A Summer Worth-By Abby

Chapter 1:::New Neighbors...heeheehee. They like coffee shops.

Ahh, summer vacation! Finally, after 9, long, hard months in that hell hole we call school. I’M FREE!!! So, there I was, 9:30 in the morning, day 1 of summer vacation, on my sunporch, my sterio blasting The Beatles and Hanson in turn, a book in hand.
I curiously glanced next door, where moving vans had collected outside. I noticed a lot of musically oriented items were being unloaded, along with the usual furniture. I, being a complete dumbass didn’t give it a second thought until the next day, where, again you’de find me on my sunporch, minding my own business. It was about 8 in the morning, and I was lounging around again before I had to go to work of my dad’s coffee shop.
I was staring off into nothingness, pondering my thoughts, when a motion drew my attention to the house next door.At that moment, the most strikingly beautiful male to ever walk the planet stepped out on his patio. OH DEAR GOD....IT WAS TAYLOR HANSON. To be perfectly upfront.I, altogether forgot to breath I was so overcome.
My first impulse was to scream, but I didn’t dare.
Instead, I checked him out, hey, I’m only human.
Oh lordy, he was wearing green and red boxers, without a shirt.
I was nearly on the verge of death by heart failure.I grabbed my phone and shakily dialed Brayden's number.
After about 4 rings, a barely awake voice answered,
“B-b-b-b-brayden...you gotta come over right now...”
“Abby! It’s 8 in the morning!”
“Brayden, if you don’t come over right now you’re gonna regret it for the rest of you life, I promise you this, and, bring your camera.”
Brayden groaned in agreement and hung up.
I hoped she got there before my young lovely went inside.
>I pretended to read my book, while I secretly took a long, hard glare of Taylor Hanson eating toast.
Brayden was gonna be there any minute, and I, quite convincingly, pretended not to notice him.
Now, his blank stare, that he so often has, landed on ME! ME!
I really tried to concentrate on the damn book.
“Great book...I’ve read it.”
He commented.
I glanced at the book cover, THE HOBBIT.
I, without really thinking about it replied.

“Yeah, I’ve already read it twice.”
He shook his head, I, still not giving a damn about my thoughts asked.
“So, what are you doing out of Tulsa?”
Damnit Abby!!
YOU can’t ask Taylor Hanson that!
“This is just for the summer, but don’t spread around that Hanson lives next door to you.”
“Well duh, you guys would cause the worst riot since Oswald got shot.”
He smiled at my odd form of flattery.
So I had a weird way of showing affection! SO SUE ME!
Just then, Brayden's silver Porsch pulled up.
And Brayden, in a silver tube top and shorts stepped out and headed towards me.I smiled out of the corner of my mouth.
I called.She waved and opened the screen door to the sun porch, not bothering to look at Mr.Hanson there. She waltzed in and threw her camera on a lawnchair and gave me the *it’s too damn early* look.
“Brayden, this is my new neighbor.” I said proudly.
She gave a casual look over to the house next door..to the half naked Hanson.
She thought about what to say for a moment, and finally pushed something out.
“Hi, I’m Brayden.” It was short but sweet.
Taylor waved....I think he forgot to introduce himself..he never really has to anyway. Just then, to Braydens GREAT delight, Isaac stepped onto the patio with Taylor.
He said in a french accent,
“Well hello mon-a-mi..how are you this morning....”
Then he noticed us, and smiled slyly.
“Vell ello ladies..isn’t it a be-au-tiful day today?”
And he kissed Braydens hand.
God this guy was fresh.
Taylor flashed him a look that obviously said, *stop flirting you dumbass, we have enough teenage girls in love with us..errr, me* He then clicked his heal and bowed towards me.
Brayden was glowing from head to toe.
Then, something depressing happened.
A girl..not a Hanson..stepped out onto the patio and put her hands on Isaacs hips.
He gave an uneasy look, and took her hands in his own.
I could see the light in Braydens eyes die out..poor girl.
We went through the usual chit-chat.
It turns out, Victoria...was Isaac’s 4 and a half week girlfriend.
Hmmm..She was visiting for a couple days.
Taylor, was completely and utterly single, Zac was asleep, along with the rest of the family.
At about 10, I glanced at my watch.
“Oh God, I’m late, can you give me a ride to the coffee shop Brayden?”
She, still getting over the shock of accepting that Isaac is taken, mumbled and alright.
“Coffee shop?”
Isaac asked, twinkle in his eye.
Taylor seemed interested too.
I replied, pulling shorts and a T-shirt over my bikini,
“Yeah, I work there, sometimes I make the latte’s, sometimes I do this performing arts thing.”
And I put on my chokers and my woven bracelet.
I wasn’t trying to copy off of Taylor, I’ve had those chokers and bracelet since 5th grade, long before I realized there was a Hanson.
Brayden gave me a look, that I didn’t know what meant.
“I’de like to see that.” Taylor commented.
Brayden jumped at the idea,
“Well, I’ll give you guys a ride over along with Abby.”
I didn’t think they would say yes, but Isaac, anxiously replied,
“Okay! I’ve always wanted to ride in a Porsch..especially a silver one!” And he turned to his, girlfriend, uhg.
“Do ya wanna come?”
She shook her head no,
“That hippy dippy stuff isn’t my vibe babe.” She replied, snottily.
I raised my eyebrows and gave Taylor a questioning look.
He gave me an uht-oh look back.
Isaac never really seemed completely comforatable around Victoria.
She was pretty and all, but, not for Isaac.
Sometimes, he even seemed anoyed with her inconsistant babble.
Isaac, looked hurt,and ran inside to put on a shirt. Taylor had to go get dressed, so we agreed to meet them by the car.
“What was that look for?” I asked Brayden, when we alone outside by the car.
“What look?” She asked, switching on her radio, the song that was on was SEX & CANDY.
“The one you gave me when I was putting on my chokers.”
She looked at me, and whispered, still bummed out about Isaac,
“Taylor like, completely checked you out.”
My eyes widened.And I grabbed Braydens arm,
“Are you being serious?”
She shook her head yes.
Then the the two guys came out of their front door.
I smiled to myself, and got in the car. I drumed my fingers on the dash and waited for Brayden and the rest to get in.
Soon, we were driving down the main street of our pathetic town, and the top of the Porsch was down.
“So, how old are you guys?” Isaac asked, over the music and wind.
“I’m 16.”
Brayden answered, I said, looking at the road fly by.
“I’m 15...well, I’m gonna be tommorow.” “That’s nearly 2 years difference..how are you guys friends?” Taylor asked, he too, was looking at the pavement.
“I dunno, we’ve been friends for as long as I can remember.” I said bluntly.
Brayden had her own conversation going with Isaac.
He seemed to be more lovey dovey around her than his own girlfriend.
I was thankful for that.
I was in the front seat..with Brayden, and Ike was behind her..Taylor behind me.
We arrived at the coffee shop, and I unlocked the door and flicked the lamps on. It was a quaint place, a nice place to hang out. It had lots of comfy chairs, a bar, in which I worked behind{note: we don’t serve alcohol in the shop}, and a platform that was obviously for performers.It was a nice place, sometimes it looked a bit old english. But it was cozy.
Taylor stepped into the coffee shop and looked it over, he commented to himself, “cool...” and found a chair.
Isaac was still talking to Brayden as he came in with her.
I got the coffee machines fired up.
And Taylor said in a snotty british accent,
“A vinnila latte please miss.”
I said in an Irish accent,
“As ya wish sir..”
And asked seriously,
“Do you really want one? It’s on the house.”
He thought about it, and replied,
“Alright...I could use some coffee.”
I quickly whipped up the best goddamn latte this world had seen, and personally delivered it to him on a silver platter.
“Abby, Isaac and I decided we wanted to go to the arcade..we’ll be back in a couple of hours.” Brayden informed me.
I smiled and nodded.
And before I could say a word she and Ike were out the door, and on the open road.
I commented to Taylor,
“There goes our ride.”
He shrugged, with foam on his upper lip. “Uhh, you’ve got foam on your lip.” I told him.
He grabbed a napkin and quikly wiped it off. He then flashed me an embarassed smile.
I rolled my eyes and sat down across from him.
Business was very slow that day, so I basically listened to Taylor go on about his fame and fortune.
His travels, and the whole lifestyle they’ve obtained.
That took quite a while.
We discussed all the subjects that came to mind.
I glanced at my watch, already 5!
Time to close the shop.
“It’s closing time..” I said, wondering why Brayden and Isaac weren’t back by then.
“And they aren’t back...”
He said, letting his voice trail off.
“You read my mind.”
I said..then noticed it was raining pretty hard outside.
“Perhaps we should just write them a note saying that we already left, and just walk.”
I suggested.
He shook his head yes..and got up.
So, I cleaned up a little, locked up, and we started off towards home.
“Isaac knows he has a girlfriend.”
Taylor angrily commented to me.
I, getting soaked, replied.
“Yeah, but that Victoria chick seems like a royal witch.”
Taylor said,
“Yeah, she is, but it’s still not right...he shouldn’t be running off with anyone while he still has a commitment to someone else.” So, Taylor’s loyal, that’s a GOOD thing.
“Sorry...But, I can’t see it your way, probably because I feel sorry for Brayden.” I replied.
“Why is that?” he asked.
“Because, don’t tell Ike, but Brayden has had a long, excruciating crush on Isaac for, say, since your album came out. Most girls do.”
He softened up a bit.
“You don’t like Ike do ya?”
I replied softly,“Noo...He’s too, Isaac-like for me.”
“Then who?”
He pressed.
I came up with the best excuse I could.
“I never really paid much attention to you guys.” So I lied.
“Yeah, right, then why were you playing our album, along with REM, yesterday?”
I took a breath and replied, “I’ll tell you one of these days.”
He knew it was him...he knew it. Damn. I tucked the curls that were hanging down in my face behind my ears. And we walked the rest of the way home. My house came first, so I went to my front door, noticing my parents’ car wasn’t there..and tried the knob...locked.
“Damnit!” I whined and pounded on the door.
They musta went out to eat and figured I had my keys.
“What?” Taylor asked, turning.
“I’m locked out.”
I called back to him.
He, thinking it was the best thing to do, offered,
“You can stay over here ‘till someone gets home, if ya want to.”
I, still facing my door smiled widely. Then, as I turned around I lost the smile and replied easily,
“Okay...” then I followed him into his house.
We both stepped inside, and his mom was on the phone.She ended the phone call and Taylor explained to her,
“Abby got locked out of her house...so, I figured it would be okay if she stayed over here untill her paren’ts got home.”
She said, “It’s fine with me...gosh, you guys are soaked..Tay honey, will you get some towels out of the closet and dry off?”
He shook his head yes and I said hello to his mother.She smiled and returned my hello.
Man, her hair was long.
Soon, I was having towels piled in my arms.
“I think three is enough..”I said to him, as I began to dry off my rapidly curling hair. Soon, the last 1/3 of the band entered the room.
<“Zac, where’s Victoria?” Taylor asked. He replied, looking at me questioningly,“Getting her nails done on Ike’s credit card.Go figure."
Taylor said, “Oh, this is Abby..she lives next door.”
I said to him,
“Hi Zac.”
He replied,“Howdy Abbsy.” And shook my hand. Then he turned to Taylor, “Fan?” he asked, implying on me.
“Yes, but not obsessed.” Oh if Taylor only knew.
I was a little obsessed.I gave a meek smile.
“COOL! WE CAN HAVE THOSE!” Zac marveled.I hung a towel around my neck and decided to be obnoctious.
“Oh-my-God...Hanson..with me!! NO WAY!!” I said sarcastically.
Taylor informed me, “Hey, we do have fans that go farther than freaking out..okay..”
I shook my head yes. “I know, I’ve had the good fortune to be at one of your concerts..I’ve seen how they react.”
Zac joked, “They love my excellent performing abilities..yeah..you know it babe.”
Taylor playfully punched him in the arm and told him to basically shut up.
Zac then left to seek his revenge on his brother for that.I looked out the window and noticed Braydens car parked outside.
“Taylor...that’s Braydens car parked outside.How long do you think it’s been here?”
He shrugged, “It was here when we got here.”
I bit my lip suspiciously. Nahh...Couldn’t have...forget it Abby.
“You wanna see my room?” Taylor asked.
I shook my head yes..and he walked down the hallway, and squeeked the door to his room open. Before he even got it all the way open, we both noticed Brayden and Isaac, on Ike’s bed...kissing the hell out of each other.
I nearly laughed..so Taylor clamped one of his hands over my mouth.
And he peared into the room.
Uhhh, ohhh...we both heard the door open and close.
Victoria was home.
He took his hand from my mouth.
“Shouldn’t we tell them that Victoria’s here?”
I asked..He shook his head no.
“No..let her find them.”
He said..and led me into his living room..where the rest of the kids were all hanging out.
I was introduced to basically, the whole family.
And was soon sitting on the couch in between Zac and Taylor, with Mackie on my lap, Avery and Jessie at my feet..
The two girls playing nintindo.
I, talking to Zac and Taylor. Mack playing with my chokers.
Then, a shreik that seemed to be ripped from the pits of hell came from the other room, “Isaac! HOW COULD YOU!! TO ME??”
Then wild sobbing.
Victoria had found Ike and Brayden.
Oh joy.
Mackie covered his ears and Zac asked Taylor about it.
The girls kept on playing nintindo.
Mackie asked,
“Why wuz Victworia screaming Abby?”
I smiled at him,
“Because she’s unhappy with Isaac, Mackie...”
“Well I hope she goes away...she’s mean to me.”
And he got a sad look in his eyes.
I said soothingly to him..so he wouldn’t cry..because he looked like he was close.
“It’s okay Mackie...don’t worry honey..”
And he leaned his back up against me.
Using me sort of as a human chair.
Zac and Taylor were quiet, listening to Ike, Victoria, and Brayden argue.
To make a veerrry long story short, Isaac broke up with Victoria..she left, for good...and he hooked up with Brayden.
Thank God there was no bloodshed.
Close..but none.
Sheesh..Brayden was releived.
By this time Taylor and Zac were arguing over who the fans liked the best, and Mackie was switching each one of my rings from one finger to another.
I kept on keeping Mackie entertained...he was almost as loveable as Taylor.
Now, that’s really lovable.
I yawned..and rested my head on my hand...getting a bit tired.
“You okay?” Taylor asked..as Zac went to the kitchen to go fetch himself something chocolaty.
“Oh, yeah..just a little tired..”
I replied..glad that he cared.
And I yawned again.
“You sound really tired....you want me to go get you some caffeine or sumthin’?”
He asked..trying to make it better.
“Could ya get me a coke?”
I asked...He said very upbeatly,
“You got it.”
And he got up.
“Thanks a lot.”
I said to him.
“No problem.”
And he disapeared to the kitchen.
I was playing with Mackie..when he asked,
“Are you Tay’s gwirlfwiend?”
I smiled,
“No..we’re just friends.”
He said back confused,
“But Tay said to Ikey dat he saw you yesterday, and said dat he wiked you a wot.
And he wuz sad that he didn’t get to twalk wit you.”
I smiled a huge smile...thank you Mackie.
Then, Taylor came back with my coke.
He even took the time to put one of those little umbrella’s in it.
I said..taking a sip.
He just smiled, and began pretend boxing with Mackie.
Pretty soon, Taylor was dead on the floor.
And I noticed my parent’s were home.
I put Mackie on Taylor’s stomach and said,
“I gotta go, my parent’s just got home..if they think I’m not anywhere in the neighborhood, they’ll flip out.
He shook his head okay.
“Alright...I’ll grab an umbrella and walk you out.”
He said...taking Mackie from his stomach and placing him on the floor.
“Are you going home?”
Mack asked me.
I shook my head yes,
“I’m afraid so..”
Taylor went to get the umbrella.
“Bye bye..”
Mack said, hugging my legs.
I picked him up and gave him a hug.
Then, I put him back down.
Taylor walked in with his umbrella and motioned towards the door.
I walked out..he opened the umbrella and we were unusually close..in order to keep from getting rained on of course.
Of course.
“So I’ll see ya tommorow.”
I said to him as we were getting up my walkway.
“Yeah...we can go blading if it’s not too wet tommorow..you have rollerblades?”
“Well, yeah...but, I’m pretty bad at it..”
He smiled,
“Well, now I’ll just have to teach you know won’t I?”
“I guess...”
“Then it’s a date.
I waved and walked into my house.
Oh wow...yessssss!
Well, he could have just used a figure of speech...but I didn’t think so...ahhh! cool!
About 30 minutes later, Isaac came knocking on my door....with the bloody Brayden. Oh dear...
“What the hell happened to you?!?” I nearly screamed, Ike gave a fools smile, and Brayden bit her lip.
“Well, Victoria....sorta, wanted to fight for Isaac. Well, there was no stopping her, and, I won of course..but she still got one good swing to my nose.” Brayden explained. Isaac had his arms around her, and he held her tightly.
I shook my head..and led them into my living room.
“Why’de you guys come over here?”
I asked, wondering.
“Victoria came back...to get her hair brush. Uhg.”
Isaac said, with a disgusted look on his face.
I motioned for both of them to sit on the couch.
Now, when I told them to sit on the couch, I meant leave a thin layer of moisture in between each other.
But noOoOoO...they have to be huggling.
I rolled my eyes, and went to go get Brayden some bandages.
By the time I returned they were mumbling sweet little nothings to each other and playing footsie.
Oh God...why can’t Taylor be like that?
I threw the bandaids at Brayden and sat down in the recliner across from the couch.
“Thanks Abby...” Brayden kinda half said, 4 minutes after I gave her the bandaids.
>I, becoming ill from the two love birds, went upstairs to talk with my parents.
Turns out, my mother, in the short time that they’ve been here, had become good friends with Diana, hmnmnm.
And, both of my parents were supposed to go to Kansas City tommorow and go to the Station Casino.
SoOo, my little sister was gonna be staying with them, and I was supposed to have dinner with them around 6.
That’s okay!
I went back downstairs, to tell Brayden and Isaac to go home..and found them gone already.Okay. SoOoOoOoO...I went to bed shortly after...falling asleep to I WILL COME TO YOU.
Suddenly, the song had whole new meaning. I had a really huge crush on Taylor....this could prove to be problematic.


Email: braydengirl@yahoo.com