Pop Goes Avie

Avie Hanson was bored. Diana and Walker had left the kids for a night so that they could go have a nice break. Almost like a second honeymoon. Let's just say this story takes place nine months before Zoe was born.
Anyway,back to the story. Avie was sitting in the living room playing with her Barbies when the phone rang.
Being the polite kid she was, she answered it. "Yo! This is the Hanson residence."
"Hellooo." A deep,scratchy voice replied at the other end of the line. "Who is this?"
"I'm not allowed to talk to strangers. Bye now!" and she hung up the phone.
Instantly, the phone rang again.
"Hanson residence." Avie said into the phone.
"Why won't you tell my your name?" The voice asked.
"Tell me yours first." Avie said unexpectedly.
"Oh...JoeBob. My name's JoeBob." The voice squeaked then went back to the original deep one.
"Well, nice talking to you JoeBob! Gotta go!" Avie answered.
"Hang up on me and I'll hurt someone you love dearly!" The voice yelled.
With a gasp she hung up the phone.
Now being a close family they were,you would think the person that's going to get hurt would be..oh lets just say Ike. Right? Very wrong.

Avie being an absent minded person forgot all about the phone call and decided to play in her playhouse.
As she walked outside she noticed something horrifing hanging from the doorway of her playhouse. It was, it was, IT WAS KEN!! Her Barbie doll!
"OH MY GOD! YOU KILLED KENNY! YOU MEANIE!!"(gotcha on that one didn't I? she shouted into the air.
Suddenly, she say a black figure run out from behind the trees.
"Ike!! Zac!! Someone buff help me!!" She screamed running towards the garage.
With her luck the door was down. "Hmmm...Mack's doggie door! I'm thinner than Tatum on Scream. I can actually FIT!"
She started to squeeze through the door when it was her head that got stuck first.
"Ahhh! Mommy!!" She cried.
"Hey Avie! What are you doing with your head stuck in the doggy door?" Taylor asked grabbing his tamburine from the garage shelf.
"I'm doing a re-inactment of me being born! Now get me outta here!" She yelled at Taylor.
"If you're gonna do it, then do it right. You know, it took mom 13 hours to have you."
"You're gonna leave me here for 13 hours?" Avie whined.
"Yup! Later!" and he left to go inside.
Well,after 30 minutes,cause of lack of blood to the brain, Avie passed out.

Chapter 2

Email: braydengirl@yahoo.com