Winter Wonder-By Danielle

*This story has a copyright*
This story is completly fictional.

Chapter One

"Oh this weather is awful."Stated 16 year old Aubrey.
"I know isn't it GREAT?" Asked 16 year old Marie.
"Well that is easy for you to say your not the one driving!"Aubrey replied.
"I offered to drive." Marie said back a little excited.
"Yeah, well remeber I was there for your drivers test?" Aubrey replied holding back laughter.
"Very funny!" Marie said making a dissaproved look.
"I thought so also."Aubrey said."We have to pull in here to get gas. Well you take this in?"
"Sure" replied Marie.She took the 20.00 dollar bill into the gas station.
As she walked in she noticed the cashier not only becuase he was FAT but becuase he was eating the biggest cheesburger she had ever seen.
"Ummm, gas" Marie said as the cashier took the money.As she left she heard a huge bubbly burp.'NASTY'Marie thought.
As she walked into the car Marie asked "How much longer do we have?"
"Only about an hour or two" Replied Aubrey starting the car.

(Marie had fallen asleep)"Wake up we're here!" Aubrey said.
"What?" Marie asked a rubbing her eyes.
"I said we're here" Aubrey replied once more.
They both went into the lodge and checked in.The bag boy carried their bags into their room.
"Oh look we have a perfect view!" Aubrey said excited.
"Let's try to get a ski in before we go to bed." suggested Marie.
"Ok." Aubrey replied.
As they were about to leave they both heard a knock, it was leading to the room next to their own.
When Marie answered the door there stood a young boy smiling widely.
"Zac!"A voice said from inside. "Leave them alone."
"Sorry! I just wanted to see if anyone one was in there.I'm Zac."
"I'm Marie." Marie said also smiling."And this is my friend Aubrey."She said pointing to Aubry.
"These are my brothers Taylor, and Isaac."He said while the two others came up behind him.
"We were about to go sking. would like to join us?" asked Aubrey specificly talking to the oldest,Isaac.
"That would be cool!" Zac replied as the others stared.

Chapter Two

They decide to meet at the downstairs of the lodge in Ten min.
"Don't you think the middle guy Taylor is a dream?" Marie asked fluttering.
"His not bad looking but I think Isaac is pretty cute!" Aubrey replied back, putting on her snow boots.
They had finally finshed and started downstairs when they reached the bottom they noticed that the boy's were already down there.
"OhI hope you didn't have to wait to long." Aubrey said flirtasiously.
"Not to long." Replied Isaac looking at Aubrey in a gaze.
"Well lets start at the begginers ramp." Suggested Marie.
"Why are you a begginer?" Asked Zac noticing how everyone was kinda leaving him out.
By this point Isaac and Aubrey weren't gazing at each other.
"No. I just thought that you guys were." Marie said back.
"Well you are right we are. Zac just wanted to know if you were begginers." Taylor replied.
"Well Marie isn't a begginer.She actually does this alot." Stated Aubrey.
"Oh,well I guess you can show us how." said Taylor.
" Well since Aubrey has done this a little also then she can take Isaac and I will take Taylor and Zac." Marie said.
"I agree. How about the rest of you." Aubrey asked.
At the same time all the boy's said 'Yes'.
They all started down to put they're skies on.When they were finished they split up.
"So do you know anything about sking?" Asked Marie to both Zac and Taylor.
"All I know is to bendz the kneez." Taylor said in a Italian accent.
"And that was from t.v." Said Zac joining in.
"Well that is the key you have to bend your knees the whole time ." Marie said back smiling.
Aubrey and Isaac had already been through the explaining part.
"Your doing great!"Aubrey said excited.
"Thanks! It's all because of you." Isaac said.
"Well It's getting late and the lodge will be closed soon so lets go inside." Aubrey said hoping that they would be there before the others.
"Okay" Isaac replied.
They both took off there skies and headed for their room.
"Thanks for the lesson.Do you want to ski together tomarrow?"Asked Isaac.
" Sure!" Replied Aubrey.
"Then it's a date."Isaac said looking at the door to his room.
They were standing there neither one of them wanted to leave.
As Isaac moved closer Aubrey's heart skipped a beat while Isaac gave her a deep wonderful kiss.

Chapter 3

Marie walked in and took off her snow boots.Aubrey Who had taken a shower came out of the bathroom with a towel over her head.
"I had a great time!" Aubrey said excited.
"So did I. Taylor and Zac were really good and I only had to explain it once."Marie replied.
"Isaac gave me a kiss.It was like kissing the man of my dreams."Aubrey said.
"Oh, really do tell." Marie said excited.
"Well we were coming up the stairs and he looked at me then he kissed me.
"So I take it you two hit it off pretty well." Marie said.
"Yeah,we really did.So how'd it go with you and Taylor?"Aubrey asked.
"Well, when Zac went to go get hot cocoa , Taylor said that he never had as much fun with a girl before." Marie stated.
"So did he ever kiss you or say that he liked you?" Asked Aubrey a little dissapointed.
"No. But we're going to meet again tomarrow." Marie replied.
They heard a knock leading to next door.
Aubrey ran into the other room becuase of the fact that she had her house coat on.
"Come in!" Marie shouted.
"Hi!" Taylor said as he walked in the room.
"Hi! Whats up?" Marie asked.
"I wanted to give this to you." Taylor said as he handed her the necklas she had lost on the ski lift.
"How did you find it?" Marie asked curiously.
"Well I felt bad and went back to look for it." Taylor said grinning.
"Oh, that was so sweet." Marie said while she lend foward giving him a soft kiss on the cheek.
Taylor blushed." Well I better go. Zac is waiting for me to call room service."
"Okay." Marie replied nicley.
As the door shut Aubrey opened the bathroom door asking" Who was that?"
"Oh,no one." Marie said still looking at the door he had came in.

Chapter Four

The next morning Marie woke up and took her shower early making sure she didn't miss Taylor.
"Aubrey!" Marie said when she was finished with her shower."Wake up!"
" I'm awake!" Aubrey replied Coming out of her room.
"I'll order some room service."
"I already have." Aubrey said cutting Marie off.
The door bell rang." I'll get it .It's the food." Aubrey said.
As she opened the door she saw Taylor. "Can I talk to Marie?" Asked Taylor.
"Sure. Marie!!!!!!" Shouted Aubrey.
"Hold on!" Marie replied back.
"It's Taylor." Aubrey said getting Marie's attention.
Marie walked up as Aubrey was leaving.
"Hi!" Marie said curiously.
"Do you want to go down stairs and have breakfast with me?" Taylor asked.
"Sure. Do you want to go sking right after?" Marie asked.
"Actually I thought we could go to a movie then ski."
"That sounds cool!" Replied Marie.
"Bye Aubrey!" Yelled Marie.
They went down stairs to the lobby.
"Table for two." Taylor said to the waitress. They went to their table and ordered.
"I'll have the number two with orange juice." Said Taylor to the waitress.
"I'll just have a glass of orange juice."Marie said.
"Are you sure thats all?" Taylor asked Marie.
"Yeah, I'm not that hungry."
Aubrey was blow drying her hair when there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" Yelled Aubrey.
Isaac walked in the door."Hi!" Isaac said looking into the bathroom were she was.
"Hi" Aubrey said back.
"So are you ready to ski?" Isaac asked way ready.
"Hey. I just have to put on my watch." Aubrey said grabbing the watch.
"You want some help?" Isaac asked seeing her struggling.
"Sure." Aubrey replied.
They both went to get their skies on.
"Were is Zac?" asked Aubrey curious.
"He met some guy downstairs in the arcade and they went to play laser quest." Replied Isaac as they got on the snow lift.
"I really like you and I would like for you to go out with me tonight."
"Okay." Aubrey said really pleased.
"Lets go. Last one to the bottom gets a snow ball thrown at them!" Yelled Isaac breaking the silence.
Of course Isaac was the last becuas he just learned how to ski.
"Now I get to throw a snow ball at you." Said Aubrey.
"Only if you can catch me. Yelled Isaac running off with Aubrey chasing him.
They ran around in the snow and Aubrey fell on the ground. Isaac fell on her.
He turned Aubrey over kissing her lips.
They laid in the snow for a while then went to the lodge and got hot coaco.
Taylor and Marie were in the lodge also.Taylor with his arm around Marie and Isaac holding Aubrey closley.

Chapter 5

Forgetting the time they also forgot about Zac.
"Taylor were did Zac go?" Isaac asked interupting the moment.
"I thought you said that he was going to laser quest?" Taylor asked confused.
"I did but it should have been over three hours ago." Isaac stated in a panic.
"Well maybe we should go look for him." Taylor suggested.
"You think so?" Isaac said smart.
"Yeah." Taylor said back. "Sorry girls."
"Do you want us to go to your sweet to see if he shows up?" Asked Aubrey.
"That would be great!" Replied Isaac.
They all went there seperate way's.
"I wonder were he could be." Taylor said to Isaac as they walked to the arcade.
Meanwhile Aubrey and Marie were just walking in the guy's room.
"What a mess." Marie said while looking at Aubrey.
"It's not that messy" Said Zac coming out of his bedroom to the sweet.
"What are you doing here?" Aubrey asked startled.
"Isaac told me to come home at 3:00 and it's been three hours and he hasn't showed." Zac said.
"Oh, my gosh he totally forgot to come up to see if he was there!Aubrey said laughing.
"Totally." Replied Zac.
After about an hour Taylor and Isacc came through the door.
"We can't find him any where!" Yelled Taylor Going to teir bedroom were the rest of them were.
Taylor saw Zac and startled he said."What in the hell are you doing?"
"Taylor" Marie interuppted.
"Wait! We spent an hour looking for you and I have a right to know where you were!"Taylor again yelled.
Zac ran out of the room crying.Aubrey ran after him.
Marie looked at Taylor dissapointed and said" He was here the whole time it was you guy's who forgot." and she hurried out of the room.
Taylor looked at Isaac.
"Wait Zac. They didn't know." Aubrey said.
"It's not that, they always yell at me! If they are not telling what to do they aren't talking to me!"Zac replied whiping the tears from is face while sitting on Aubreys bed.
"I know what your talking about before my brother went to college we were always in a fight.
"So your not getting into fights anymore?" Zac asked.
"No, We still get in fights just not all the time." Aubrey said with a sorta of frown.
Marie was poking her head through the door. "Are you ready to come back?"She asked Zac.
"If they are ready to apologize."Zac said with a serious look.
Aubrey,Marie, and Zac walked into the suite.
Taylor and Isaac were on the bed with there heads looking at the floor.
Marie cleared her just to make sure that Taylor and Isaac saw Zac.
"Look Zac I didn't know." Tatlor said.
No one said anything.Marie looked at Taylor and motioned with her hand for more.
"And I'm Sorry." Taylor finally said.
"It's all right." Zac said not looking at Taylor but looking at the floor.
Marie said "We better get back. Do you think your going to need anything Zac?
"No. I'll be all right."Zac replied.
Aubrey gave Isaac a kiss and Marie still mad at Taylor just waited till Aubrey was finished leaving Taylor very dissapointed.
"Marie were are you going?" Aubrey asked.
"I need to take a run." Marie said who had always been athletic.
"Do you want me to come?" asked Aubrey.
"No. I'll be fine." Marie said while leaving the grand suite.
Taylor who had heard the door slammed hurried and got his close on to chase after Marie.
"Marie wait!" Yelled Taylor chasing Marie.
"Taylor I need to be alone!" Marie said still running.
"I didn't do anything that bad." Taylor said.
"I never said you did." Marie said not even slowing down.
"Well then why won't you talk to me?" Taylor asked.
"I don't think that I should tell you." Marie said.
"Why?"Taylor asked while he stopped running.
"Becuase it's none of my buisness." Marie Said
"Just tell me." Taylor said rudley.
"Lets sit down I'm tired." Marie stated.
"I don't think you should have been so rude to Zac."
"I said I was sorry"Taylor said.
"I Know." Marie said grabbing taylors hand."It's just you might not have him forever."
"What are you talking about?"Taylor asked confused.
"When I was 14 My brother got shot." Marie said starting to cry.
"I'm so sorry." Taylor said giving her a hug.
"Thats not the worst part.It was after we had a huge fight and I told him that I wanted him to leave the house and he did, forever." Marie said.
"I love you Marie." Taylor said hugging her with all his strength.

Chapter 6
Now for a unknown reason Taylor felt as close to Marie as he had any other girl in his life.
Setting- The guy's suite.
The phone rang. "Hello" Said Zac answering it.
"Hewo." A little voice replied back.
"Makie" Zac yelled into the phone as Taylor and Isaac came running into the room.
"Zacie stop yelling!" Mack yelled back.
"Ow sorry.Where are mom and dad?"
"I don't know they leaved Avie and Jessie and me with da babysitter."Little Mackie replied.
"So mom and dad don't know your calling?!"Zac kinda asked.
"That would be right!" Mack said yelling into the phone.
"Let me talk to him!"Isacc said grabbing the phone from Zac.
"Hewo Ikie!" Mackie yelled excited.
"Let me talk to Mom and Dad!"
"They're not home" Zac said.
"Okay." Mackenzie said running to get his parents leaving Zac with his mouth dropped.
"Hi sweety!" Diana said.
"Hi mom." Isaac replied.
"Have you guys had fun?" Mrs.Hanson asked.
"See,I told you." Diana replied.
"Who is that?" Taylor said walking in to the room.
"Is that Taylor?" Asked their mom.
"Yeah you wanna talk to him?" Isaac asked.
"Yeah!!!" She replied.
"Take it." Isaac said giving the phone to Taylor.
"Hello." Taylor said still wondering who it was.
"Hi!!" Diana said cheerfully.
After all the boys had talked to both of their parents they hung the phone up.They went down to the lobby to get some lunch.
"Why don't we just get room service?" Zac asked complaining.
"Because we need to get out of the room, and stop acting like a baby! Taylor said annoyed.
"I'm not!!!!!" Zac whinned.
Why don't you both just shut up!!!" Isaac yelled.
Then they saw Aubrey and Marie and shut up.
"Hi!" The girls said at the same time.
"Hello." The guy's replied.
"You want to join us?" Isaac asked.
The girls looked at each other and then Marie replied,"Sure."
After they got their seats Taylor asked "Do you want to go to the concert Aeorsmith is putting on on Sturday with us?"
"Actually we have to go home tomorrow." Aubrey replied.
"Oh." Isaac sighed.
The next day the girls backed up Aubreys Porsche and said there goodbyes.
"I'll miss you." Zac said hugging the girls cutting in front of Isaac and Taylor.
"We'll miss you more." Aubrey said also talking for Marie.
The guys gave the girls a hug and kiss after Zac finally let go.
"How about you all come down for summer and when ever your off again." Marie suggested.
"Okay. I have a present for you." Isaac said giving Aubrey a box.
"Oh and I have one for you." Taylor said.
"Oh it's so pretty." Aubrey said who got her's opened first.
"Here is Aubrey's and my address and phone number and this is Aubrey's cell phone number. I don't get one till my birthday but until then you can use my home phone number. ." Marie said handing Taylor a piece of paper.
"I'll call you every day!" Isaac said to Aubrey as she drove away.
None of them knew that they wouldn't see each other again for a long time.
* Two Years Later *
Isaac and Taylor stood in front of a large unfamiliar door.
"Well here it goes." Taylor said as he rang the door bell.
As the door opened the guy's heard some people inside laughing.
"Hello." A woman said that looked in her fifties.
"Hi. Is Marie here?" Taylor said nervous.
"Come in." The woman said motioning them inside."Marie door!"
"Hi!" Marie said going through a set of french doors and running to the arms of Taylor with a guy tagging behind.
"What going on?" Aubrey asked as she walked in the door also with a guy.
When she saw Isaac she too ran up and gave him a huge hug.
"What are you guys doing way down here?" Marie said very excited.
"Well we got a gig and decide to visit." Taylor replied with a smile.
Then one of the guy's behing him cleared his throat reminding the girl's that they were still there.
"Oh. This is Kody and this is Garret." Aubrey said pointing to each guy behind her.
"Hi." the guy's said shaking hands.
"Well we have to go soccer practice." Kody said before giving Marie a kiss.
"Yeah,coach is getting tired of the skipping." Garret said kissing Aubrey then they headed out to Garret's truck.
"So what have you been up to?" Asked Isaac trying to start a conversation.
"Nothing much. We have cheerleading practice today Aubrey." Marie said with a frown.
"Lets skip!" Aubrey said excited.
"Cool!" Replied Marie.

"Why didn't you ever call me?" Marie asked lying on Taylors shoulder as they watched the stars and swinging on the porch swing.
"I did a couple times." Taylor said uncomfortable with the conversation.
"I really did miss you. When I was without you I felt like part of my heart was broken."Taylor replied sweetly.
"That's so sweet." Marie said before planting a kiss on his forehead.
"Yeah?" Marie asked still gasing at the stars.
"Would you ever go back out with me?" Taylor asked.
"Of course. It took me three months of waiting just to fined out that you weren't going to call me." Marie said looking up.
At that moment a hunter green truck pulled in the driveway.
"Thats Kody!" Marie said in a panik.
Kody walked up on the porch and asked Marie to talk to himin private.
"Taylor will you excuse us?" asked Marie.
"Sure I'll be inside if you need me." Taylor replied going through the screen door.

"Whats the matter?" Asked Aubrey seeing that Taylor had a frown on his face.
"Kody and Marie are talking privatley." Taylor said still frowning.
"Crap!" Yelled Aubrey looking out the window.
"What?" Asked Isaac.
Aubrey didn't answer and ran out the front door.When she got there she saw Marie on the front porch crying.
"Whats wrong?" Aubrey asked practicly knowing the answer.
"He dumped me for that slute Claire!" Marie sobbed.
"Oh!I'm so sorry!"Aubrey said handing Marie her hot coaco."Lets go inside and talk about it.
As Marie, Aubrey and Isaac following went inside a grin creeped over Taylor's face.
"Now she's mine."He said quitley to himself.
The next few day's Marie and Taylor got as close or even closer than they did before the girls left for school those couple years before.
But for Aubrey and Isaac maybe they got to close for comfort.

Chapter 7

"Isaac where in the hell are you?" Asked Taylor walking into his and his brothers room.
"I'm taken a pee do you mind?" Asked Isaac as Taylor walked beside their bathroom door.
"I have to talk to you." Taylor replied as Isaac flushed the toilet and then walked out of the bathroom.
"Well make it quick I have to meat Aubrey in about Twenty minutes." Isaac said slipping on his watch.
"Okay well I like Marie alot and I have for along time but I don't think she feels the same."Taylor said with a frown.
"Well thats an easy one." Isaac said dissapointed in his little brother."All you have to do is try to kiss her if she let's you she likes you."
Taylor stunned said,"Well what if she doesn't?"
"Duh!" Isaac replied rudeley."That means she doesn't like you."
Following Isaac out of their large room Taylor asked,Well I've kissed her before does it count?"
"You dumb butt! I don't have time for this I have a date." Isaac said looking down at Taylor.
"Doesn't Aubrey have a boyfriend?" Asked Taylor already knowing the answer.
"I think that's none of your buisness." Isaac said as he shut the door on Taylor who tried to follow.
That night Taylor was going to Marie's house. He had dressed as nice as he could without being gay.
"Hi!" Marie said as she opened the door. "Come in."She said motioning him inside.
"Are we going to watch a movie or play games?" Taylor said as he looked around.
"Well my mom rented Face Off and I thought we could watch that if you'd want.
"Sure that would be fine." Taylor said even though he'd already seen it six times.
To the point were they suck each others tounges wich is about 1/8 Taylor tried to kiss her but then she turned to her little brother who had justcame in.
And Yelled"Get or I'm going to tell Mom about Play Boy!" Of course he left.
Then about have way through he turned towards here and saw her eyes were glued to the dramatic scene on the T.V.
"Marie." Taylor said nerves.
"Yeah?" Marie asked.
Taylor leaned foward and gave her a kiss and not suprisingly she gave him one back.
"What was that for?" Asked Marie smiling.
"I don't know." Taylor replied.
Marie smiled and layed her head on his shoulder.
Since Taylor and Isaac had to go to a motel wich they didn't look forward to he asked......"Do you think that I could stay over here tonight?"
"Why not?" Marie replied."Were are you staying?"
"At a motel." Taylor said with a frown.
"Why don't you just stay here the whole time?" Marie asked.
"Okay! But I'll have to tell Isaac and I'll get my stuff tonight. want to come?" Taylor asked grabbing his car key's.
"Sure." Marie said grabbing her cell phone.
Taylor opened the car door for Marie and she smiled and unlocked his door for him.
"Do want to use my cell to call Isaac?" Asked Marie hadnig the phone to him.
"Thanks." Taylor said talking the phone from her hands.
When someone answered the phone he heard giggling in the backround.
"Hi is Isaac there?" Asked Taylor a little nervous.
"Yeah hold on. Isaac!" Yelled the voice handing the phone to Isaac.
"Hello." Isaac said wondering who it was.
"Isaac. I'm staying over at Marie's the rest of the time." Taylor said as he heard giggling and then Aubrey kissing him.
"Sweet heart please I'm on the phone." Isaac said talking to Aubrey while kinda covering up the phone.
"Okay. I foregot to tell you I'm staying at Aubrey's so can you drop stuff over here?"
"Sure." Taylor glad to hang up.
"So what did he say?" Asked Marie curious.
"He said he was staying at Aubrey's.
"Is something wrong?" Asked MArie noticing the worried sound in his voice.
"I think that Aubrey and Isaac are getting it on." Taylor said.
"It's all right she's going to break up with Garret tomarrow anyway."
"Why?" I don't know. She always had the hots for Isaac and just went out with Garret becuase I went out with Kody and they are best friends."
"So why did you go out with Kody?" Taylor asked.
"Thats very rude!" Danielle stated a little uncomfortable.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean it to sound that way."
"Danielle I've always liked you and when you left it was hard for me. It may not have been as hard for you but I can't just leave someone like that and then never call or write." Taylor said.
"You didn't think it hurt me too?" Danielle said looking into Taylors blue sexxxy eyes.
"Well if it did you seemed to recover from it pretty well!" Taylor said yelling softly. Then unlocking there eyes. Taylor walked out onto the porch.
Danielle followed and put her arms around his tiny waist as he looked out toward the street were he saw kids playing flaslight tag around the neiborhood.
"Taylor I love you. the only reson I went out with Kody is becuase I wanted to take my mind off you. He was a Middle school crush and a big mistake.
Taylor turned around and looked into her eyes as if he were about to kiss her then to her surprise said "come with me!"
she followed him to his car. Teh stopped at a near by beach. The Tide was coming in and the beach looked deserted.
Taylor grabbed her hand and gentely sat her down and started to caress her body..............

