Super Brayden!!

”Tay, where’s Avie?” Ike asked drinking pickle juice from the jar.
”She’s re-inacting her birth.” He replied nochalantly.
”Oh. Sounds like fun! Wanna try later?” Isaac asked.

Zac walked into his parents room to check on Mac.
”What’s this?” Zac asked outloud notcing a cell phone jutting out from Mac’s pillow.
Mac suddenly woke up and grabbed the phone. “It’s the toy mommy bought me at the store yesterday.”
”I want a cell phone!” Zac said excitedly.
”Sorry Zaccy but you can’t have mine.”
”Then give me yours!” He replied in a very mean voice.
”No Zaccy!” Mac cried as Zac grabbed it from his hands.
Suddenly the door flew open and a tall girl with long brown hair, brown eyes, and a silver spandex outfit with the letter B pasted on the chest stepped in.
”Did I hear a call for help?” She asked.
”Yes.” Mac said sollemly.
”Who are you?” Zac asked with his eyebrows raised.
”Aren’t you the writer of the story?” Zac continued.
”What are you doing here then?”
”I’m bored. Besides, I created this story.” Brayden said tapping her foot on the rug.
”True. So do you have any special powers?” Zac asked hopefully.
”Well, I can watch Scream 35 times and not get tired of it, I can beat the crap out of people, and I can make Ike fall in love with me whenever I please.” Brayden replied with a smug look.
”Let’s see if it works! IKE!!!!” Zac screamed.
”Yeah?” Ike asked standing in the doorway.
Mac glanced from Zac to Brayden to Ike then back at Zac.
”Well?” He glanced over at the girl in the silver spandex suit and eyed her carefully.
Brayden winked her eyes once, twice, three times and Isaac was under her spell.
”Woah. Hot....chic....can...not.......resist.” He mumbled.
”See told you it would work!” She said cheerfully. “Later!”
”WAIT!!!” Mac yelled as Zac grabbed his cell phone.
”He’ll be sorry!” Mac whispered.

Later that evening at 7 o’clock, Zac sat down on the couch eating Twinkee. He flipped on the TV to Cartoon Network. Abruptly his cell phone rang.
”Hewoo?” Zac said through a mouthfull of Twinkee.
”Do you like cartoons?” Asked a deep voice.
”Yeah.” Zac said.
”What’s your favorite?”
”I don’t know.”
”Oh come on. You gotta have a favorite!”
”Hmmm...” Zac thought. “I like the one with the weird characters that chase each other around.”
”Anamaniacs?” The voice asked.
”Yeah. Thats it!”
All of a sudden the plant by the couch fell over exposing a person in a black robe and white mask.
”Uh-Oh!!!” Zac screamed but remaining where he sat.
The figure jumped on him, took a Twinkee out of it’s wrapper and shoved it into Zac’s mouth. He made a few gagging noises, then unfortunatly he died.
Brayden walked into the room pulling on her knee high boots and straignting her hair out noticed Zac laying on the couch.
”Gee. I always liked that kid but this will work out for the best.” She said as a dark and mysterious look drifted over her face. Then as all super hero’s do, she flew away.

