her and kissing her ear.
"Ok,stud. I gotcha." Neve said twirling the hair in his ponytail.
Giving her one last kiss he left the room.

She sat on the edge of the bed thinking of ways she could make Zac feel better. As if on cue Zac walked through her door.
"Hey." he solemly said.
"Hi. Zac I'm really sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" Neve asked.
"I don't know." He said quietly sitting on the bed.
He held the teddy bear out to her and said "I still want you to have this."
"Thanks."She said flashing him a smile.
"This whole thing is weird. It would be much easier if I loved someone my own age." He said shaking his head.
"Don't worry. It'll fade and you'll like someone else." She replied emphasizing the word like.
"No,I really do love you.It's like a verse from Shakespeare. He said looking at her with puppy dog eyes.
"Which one." Neve said.
"Love is too young to know what conscience is: Yet who knows not, conscience is born of love?" He replied proud of himself.
"Ohhh...a sonnet. That's sweet!" She said
Jumping at the chance, he leaned in and gave her a small kiss on the lips.
Sighing, she said "Oh Zac,you're impossible."

Chapter 15- Body Art

"Ohhhh my God! I can't do this! I'm way to nervous!" Neve shouted backstage.
"No,you'll do fine! I promise." Ike replied while Zac and Taylor nodded their heads.
It was the last concert they were doing in France and were actually quite ready to go to India. It was a long way away but none the less they were estatic!
"AND HERE'S HANSON!!" The announcer yelled into the microphone.
They all ran onto the stage, the roar of screams hurting their ears.
"Hey everybody!!" Taylor shouted."We have a special guest today!"
Ike winced at what he had to say next but they planned it anyway.
"Yeah! This is our...cousin Neve." He said squeaking at the word cousin.
She gave a small wave to the crowd and surprisingly they were fine with her being their cousin and cheered.
They started the songs and soon as it started it was over. They walked offstage so they could talk to the people with backstage passes.
While Ike,Tay,and Zac were talking to fans, Neve lounged in a chair where Jessie and Avie were chatting with her.
"Hi!" a group of girls said running up to her."Can we have your autograph?"
"Mine? Uh..yeah sure!" She replied with a smile. She looked over at Ike who was staring at what was happening and he returned her smile.

"That was so great!!" Neve said enthusiasticly.
"Told ya so!" Zac said.
"Hmm...well you'll get to play in India pretty soon!" Walker said from the front of the van.
", do we get on the plane tommorow or tonight?" Neve wondered.
"Tonight. We have to leave at 12:00 and are plane will leave at 1 a.m." Diana said
"Woah." Neve replied with a laugh.

They arrived at the hotel in India where Neve was fully awake but everyone else was very tired.
Neve was so tired by the time they got to the airport in France, their bodyguard had to literaly carry her.
"Dooby dooby doooo..." Neve sang walking around the hallway.
"Hmmm.."she said outloud noticing she had wandered to Ike and Tay's room.
'Ha ha! Zac has to sleep in a seperate room.Probably because he talks in his sleep.' she carelessly thought.
Taking out the ring of keys Diana had given her that matched all the rooms, she opened the door.
'What should I do? This isn't going to be much fun!'
Noticing Taylors foot sticking out beneath the blankets she laughed to herself.
Walking to the end of the bed she bit his big toe and quickly ducked down.
"Owwww...Isaac!" Taylor yelled throwing a pillow at him.
Neve hurried and rolled underneath the bed so nobody would see her.
"Taylor! What was that for?" Ike said angry also.
"Duh! You bit me you retard!" Taylor said.
"No I..." Seeing Neve's long brown hair laying under the bed he mouthed to Taylor 'She's under the bed.'
"Dear brother, why would I suspect you of such a crime when we know the guilty party is under the.....bed!" Taylor yelled bending over to look at Neve.
"Uh oh." Neve replied laughing.
"Drag her out!" Ike said goofily.
They grabbed her by the feet and soon after a short struggle she was sprawled on the floor.
"I'm soooo sorry Taylor! I'll never ever do it again!"
"After this, I know you won't!" He replied with a wicked grin.
"Hmmm.." Ike paced in front of her determing a way of punishment. Not a harsh one but one they would enjoy.
"The Torcherer?" Ike suggested. That term meant a tickle war. They did it to Mack all the time.
"Ohh..yeah!" Taylor said with wide eyes.
"What's that?" Neve asked curiously.
"You really want to know?" Ike replied.
Shaking her head yes, Ike and Taylor glanced at each other, then started to tickle her furiously.
In the middle of the screaming and laughing a figure stood in the doorway. It was their bodyguard.
"What's going on in here?" He asked gruffly.
"Oh.nothing." Ike replied smoothing his wild hair.
"Well, knock it off. People are trying to sleep. Neve,why don't you get back to your own room." He commanded more than suggested.
He left the room soon after the little "speech" and Neve sat down next to Isaac.
"That sucked!" She exclaimed.
Taylor agreed "No joke."
"I better follow his rules and get back to my room." Neve said walking towards the door.
"Goodnight." Isaac said giving her a kiss.
"Goodnight. Oh by the way, I love your boxers!" She said smiling and dodging out into the hallway.

The next morning she was awakened by Mack and Avie jumping on her bed.
"Ohh..I don't want to wake up." She said putting the pillow over her head.
"Gotta,gotta,gotta!" Mack yelled at the top of his lungs.
Walking into the room was Zac. "Be quiet Mack!"
"What's going on today?" Neve noticing the anxiousnes in everyone.
"A photo shoot!" Zac said enthusiasticly, joining Mack and Ave on the bed.
"I thought you hated those?"
"This time we get to jump on trampolines the whole time!"
"Cool! Let me get ready then we'll be able to go." Neve replied crawling out from under the covers.

Everybody shook hands with the photographer and sat on the couch which was provided.
"Oh! So you're Neve! We've gotten so many requests to do an interview with you!" The photographer said with an unrecognizable accent.
"Really? That's great!" Diana said smiling at Neve.
At that moment the interviewer walked through the doors.
"Hello!" She said waving and talking very fast she said "Let's start the pictures then we'll do the interview. Neve, right?" Not waiting for an answer she continued "I want you to do the shoot also."

All four of them climbed onto the trampolines and started goofing off for the camera.
Neve looked at Isaac with a worried look. "Are you Ok? You look sick."
"I FEEL sick. I'm gonna get off and sit down. Come with me." Ike said.
They walked over to the couch where Diana and Walker were sitting. "What's wrong?" asked Walker.
"Isaac doesn't feel well so he decided to rest." Neve explained.
Unexpectedly, the interviewer;Inga, walked up from behind.
"We'll start the interview then." She said and quickly sat down.
Zac and Taylor got into a comfortable position on the couch and said "Ready!"

Inga started by asking Neve a few questions. "So, who is your favorite band besides Hanson?"
"Let's see...I like Aerosmith,Sugar Ray,All Saints and a lot of others." She replied.
"What about Puff Daddy? He's cool." Isaac added.
"Ok." Inga said. "What has your favorite thing in India been?"
"We havn't got to look around yet." Taylor stated.
"Yeah but when we do, I definatly want to check out the body art places!" Neve said with a smile.

Laying down on Neve's lap, Ike said "I'm glad that's over. I feel horrible."
"Maybe it was something you ate." Neve suggested placing a kiss on his nose.
Laughing at that Ike asked "Are you serious about getting a tattoo?"
"Well, yeah! I think a small one would be cool. Maybe a Hanson sign."
"Hmmm..." He said with a curious look on his face. "Where would you get yours?"
Smiling she replied "Where would you get YOURS?"
"I asked first!"
"Fine. Probably on my ankle."
"Oh. Darn!"
"You're a pervert." She said shaking her head.
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are." She said teasingly.
"Not." Neve said trying to mess him up.
"Too...Hey!" He said laughing
"Will you two PLEASE shut-up?" Zac asked exsaperated from the front seat.

"Are you sure you'll be alright?" Diana asked with a worried look.
"I'll be fine!" Ike said in a groggy voice. "Go to that radio station or where ever. Neve will take care of me."
"Ok. Feel better soon." Walker said patting his son's shoulder.
"Thanks." Ike replied.
They finally walked out the door leaving Ike and Neve mainly to be bored all day.
"Woohoo! They're gone!" Isaac said jumping out of bed.
"I thought you were sick?" Neve asked with a quizical look on her face.
"Nah..I felt better last night. So what do you wanna do today?"
"Well....if you're really feeling better we could go to town or something."
"Cool! Let's get outa here." Ike said grabbing his wallet.

They decided to go downtown where most of the shops were located. As they walked down the street hand in hand, they nonchalantly pointed out little shops and occasionaly visited them.
"Look over there Ike!" Neve said excited.
"Original Body Art." Isaac said to himself.
"Should we do it?" Neve asked.
"Yeah! I want a Hanson sign on my shoulder." He said already knowing where he wanted it.
"I'll get mine on my ankle." Neve decided and walked into the shop.
"May I help you?" An older man asked.
"Yeah. We want a tattoo." Isaac stated.
"What kind?" he asked.
Isaac drew the Hanson sign on a piece of scrap paper and handed it to him.
"Oh..I see. Who would like to go first?"
Neve looked at Ike and said "I will."

The man prepped her leg for the needles. As he put the needle into the machine and got out the ink (She decided on blue and silver) her eyes went wide.
Isaac gave her his hand and said "If it hurts, squeeze my hand. Alright?" He said with a small smile.
"Ready?" The man asked. She nodded her head yes and the piercing of needles stung at her leg.
She watched the ink being wiped away. The pain wasn't to bad but she held Isaac's hand anyway.
After 20 minutes went by it was done. She glanced down and smiled.
"It looks really good!" She exclaimed.
"Yeah. It really does!" Isaac agreed.
"Ok. Keep this bandage on it and don't take a bath for 2 days. Understand?"
"Yes" Neve replied.
Isaac got into the chair, took off his shirt and layed on his stomach since he was getting the sign on his shoulder.
Neve smiled to herself as he tossed her his shirt.
The man started the needles on him and Ike started to yell.
"God! That hurts!!" He said loudly. Looking over at Neve he gave her this wide eye look, as if saying 'I didn't think it was supposed to hurt THIS much!'
She shrugged her shoulders and said sympatheticly "Sorry!"

When his was finished they paid and walked onto the sunny sidewalk.
"That was great!" Neve said.
"Yup. Now we're linked for life." He said with a sheepish smile.
"What do you mean?" Neve asked.
"Well.." He said slowly. "You have my last name tattoo'd on your ankle, forever. So, we would have to get married for it to make sence."
"Like if I married someone with the last name of wouldn't mean anything."
"Exactly!" Ike said.
"So your saying we should get married?" Neve asked with a playfull smile on her lips.
"MMMhhmmm I dunno know." he mumbled with a shy smile.
"You're cute when you're embarrased." She said pinching his cheeks.

As they walked through the door to Ike's room they noticed something very, very bad.
It was a very worried Walker and Diana.
"Where were you two!? We have Taylor and Zac searching the whole city for you!" Diana said loudly.
"We were uh, downtown shopping." Ike replied.
"You were supposed to be sick. I think you should stay in your room the rest of the day." Walker said.
"Ok."Isaac said glumly.
"That goes for you too Neve. Sorry."
"I understand. It's alright." Neve said shrugging her shoulders.

Chapter 16- Maybe...Maybe Not.

Neve, once again was sitting on her bed doing her homework when a very courious Taylor and Zac peeped in their heads.
"So, where were you?" Taylor asked sitting at the table next to her.
"Just around town...." Neve dubiously answered.
"Why are you keeping it such a secret then?" Zac asked raising his eyebrows.
"I'm not keeping anything a secret!" Neve replied.
The door slowly opened and the oldest of the three;Isaac walked in.
Zac turned to him and asked "Where were you two?!?"
"Should we tell them?" She asked.
Suddenly Taylor glanced down at her leg. "Why do you have a bandage on your leg?"
"I...think we should tell them." Ike said knowing that the secret was out almost.
"Ok...when we were gone we got But if you tell anybody we'll kill you." Neve said anxiously.
"Cool!! Let me see!" Zac yelled.
"Be quiet! I'm not suppossed to be in here!" Ike yelled in a hushed voice.
Neve pulled off her sock and shoe exposing the bandage. She carefully pulled that off also.
Ike pulled off his shirt and Neve took off his bandage as well.
"Wow." Taylor said quietly. "I gotta get me one of these."
Zac slowly traced the pattern with his pinky and whispered "Did it hurt?"
"Not really." she said looking at Taylor examining Ike's.
"Do you think I could get one?" Taylor asked wistfully.
"I don't know...I don't think you should." Isaac said slowly.
"I'm part of the band too! I SHOULD BE ABLE TO GET ONE!!!" Taylor yelled.
"ME TOO!!!!" Zac screamed.
"Stop acting like...babiees are cute. Aren't they Zac?" Neve said nervously as Diana walked into the room.
"Ike, why do you have your shirt off? Besides,you're not supposed to be in here.."
"Sorry. I'll go now." Ike turned. A BIG mistake.
"Clarke Isaac Hanson! What's on your back?" Diana said with wide eyes.
"Nothing. why?"
"That's a tattoo! We never said you could get a tattoo."
"Sorry...but. I didn't think you would mind..."
"Mind? Of course I mind. And that's's a Hanson sign. Geesh!"
She was about to walk out of the room when she turned and asked "Did anyone else get one?"
Neve looked away and said "I..uh...I did." nervously
"Let me see." Diana replied.
Neve stretched out her leg so she could see it.
"Well, at least they look nice." and left the room.
"Ehh..I changed my mind." Taylor said whistling.
"I havn't." Zac mumbled.
" That was VERY bad." Isaac said holding his head in his hands.

The next day everything was a little more settled with the situation.
Ike and Neve were hanging around in the lounge literly doing nothing.
"I want you to have something." He said setting down his Guitar World magizine.
"Really? What?" Neve asked curiously.
He pulled the silver ring off his finger and slipped it onto her finger.
"I mentioned the other day how we were linked for life..and I just thought this would varify it." He said trying to keep his voice even.
"Thank you." She whispered and gave him a soft kiss on his lips.

Chapter 17- Cheating Little Hearts

Two months have gone by and the trip though Europe and Australia were over. They were about to go home to Tulsa but they were called to L.A.
"What are we going to record exactly?" Neve asked as they walked into the recording studio.
"We're re-singing our songs from MMMBop and Boomerang." Isaac said as he continued holding her hand.
"Sweet!" Neve replied in a Cartman voice.
"CHEESYPOOFS!!!" Ike said laughing.
"You guys. Be quiet." Taylor said with a frown.
"Loosen up Tay! Reeeeeer!" Neve joked.
Chris Sabec came into the room with a smile and took them to start recording.
"Alright, we're going to do two songs today. Then you guys can do whatever." He said looking at Zac who was already fidgeting.
"Sounds good." Walker said.

It took about four hours to get done and when they were finished they were famished.
"Can we go to Planet Hollywood? I'm starving!!!" Zac exclaimed.
"Yeah! I want a hambuger!!" Mack said tugging at Diana's sweater.
"Ok. Planet Hollywood!!" Diana said smiling.

"10 for non-smoking please." Walker said to the seater person.
They were sat in a big booth by the bar where a pretty blonde came to take their orders.
"Hi! Do you know what you want to order yet?" She said grinning and flipping her hair.
"The kids will have the childrens meal, and I'll have the lenguini." Walker said giving her his menu.
"I'll have a Chef Salad." Neve said. The waitress whose name happened to be Laura,haughtily took her menu and gave her a bad look.
"What would you like Isaac?" Laura asked hoping the answer would be her.
"I'll have the Spicey Fahita."
"Perfect for a hot guy like you." Laura said flirtatously.
After she got everyone's order she left.
Neve lightly punched his shoulder.
"What was that for?" Isaac said in a whiny voice.
"She's all over you!" She whispered.
"No she's not. She was acting kinda rude to you though." He said resting his hand on her knee.
"I know. Poor me." She replied with a pouty look.

The waitress came back with the drinks and as she leaned over to give Isaac his, she purposely showed her chest.
Unfortuntly, Walker nor Diana saw this.
"Eh hem!" Neve said loudly.
"Oh. Here's yours." She slammed down her glass and walked away.
After five minutes went by she returned saying "Isaac, you have a call. Follow me and I'll show you where the phone is."
Neve gave Isaac a blank stare and returned to eating her salad.
"Do you want to go to the game room?" Zac asked through a mouthfull of hamburger.
They played almost all the games in the gameroom and when they came back to the table, Isaac still wasn't there.
"Let's go look for him."
Zac followed her and they ended up at the supply closet.
"I doubt he's in here Zac." Neve said.
"Let's check anyway. Knowing Ike he could be anywhere." He replied shrugging his shoulders.
Zac slowly opened the door and of course there stood Isaac,backed against the wall, with Laura kissing him.
"What are you doing?" Neve yelled running back to the table.
"Neve wait!" He said shoving Laura away.
"Smoothe move exlax!" Zac snickered.
Zac also ran back to the table with Isaac running behind him.
Neve sat down between Diana and Mack and started crying.
"Oh, honey. What's wrong?" She said soothingly.
"Yeah Nevie what's wrong?" Mack asked wrapping his small arms around her waist.
"Nothing." She sobbed. "I just want to go home."
Isaac ran up to the table out of breath. "Neve, please, I'm sorry!!"
"What did you do?" Walker asked his son. "She's near hysterics!"
"I..I..I'm to ashamed to say."
"Alright darling. We'll go back to the hotel."

Diana walked Neve to her room and asked "Do you want to talk about it?"
"Not yet but thanks." She said wiping at her tears.
"Ok. If you need me I'll be in my room."
Neve walked into the room which was so far her favorite. She noticed the balcony outside and stepped out onto it.
She stood there glumly until she heard the door slide open.
"Neve?" Isaac asked with tears in his eyes.
"Leave me alone." She said through clenched teeth, shoving past him.
She sat down with her arms crossed on her bed.
"I'm sorry! I love you so much. I don't even know what happened."
"Well," she said taking the silver ring off her finger, "I don't know what's happening between us. That whole tattoo thing was worth nothing. NOTHING!!" She screamed throwing the ring at him. It hit him in the shoulder and fell to the floor.
"No! It did mean something! We can't stop loving each other now! We're supposed to love each other forever." He said solemly.
"Maybe that's never possible." She said quietly "Life is just a big maze. No two people are going to love each other forever unless they're soul mates or something."
"We are soul mates. Just remember that."
"I thought that but I'm not so sure now....."
"Come on Neve! One little accident and we're throwing everything away. We can't do that!" Isaac said through his tears.
"I think we should seperate for awhile." Neve said avoiding eye contact.
A silence passed. The teary eyed couple looked at each others weary faces. Is this possible? Could they really not care anymore?
"Isaac?" Neve asked glancing up.
"Yeah?" He quietly responded.
"Promise me you'll always love me." She reached up for him.
"I'll always love you. I promise." He said as he held her in a tight hug.

After he had left Taylor soon came into the room.
"Are you alright?" He asked with his hands shoved into his pockets.
Shrugging her shoulders, she replied "I don't know. It's just sort-of weird."
"Yeah. Zac feels horrible. He thinks it's all his fault."
Neve looked up surprised. "Why?"
"Well, he was the one that led you to the supply closet, the little guy was heartbroken."
"I feel so bad! It wasn't his fault."
"Don't feel to bad for him...." Taylor said with a smile.
"Why's that?" Neve asked curiously.
"He thinks he can have you all to himself now."
"Yup. He's my stud alright."

"Zac?" Neve softly asked walking into his room. "You in here?"
"I'm here." he replied rising to the upright position on his bed.
Sitting down next to him she said "I hear you think this whole thing's your fault."
He nodded his head and leaned it against her. "It is partly. I'm the one that made you find him."
"And I'm glad you did." She said with a smile. "At least I know what happened."
"Good. I thought you were mad at me." He said hugging her.
"No way dude!" She said laughing.
"I'm tired. Will you take a nap with me?" Zac beggingly asked.
"Sure." She lingered in his comforting embrace and laid down with him. His breath lightly blew over his face as he began to fall asleep. 'Maybe this will be my chance with her...' Zac drowsily thought.
'He's so cute for a 12 year old.' Neve thought as she wiped the wisps of hair out of his eyes.

Isaac walked into Neve's room looking for something very important.
"There it is." He said aloud. He crossed the room and picked up the silver ring that had once proved his love to Neve.
'Maybe it still will.' he thought. 'It still does to me.'

Chapter 18-Getting Over It

It had been a few weeks since the trip was over. Isaac and Neve still talked but not as much. Well, they had to because they were homeschooling together.
"What a lazy day!" Neve said to her friends Danielle and Afton.
"No joke. Let's go to the 7/11 and get a slushie." Danielle suggested.
They got in Neve's car and as they were driving there they noticed a familer car while they were at the stop light.
"Isn't that Isaac's car at that house?" Afton asked with a frown.
"Yeah...." Neve said letting her words drift. "Oh well."

"Alright, Neve you need to work on your trigonomatry and you'll be done." Ashely said.
Neve turned her attention to Ike as soon as Ashely left the room.
"I saw your car yesterday, by the 7/11." Neve whispered.
"Oh." He suddenly go an uncomfortable look on his face. "I was at my friends house."
"Really? Whose?"
"God! Why's it matter?" He started to seem agitated.
"Don't get mad. I was just curious." Neve gave him a critacal look and resumed to her work.
"It was Sarah's house." He mumbled. When she didn't reply he continued, "My girlfriend."
"I didn't know you had another girlfriend." She said numbly.
"We just started going out. No biggie."
Neve was about to continue when she noticed his silver ring still on his finger and smiled to herself.

"So, I'm thinking of going out with someone to make him jealous. What do you think?" She asked Danielle over the phone.
"That's a good idea. There's this guy from school who has the hots for you. He's REALLY cute too."
"Who?" Neve asked curiously.
"His name is Matt. Do you know him?"
"Oh! I do!" she said excitedly.
"Well, tommorow at school I'll ask if he's interested." Danielle replied.

The next day Danielle ran up onto Neve's porch, opened the door and ran inside.
"He said yes!" She yelled.
"Ok. He'll come over tonight at 5 or 6 and you can flaunt him around."
"How about this. He come's over, I go to Ike's house saying I forgot my homework and introduce Matt as my boyfriend." Neve explained.
"That just might work!" Danielle said as a smile creeped over her face.

The doorbell rang and Neve rushed to answer it. Standing before her was a dark haired,green eye guy, with a height of six foot.
"Hi! Matt right?"
"Yeah. It's great to finally meet you!" he replied in a deep voice.
They talked for awhile when the topic of how he found out about her came to be.
"Well, it's a weird thing actually. I was looking at Spin magizine and it happened to have a Hanson article in it, and a picture of you."
Smiling she suddenly pretended she just remembered something. "Oh! I forgot! I need to go get a book from my neighbor's house. I'm homeschooled there. Wanna come?"

They walked through the door after Avery let them in.
"Hi Walker! I just need to pick up a book."
Matt walked beside her as she led him to the school room. Walking towards them was Isaac with a confused look on his face.
"Hey. Whose this?" Isaac casually asked.
"This is Matt. My boyfriend." Neve said slyly.
"Nice meeting you but I have to go." and Isaac hurriedly walked off.
Neve grabbed the book and they both left the house. A few hours later Matt left but before he did Neve allowed him a good-night kiss.

"Taylor no and Zac no!" Neve said
"Please!!" they begged.
"Come on Neve! I can't play soccer by myself." Taylor replied.
"And I can't play nintendo by myself!" Zac said as his responce.
She took off running down the stairs while Zac and Taylor both chased her.
"Ahhhh!" she screamed.
Suddenly, Isaac too, turned the corner which caused a collision.
"Oh sorry." Neve said under her breath while taking her arms from around his waist.
A girl with short brown hair stepped up from behind him and introduced herself.
"Hi. I'm Sarah. You're Neve, am I right?"
"Yeah. Nice to meet you Sarah. I'd like to talk longer but I promised Taylor I'd play basketball with him."
"Soccer." Tay corrected her.
"Oh, ok. Well, see you later." Sarah said cheerfully and bounced away with Isaac.
"Taylor, I think I'm just gonna go home." Neve said with sadness.
"Neve." He said taking her hands in his. "Don't be upset. He doesn't even like her that much."
"How do you know?"
"If he really likes the girl, he'll talk constantly about her. He doesn't do that with her."
"Did he do that when we were going out?" Neve asked.
"He still does." Taylor said with a small smile.

'Do I want to do this? I need to. I can't stand it anymore.' He thought driving to his friend Michael's house.
"Hey Mike." He said walking into his house. "I need it."
"Isaac Hanson wants to get drunk. Now that's unusual!"
"Shut up. Do you have it or not?"
"Yeah. It's in the fridge." Mike said gesturing to the kitchen.
One hour later they were both laying on the floor laughing at anything and everything.
"Y,Y,You, know, I never liked that Sa,Sa,Sarah lady in the first place." Ike said
"Yeah?" Mike mumbled. "What about that Neve girl?"
Isaac burped before answering and said "She's hot. I want her. She has a,a,a, nice bod."
"uhhhh...I drank tooooooo much man. What about you?"
"Ju,ju,ju, just lightly buzzed. I think I'm going to go pay Neve a visit." He stumbled to get up, fell, and got up again.
"See you later man." Mike said drowsily before falling asleep against the refridgerator door.

Neve stood in front of the bathroom mirror looking at her tear stained face when her bedroom door opened and Isaac crookedly walked in.
"Isaac? What are you doing here?" Neve asked.
"I need you Neve." He said walking towards her.
"Isaac, you're drunk." She said sighing. "That's not like you at all."
He wrapped his arms around her and started kissing her shoulders. "Where are your parents?"
"They're gone. Besides, that doesn't matter because you're going home right now." She said pushing him away.
"No. I don't want to go. I want you." He said moving his lips to her neck. "Kiss me. Like you used to."
"Isaac, I said no! Your going home right now!" Neve said struggling out of his grasp.
He tried to pull her down onto the bed with him and she responded with a slap to the face. He was already half-way out of it and this made him pass out.
"Oops." Neve said as he fell on the bed.
Sighing, she pulled off his shoes, pulled him onto a pillow and covered him with a blanket. She then flipped off the lights and crawled into bed also.
She flipped to the side opposite of him since he reeked of alcahol but by the time she was asleep she was snuggled up to him.
She slowly woke up in the morning remember the night before.
"Isaac. Wake up." She said plainly.
"What?" He asked in a groggy voice.
"You acted like a real loser last night. I just thought you deserved to know."
"I'm sorry. I learned my lesson, the headache I have right now is horrible."
"Yeah, I'm sure it is. I sorta hit you last night. I hope you're not to mad." Neve said half heartedly.
"I'm sorry for everything though. Truley I am."
"What's everything?" Neve asked.
"Last night, kissing that waitress, breaking up with you..." He said letting that sentence drift off.
"What about Sarah?" Neve asked wistfully.
"I only went out with her to make you jealous. What about Matt?"
"Same reason. I'm going to let you sleep. You look terrible." Neve said while laying her hand on the side of his face
"Ok. Thank you Neve."
She pulled the covers closer to him and placed a kiss on his forehead. As she left the room he whispered "I love you."
"I love you too." She said smiling.

Chapter 19- Love Hurts

Neve and Isaac laid outside on the hammock glad to be together again.
"I've been getting a lot of phone calls." Neve said with her eyes closed smiling.
"Yeah?" He answered propping himself up with his elbows. "Maybe you should change your number."
"MMMhhhmmm." She quietly agreed with him. She continued to gaze at him with adornment.
"What?" He asked smiling.
"Oh nothing." She looked around then said, "Kiss me."
"I was just about to do that." Isaac said placing his hand on the back of her neck. He first started with short small kisses, teasing her. Then he rested his lips against her?s and stayed like that. A ten minute kiss. Oh la la Isaac thought.
When they broke apart she laid her head on his shoulder and just rested there. Isaac kissed her shoulder and as he was doing so he noticed a large group of girls staring at them.
"Uh.....Neve. We've been caught."
"What?" She said with a giggle, thinking he was joking. She turned around and also noticed the girls.
"They aren't even supposed to be in the backyard!" Ike exclaimed crossly.
"Well, I'll go talk to them." Neve said stepping on to the ground.
Isaac watched her walk towards the clique of teenyboppers.
"Hey........I'm Neve." She said hesitantly.
"We know who you are." an older girl said pretentiously."Your Isaac's cousin! You were kissing him! That?s crude."
"Actually.......I'm not exactly his cousin." Neve said cautiously
A gasp escaped the mouths almost everyone there.
"You slut! Isaac's my favorite! You can't have him!" She shrieked.
"You don't own him." Neve said quietly.
Suddenly, everyone meandered off, not wanting to get into the fight.
"You know what? I don't have time for you! I'll have Ikey no matter what."
"You're delusional." Neve murmured. The girl walked off to the car in a furried pace. Neve started walking back to Isaac. Suddenly, Isaac got a terrified look on his face. Neve turned around to see and car heading straight to her. Isaac tried to push her away from where the car would get impact but it was too late. The car smashed into both of them. The girl stepped out of the car realizing that she had also hit Isaac. With a wail she grabbed her car phone and called 9-1-1.
"Yeah. There's been a car accident. My car uh......the break went out and hit these two people." The girl said nudging Neve with her foot.
The voice on the other line answered, "What is the address?"
"3010 W. 70th Street. My name is....Stephanie Hanson."
"An ambulance have been sent immediately."

Neve fought to open her eyes. When she finally succeeded she saw Zac and Taylor leaning over her.
"Are you okay?" Taylor asked concerned.
"Where am I?" Neve asked groggily.
"You were hit by a car." Zac said quietly.
"Wh,What about Ike?" Neve questioned.
"He's in here also. Except for a different room." Taylor said as he hurriedly wiped a tear away.
"Is he worse than I am or better? Please say better." Neve whispered.
A doctor walked into the room saying, "Ah, Neve. You're awake. I'm Dr.Jones." He nodded his head as if saying you?re excused. Taylor and Zac left and the doctor sat beside her.
"Isaac is in a bad position right now. He got almost full impact of the car while you got half. Now, his injuries will heal but it will take awhile. He explained.
Neve nodded and asked, "What are his injuries?"
"He has a broken arm, a broken ankle, a concussion, and we're stabilizing his blood pressure right now." the doctor said slowly, letting Neve understand what happened.
"Can I see him?" Neve asked.
Dr.Jones shook his head no. "You need to rest. We have numbed your cheek since it is scratched up so bad. You also broke your collerbone so we need as less movement as possible." He stood up and adjusted his coat and pardoned himself. "I need to finish my rounds now. I'll check on you later."
"Honey, are you feeling better?" Neve's father asked walking into the room.
"Yes. I really want to see Isaac though. The doctor said I can't."
"Well, your collarbone is a very weak bone. The slightest movement can off-set it." Her mom explained.
"I know." Neve answered. "Do you mind if I just rest now?"
"No, of course not." Her dad said.

"Dad?" Isaac called quietly.
"Yes?" Walker answered.
"Where's everybody?"
"Taylor and Zac are here, and everyone else is at home. They visited earlier but you were sleeping." Walker informed.
"I want to see Neve." Isaac said.
"Later. You can later." Walker said nodding his head.
Isaac groaned with apathy. "I don't want to later. I want to now!"
The monitor which showed his pulse rate suddenly went up higher.
"Isaac, you need to calm down. Your blood pressure is getting elevated." Walker tried to define.
"I'll calm down if you let me see her." Ike replied plainly.
"Ok. I'll ask the Doctor." He said and walked out of the room.
Isaac leaned back onto his pillow thinking how deranged that girl who hit him was. He already missed her. He was almost two rooms away and he longed for her so strongly. Ike leaned forward as his father came into the room.
"The doctor said you could but you have to stay in a wheelchair."
Walker helped him swing his legs around and assisted him into his wheelchair. He pushed him down the corridor to Neve?s room.
"I'll leave you two alone." Walker said patting his son's shoulder and walked off.
"Hey Neve." Isaac said slightly smiling.
"Hi. I was going to visit you but I broke my collarbone and I can't move."
"Don't worry. I came and that's all that matters." He replied kissing her forehead.
"I told them that I wasn't your cousin." She softly said.
"It's ok. I wanted them to know sometime." Ike stated.
A moment of silence passed as they looked at each others cuts and bruises.
"I need to give something back to you." Ike whispered.
"Hmmm?" Neve quietly said getting tired again due to the sleeping pill they had just given her.
"Your ring." He pulled the silver ring off his finger and placed it on hers.
Smiling, Neve said "This seems oddly familiar but I love it each time."
Seeing that she was sleepy Ike said "I'll stay with you 'till you fall asleep."
"Thank you." She said taking his hand. "Good night."
"Sweet dreams." Ike replied. "I?m gonna marry you someday." He said discreetly.
"I heard that." Neve murmured as she fell into a rest full of dreams and of course, Isaac.

Chapter 20- A New Finding

"Hey. Want anything from the snack machine?" Zac asked about to leave the TV lounge at the hospital.
"Yeah. Grab me a Pepsi." Taylor answered switching channels.
Zac walked into the elevator and noticed a beautiful girl with very brown hair.
"Hi." She smiled shyly, "Your Zac Hanson aren't you?"
"Uh-Huh." Zac nodded.
Trying to start a conversation she asked "Why are you here? Is someone sick?"
"My brother and his girlfriend were in an accident. What about you?"
"My mom?s having a baby. I'm sorry to here about your brother. Which one was it?"
"It was Isaac. So umm.....what's your name?" He asked curiously.
"Jenny." She replied smiling.
"Well Jenny, would you like to go to the snack room with me?"
"Of course!"

*Week Later*

"Your collarbone is fully healed. Thats amazing in this short amount of time." The doctor said with a look of amazement.
"That's great! May I walk around the hospital now? I'm so tired of just laying here." Neve replied.
"You may." the doctor said and he soon left the room.
Neve slipped out of the bed and stepped into a pair of Adidas sandals. She was wearing her pajamas which looked like regular clothes. They were boxers and her Old-Navy shirt. She decided to walk to Isaac?s room first.
"Hey Ike. They're letting me walk now!"
"That's cool. If I use my crutches I can walk around with you...." Isaac said smiling.
"Ok. Will your arm be alright?" Neve asked.
"Yeah. It'll be fine."
They started down the hallway with no particular place to go.
"My mom mentioned something about that test coming back." Ike stated.
"Which one?" She asked with a confused look.
"It was that college see if you were ready yet."
"How'd I do?" Neve asked curiously.
"I don't know. We're being released from the hospital today so we can check the grade out at home."
Zac soon came running up to him with a smile on his face.
"Hey guess what!" He didn't wait for an answer and said "I have a girlfriend!"
"Really? Well, um that's good." Isaac said.
"What's wrong?" Zac asked.
"It's just that you need to be careful who you go out with." Ike continued.
"She's safe enough. She's 12 just like me."
"She sounds nice." Neve said with a smile.

Neve's parents helped her up the steps to her house as she waved over to Ike.
"I'll bring that test over later! OK?" He yelled from his house.
Neve nodded her head and walked inside. She looked around happy to be home. She got onto the internet and checked her e-mail which had over 200 messages. One stood out though. After she read it she had a laughing fit that was interrupted by the doorbell.
"Isaac." She said though her laughter. "Matt's gay! He only went out with me to see Taylor!"
He too started laughing and said "So that's why he hit him on the butt. Taylor thought he was joking!" He soon quieted down and handed a folder to Neve.
"Let's take it to the den and check it out." She said walking to the door that was connected to the living room. They both sat on the couch and opened the tan portfolio.
"It says I can start college now!" Neve said happily.
"Your not going to are you?" Isaac asked curiously.
"Well, I don't know......I'm gonna have to go sometime." Neve said slowly.
"But you can't leave now." Isaac replied softly.
"If it makes you that unhappy I'll wait till I'm 18." She said sadly knowing that she wanted to go to college and she wanted to get it over with. ?It?s tough.? she thought to herself. ?Why can he go on his tours but I can?t go to college??
"Are you ok with that?" Isaac asked wrapping his arms around her.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Neve answered glumly.

Chapter 21-College

"Wait! What are you doing?" Isaac yelled running up to Neve.
She looked at him while continuing to put suitcases and simply said "I'm going to college."
"What?! It's been a month since we talked about it and you never mentioned anything?"
Neve paused and looked at her surroundings. "I,well, I knew you didn't want me to
go and I just decided to go about two weeks ago so it's not like I had this HUGE conspericy."
"But I'll miss you." Isaac said feeling pitiful for almost crying. "It's not fair."
"It's fair for me though." She said hugging him. "I'll be only two hours away. You can visit."
"You don't even know what your major is." He said turning his back to walk away.
"I've known since 6th grade!" She said holding back a laugh.
"You're going to be a dentist?! You'll be in school for 7 years!" He said getting even more upset as he turned to look at her again.
”Isaac, please! Don't make this worse than it is! I have to go and you have to deal with it. We both do."
"Alright...I'm cool with it."
"Good." She smiled and kissed him.
She noticed her parents coming out the garage door and getting into there car.
"Listen...I have to go now." Neve said and sighed.
"Alright. I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too. Bye."
She got in her car and waited for her parents to pull out of the driveway. She did the same and followed them.

Seven years later a lot of things were different. Not only was Neve 23 but she also was a pledged Dentist. It was that day that Zac called her. One of many that is. He had called more than Isaac ever did. Maybe because they were friends or maybe because Zac still had a crush on her. He knew that she had gone out with other guys as she knew he went out with other girls. But she wasn't that dissapointed when he and Jenny broke up. A two year relationship for a 12 year old is pretty big.
"So, today's the day right?" Zac asked in his deep 19 year old voice.
"Well, I was thinking of staying another two know, cause I love the dorms so much!" She joked.
"Seriously though. Remember in France when you said you didn't love me because I was your boyfriends little brother?" He said slowly.
"Actually, I think it was 'I don't love you in that way.' I did love you as a friend though.
"Well, what would you say to going out with me now?"
"Let's see...your brother,Isaac, gets married without telling me, is forced to call and tell me over the phone, which by the way I don't think is the 'appropriate' way of telling someone. How do I know it doesn't run in the family?" Neve said smiling, having no bad feeling for what Ike did. She thought that they would get married. She did give the ring back though, figuring it would be a reminder to what could have been.
"Hey, you know I wouldn't do that." He replied seriously. "Ike just couldn't wait to get married. You know how he is about that."
"I know. I'll talk to you when I get back, ok?
"Ok, that's fine. I wuv ewwwww!!" Zac said who was not surprisingly still hyper.
"Yeah. Suuure. Oh, and remember to take your pill this time." She joked and pushed the 'End' button on her cell phone.


’I’d really want to take up Zac on his offer.’ Neve thought as she drove home.
She smiled as the ‘Welcome to Tulsa’ sign came into view. She was beyond happy to be back. She was ecstatic!

Neve pulled into her driveway not only to be greeted by her parents but also Walker and Diana.
”Honey, it’s so good to have you home!” Her mom said smiling and giving her a hug.
”Oh Neve!” Diana said wrapping her arms around her.
”Why don’t we all go inside? Your mom and Diana has made a special lunch and everybody is inside waiting on you.” Neve’s dad suggested.
”Ok. That’s cool!”

They all walked inside to find Zac sitting alone.
”Where’s Isaac and Taylor?” Walker asked curiously.
Zac answered “Taylor’s in the kitchen and Isaac went to see if his wife was going to come over.” Without taking his eyes of Neve.
”Well, it’s great to see you again Zac.” She said coyly.
”I can say the same.” He replied hugging her energetically.
They remained in the embrace until a familiar but almost forgotten voice interuppted them.
”Hi Neve.” Ike said smiling. To his side was a nice looking woman. “This is Kay.”
Neve held out her right hand keeping her left around Zac’s waist. “Hello, it’s lovely to meet you.” She said in a prim voice wanting it to sound sarcastic.

Everyone was finished with lunch and left the table. Zac excused himself and Neve. “Let’s go for a walk. Okay?” He suggested.
They walked in silence for awhile until Zac began to speak.
”I just want you to know that I still love you. I’ve always loved you.” He said as he turned to hug her.
”I’ve loved you for a long time too........I guess I just never knew until now.” She replied talking into his shoulder.
”Marry me,marry me, marry me. Marry me or I’m gonna just hafta marry you!” He said smiling.
”Yes,yes,yes!”She said happily. “I love you too.”
They kissed a long kiss which happened to be the most wonderful kiss ever.
”Remember this?” he asked. “Love is too young to know what conscience is: Yet who knows not, conscience is born of love?”
”I do.” She answered which happened to be exactly what she said on her wedding day.

The End!

*Author's note- I made a conclusion based on an idea that was sent in so I hope you like it.

