Just a Regular Day-By Danielle

©1998 *This story is complete fiction. We don't know Hanson.*

Chapter 1

"Taylor, what time is it?" asked 12 year old Zac.
"Around 12:00. Why?" Taylor asked.
"I'm supposed to tell Isaac to get up. Will you? He always yells at me."
"Sure. Why are you suppose to get him up?"
"Mom told me if he got up to late he would miss seeing Brayden for the first time in two weeks." Replied Zac.
"So? Whats bad about that? They're alway's together!" Taylor said impatiently.
"I know what you mean. If its not going to the movies it's going out to eat or making out in *our* room!"

As Taylor entered the their bedroom he heard Isaac making weird noises in the bedroom. He hurried up and grabbed his tape recorder and luckily got it on tape.
"Get up Isaac. Brayden and you are going to see Titanic. Remember?"
"I'm getting up."Isaac said stretching. He was wearing green with blue sheep boxers and a egg blue tee shirt.
At that time the phone started ringing.
"Hello" Isaac said in a tired voice.
"Hi, um is Zac there? This is Danielle." Zac's girlfriend for two weeks.'
"Hold on." Isaac said when going into the living room.
"Zac!!! Danielle is on the phone." He said this while throwing the cordless phone Zac's way.
Zac caught the phone. "Hello?"
"Hi! What time do you need me to come over?"
"Well, everyone will be gone around 1:00 so how about in 30 min.?"
That sounds great. Well I'll cya."
As they were hanging up Isaac ran through the living room naked!

Chapter 2

The doorbell rang. as taylor went for Zac cut him off saying "I got it."
When he opened the door he saw Danielle wearing the ring he had given her for her B-day.
His heart filled with joy. He sat there smiling.
"Hi." she said waving her hand in front of his face.
"Oh, hi! Zac said kinda embarresed. "Come on in."
"Thanks." Danielle said with a small grin.
Right as she walked into the house Isaac hurried past got into his new jeep and drove off in a hurry.
When he arrived at Brayden's house she had been looking out the window and came right out as he drove up.
When she came in he noticed she was wearing a short light blue dress.
"Hellooo." Isaac said in a sexy voice.
"Hi." Brayden said a little embarresed.
When they arrived at the theatre they took their seats.
An hour or so later in the movie Isaac was getting sad and to stop him from crying he looked over at Brayden and saw her crying. He slowly put his arm around her and kissed her tears.

Chapter 3

At the house Danielle and Zac decided to make brownies.
"I'm going to the bathroom. Ok?" said Zac
"Sure. I'll just pop these in the oven." Danielle said.
As she walked out of the kitchen Mac came running up to her.
"Danielle, Zac hit me." Mac whined.
Zac came running after him.
"Did not." Zac said with a I'm going to kill you look.
"Zac are you sure?"
"Will you kiss it for me? Mommy always does." Mac asked
Danielle gave him a little kiss on the forehead. Zac was frowning at him.
"Got ya." Mac sac said while running away with Zac chasing him. At that time Taylor had come in the front door from playing basketball with his friend Kyle saying,
"I hate her. Oh do I ever hate her."
"Hate who?" Zac asked while he stopped running
"Kelly fat ass Fowler." replied Taylor really mad.
"What? Is she chasing you again?" asked Mac with a big grin.
"It started out that way. But when she got close enough she tackled me." Taylor said with revenge written all over his face.

Chapter 4

Meanwhile Isaac had a little intentional car trouble.
"Whats the matter" asked Brayden a little scared.
"Oh nothing much. Just a little out of oil." Replied Isaac who had just turned off the car when Brayden wasn't looking.
Isaac picked up the car phone and dialed the weather man.
"Hi,can we get a tow trck down here? Thanks!"
"I'm getting cold." Brayden said holding her elbows in the palm of her hands.
"I'll keep you warm." Isaac said with a sarcastic smile while putting his arm around Brayden. The looked deeply into each others eyes and Isaac leaned forward and they gave each other a pastionate kiss. Brayden could feel Isaacs braces with her tounge then all of a sudden "Ouch."
What?" asked Isaac hoping he didn't have bad breath.
"I cut my tounge." replied Brayden embarrased.
"Well we better get home or mom we'll get worried" he started the car.
"Wait I thought the car wouldn't start?"Brayden said kinda angry.
"Oh,hey I guess that I better have it checked tommorow so it doesn't stall anymore."
"Yeah,maybe you should." Brayden said with a sly smile.

Right when Isaac and Brayden walked into the door Mac ran up to Brayden yelling "Bray Babe,Bray babe." Which was Isaac's nickname for Brayden.
"Hi honey." Brayden replied with a sweet smile.
"Whats going on?" asked Isaac.
"We're thinking of a way to get Kelly back."Replied Taylor.
"You know mom said to leave her alone." Isaac said dissapointed.
"Yeah,but today she tackled Tay!" Zac said laughing out loud.
"Listen up."Taylor said getting the attention of everyone in the room."I say that we get revenge.
"How?" Brayden asked a little excited.
"Now what before you do all this all I have to say is I"M IN!" Yelled Ike probably the most excited.
"So how are you going to do this?" Asked Danielle with Zac staring over her shoulder.

Chapter 5

The next week they tried to figure out as much as they could to get Kelly to stop following Taylor.
"Listen everyone." Commanded Zac. "I heard Mom and Dad talking and Kelly's parents and ours are going to a St.Patricks party and will be gone till 12:00.
After that everyone started to plan what time they would leave the house to extreams like what are we actually going to do?
"We could clime to her window and Ike could do his sleep hipnocise thing."Danielle said.
"That would be really hard." Stated Isaac."And if it did work how do you plan to get up there?"
"Well I don't know that much about her but she does have an easy to climb tree leading to her bed room." Said Brayden.
"I thought you were suppose to be helping me." Isaac said with a frown.
"Sorry." Brayden replied with a grin and a peck on the cheek.
"And I heard that she was a sound sleeper from a kid that sits in front of her." Taylor stated.
"And he would know this by..........."Isaac said with a smile.
"He said she falls asleep in class alot."
"Yea watching Tay!" Zac said cracking the momment.At this everyone laughed except Tay.
The next day wich was the party day they had a secret meeting wich all were to attend.
"Okay listen up." Taylor said looking around the basement of Aubrey's house."Were's Danielle and Zac?"
"I saw them going to her house about an hour ago." Brayden stated still flirtasiouly hitting Isaac.
Well she was right they were at Danielle's house.
They had fallen asleep while watching the 29th episode of Friends.
Zac who was laying on Danielle's shoulder had drool hanging from his mouth about to hit Danielle's lap.
Danielle suddenly awoke and saw the wad of spit about to hit her lap.
She tried to hold still thinking that if she moved it would difinatley bomb.
She tried to wake up Zac and all she got was a little noices.
She sat there for 20 min. trying not to move well guess what.It didn't work.
It was like a bomb."Nooooooooooooooooooo."Danielle screamed waking Zac startled.
"Whats the matter?" Asked Zac still sleepy.
"Oh. It was a spider." Marie said pretending to be scard.
"I'll save you." Zac said hugging her close. Leaving Danielle laughing.

"Okay are you ready?" Taylor asked looking up the big tree leading to Kelly's house.
"I think so." Replied Isaac holding his sleep hybnocise book.
"I hope you have good climbing shoes on." Taylor said.
"Be careful." Brayden said giving him a long kiss on the lips.
"I better get an award for this." He said to Brayden.
"Oh you'll get a great reward!" Brayden said with a sly smile.
Isaac climbed the tall tree and began his dirty work.
Isaac started to move close to Kelly's hear."You don't like tay anymore.You don't want to chase him and you want to start going after his ex.Shellie.
"Why do I do that?" Asked Kelly in her sleep.
"Becuase she dumped Tay for Leonardo Dicaprio." Replied Isaac afraid that Kelly would wake up.
"Okay."Replied Kelly still asleep.
Isaac climbed out of the window trying not to fall or scrape his knees.
"Did you do it?" Asked Taylor in a panic.
"No!"Isaac said."I'm just kidding."Isaac said seeing the scard look on Taylors face.
"Now it's time for your reward." Braden said pulling Isaac close to her body.
"I'm ready."Isaac said hurrying to his car with Taylor tagging behind.
When they got to the Hanson's house Isaac and Braden dropped Taylor off and went on to her house.
Isaac sat beside Braden on her couch and turned on the vcr to watch a movie.
But Braden knew that it was only in case they needed an excuse for if her parents came home.
As they started to kiss each other the phone rang."Hello."Braden picked it up.
"Sweet heart. The storm is getting really bad and I was wondering if you'd mind Isaac staying over for a little while." Lisa Braden's mom asked.
"That would be fine."Braden said who didn't even notice the storm.
"Well I'll probably end up staying at Diana's for the night so don't wait up for me." Said Lisa.They said there goodnight's and then Braden went back to sit with Isaac.
"Who was that?" Asked Isaac.
"That was my mom and she said you had to stay over." Braden said dissapointed.
"Why you don't want me to stay over." Isaac repeated sadley.
"Soooooooo where were we?" Braden asked with a grin.
"Right about here." Isaac said kissing her softly on the lips moving down to her neck and up again.
Since they new that her parents weren't going to be home they turned off the vcr and went into Braden's bedroom clearing her bed as Isaac sat her down.
everything got pretty hot and heavy but not that bad!!!!!!!Isaac and Braden slept in her older brothers room since he went off to College and no longer used it.

Zac who was also ordered to stay at Danielle's house slept on the top bunk as she slept on the bottom.
When Danielle awoke the next morning she noticed the the ran had caused a flood.
"Cool." Danielle said quitley but loud enough to wake up Zac.
"Whats cool?" Zac said waking up.
"It rained last night and it flooded." Danielle replied pionting outside.
"Cool let's go swimming!"Zac said excited as Danielle crinkled her noise and replied "Yuck!"
"I was just jokin." Zac said with a small smile still half way asleep.
Danielle's tummy broke a silence with a groul."So what do you want to eat?" Danielle asked.
"What do you have?" Asked Zac also very hungry. But then again when was he not hungry?
"I Don't know, let's go see!" Danielle replied getting out of bed.
They went to her Fruit wall papered kitchen to see what they had in the cuboards.
"Yes gummy bears!" Danielle grabbing a fresh bag a gummy bears.
"Do you have anything eles? Like Jelly Beans?" Asked Zac.
"I think so." Danielle replied going through a creamm painted caibnet.
"I knew We had some!" Danielle yelled handing Zac a half back of jelly beans.
"Yeah!Lets watch cartoons." Zac said going towards the liveing taking a handful of jelly beans and shoving them into his mouth!!!!
They turned the channel to 41 wich is cartoon network.
"Muppet babies." Zac said dragging his voice.
"Yuck turn it!" Danielle said quikly. Zac turned it to VH 1!
"Cool It's us!! " Zac said singing along with his hit song MMMBop.
"Wow!!! You look just as HOT there!!!" Danielle said loking Zac up and down then up then down......
"I know I'm such a sex simble!!!" Zac said blushing.
"Yepper Depper!!!" Danielle replied.
Zac still singing to MMMBop said "Wait we forgot to go to Bradens for the hibnosis."
"Darn." Danielle said sarcastically.
"Well maybe we should go and see what happened." Zac said still watching his hit video.
"Okay we have nothing better to do."
Danielle and Zac changed into their clothes Zac still wearing the ones had the day before.
When they arrived at Bradens house they noticed party favors sprung about and in the corner Braden and Isaac laying next to eachother and in the other corner Taylor all by his self!!!!!
"Hey look!" Zac said pointing to the bucket of water on the floor.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Danielle said with a sly grin.
Zac shook his head yes. They picked up the bucket and through it on Braden and Isaac then framming Taylor by putting the bucket next to him!!!
Then ran off in a hurry!
Isaac and Braden woke up and rubed their eyes to get the water out!
"Taylor what the hell?" ISaac said. Then as he went foward about to hit Taylor Braden stopped him."
"Look over in the corner behind the huge boxes." Braden whispered.
Isaac spotted Zac and Danielle in the corner quetly laughing.
They grabbed a bucket and pretended to spell it on Taylor then moved positions and dumped it on Danielle and Zac.
Danielle and Zac screamed and Taylor woke up laughing!

"So what happened last night?" Zac asked them as him and Danielle dried off.
"Well I think it went pretty well." Isaac said."We'll find out today becuase Taylor is going to walk by Kelly."
"Okay. So how do plan to do this?" Danielle asked in a curious voice.
"Well we thought since she looks up to Braden she could call her then see what she's doing today and thats were we'll go." Said Taylor.
"Okay genius. What if she's a loser like you and doesn't have anything to do?" Zac asked smartly.
"Good question." Isaac said looking as if he was thinking.

Chapter 6 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

'Ringggggggg, Ringggggggggg'Kelly looked at her phone then walked over to it and picked it up.
"Hello." Kelly said.
"Hi um this is Braden." Braden said in an unwilling way.
"Hi."Kelly said think about this major stomach cramp."What are you up to?" There it go's......She thoought lifting her leg then letting a fart.
Braden pretended not to hear it then said,"Nothing much and you?"
"Nothing really. Do you think you want to do something?" Kelly asked.
Braden looked over at Danielle, Taylor, Isaac, and Zac they all started to shake there heads. "Sure. How about you come over around 2:00?"
"Sounds good to me. Well I'll see you later!"
Braden Hung up the phone ran and jumped on Isaac then said, "You better have an award like I did for you."
Isaac smiled and Taylor knowing what they were up to shewed Zac and Danielle out of the room and closed the door behind them.
They went into the living room and started to watch T.V.
"Good thing Bradens mom's not here." Danielle said turning on the T.V.
"Why do you say that?" Asked Taylor.
"Listen." Zac said grinning and then looking at Danielle.
Taylor heard groans and moans.
"Lets go to the closet there's a vent leading to that room." Suggested Danielle.
"Okay!" Taylor said going to the closet with Zac and Danielle tagging behind.
When they made it to the closet Danielle and Zac pushed Taylor into the closet and shut and locked the door.
"Hey let me out!!" Demmanded Taylor.
Zac and Danielle ran into the Guest room and Zac for the second time kissed Danielle.
After he gave her a kiss she looked at him and leaned foward and they started kissing more pationatly.
Zac sat her gently on the bed and leaned over her putting his hands around her.
Mean while.........
Isaac and Braden were having there own little frensy in Bradens basement. Wich was really nice for a basement.
"Hey Isaac?" Braden said breaking there chains of kisses.
"Yeah?" Isaac said looking at Braden.
"I don't feel so well." Braden replied holding her arms around her stomach.
"Whats wrong?" Isaac asked looking at her with a frown on his face.
"I think you should go home. Braden asked feeling as though she was about to throw up.
"Okay. Whats the matter?"Isaac asked as he helped Braden up.
"I don't feel So good." Braden replied
She was about to walk Isaac to the door and felt her stomach and ran to the bathroom and trew up.
After she was finished Isaac decided to stay and help her. He gave her a wet washcloth and a throw up waste basket.
Isaac had gotten Zac, Taylor, and Danielle to help him make her comfortable.
As soon as they left she said "Isaac?"
"I think that I'm pregnate...............
"Okay.....well we can schedule you an appointment and see."Isaac said trying to stay come then walking ove to Braden and putting his arm around her while she broke out crying.
"I don't know how I could be pregnate." She said crying harder.
"It's alright we're in this toghether." Isaac said holding her tightly.
"I love you Isaac."
"I love you too."
"I'm so glad it was with you."
"Well we can scedule an appointment for tomarrow."Isaac said felling sick to his stomach.
"What about our parents?" Brayden asked.
"I don't thik we should tell them unless you really are pregnate."Isaac said,"Becuase it may be a false alarm and then they might not let us see each other or something!"

Writer of the Story: daniegirl1@yahoo.com
Owner of the Page: Brayden