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My Net Friends and Family

I have made and hope to keep making new friends on the net. All have become very specail to me.

Sighel.... My cyber sis, the best Tender in the call... unless Im filling in for her.. *lol*

Star... My other cyber sis... the best ..... I love you both

Kokanee.....My heart, My mind, My body and My soul... Forever and ever... My best friend

Taazz..... *Big Giant Huggs and Kisses... love ya*

Clark Kent... my friend, my shoulder when I need it.. and a pretty good topless tender too if I might add.. *lol*

Lord Chantry... my kindered sprirt, my bright spot when im down....

Fuzzy..... My Fuzzy Bear...My happy thoughts when I need a smile....

ShadowStalker... What can I say about my Shadow... allways there when I need him.. allways there to keep me company, allways there as my True Friend

Old Dino and his Lady Dino... *Big Warm Huggs for you two*... allways there with the kind words.. and allways the true friends.. (and Im so happy about you two)..*s*

Kritter...Your smile brightens the room when your around

Nova1......Your in my heart allways...A True Friend...

Kent....... My Rock... My friend...(the one allways run to when I dont understand my computer)

Hawk60.... A real Tease...and by the way Hawk... This is the hit list hon.. *lol*

Chief Wildhorse... My newest find... *s*.. allways there to make me smile... Im so glad I have you in my life now.. *s*

Jeanene...Big Big Big Hugs Girl....... a blast to talk with...

Nighwing...!!! The Archangel of the house... *and I love my teddy bears*

Dane Nicky..... Love ya girl.. Keep smiling.. *s*

Outsider..... (see I told ya you would get your own line hon...*s*).. your the best

Wonder Woman..... what would we do without your smile in the room...

Majikat..... (Kitten to me)..... Better know as the messanger at the call.. *s*

Hopless Romantic........ (Cream Pie behind my back)..... Big Huggs

Leo T. Lion, Gregg, Sly, Lionheart, Indian Princess, Crawler, EL, Fem, Tawanda... you guys are the best... Huggs and kisses

Shivver..... (I still want my oreo's)

Designerd..... *s*.. Anything but Shushi.... Please.... *lol*

You guys mean the world to me and all have a very specail places in my heart... and Im hoping I included everyone.. and If I have forgotten anyone.. please let me know.. so I can add you... I'll be seeing you all ...... In the Call..... Love you guys!!!!!

My Favorite Links

Angelfire - Easiest Free Home Pages
DigitSmith, Inc. - Embroidery Digitizing & Custom Embroidery Services
Matt's Script Archive - Awesome Web Server Scripts
National Computer Security Association
