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Genealogy Help Network Trading Post

Genealogy Yard Sale,Trading Post & Swap Shop

Do you have something of a Genealogical nature to Sell? Do you have a particular Surname or Family History Book,Census Index or CD or other items of interest that you no longer need or are in Desperate Need of? Post your Wish List here on the Genealogy Trading Post.

Please make sure you post an email address so that interested parties may contact you.Due to the High Volume of Mail we receive, Please do not send ANY QUERIES concerning the items for sale.We are hosting this board as a public service to help buyers and sellers connect.NO COMMERCIAL ENTERPRISES may post to the board with out prior negotiation with The Genealogy Help Network. Enjoy and Happy Hunting!

The Genealogy Trading Post

This site is maintained with Love and Dedication by
The Genealogy Help Network Team

The Genealogy Help Network is a non profit organization of Genealogists helping Genealogists Worldwide.

Remember to ride the horse in the direction it is going

Concept and Site Development GHN© June 1997
The Genealogy Help Network.© All Rights Reserved 1998