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This is the newest section to the GHN Website. After much thought we thought it important to add Loyalist Ancestors In Ontario.

The GHN Webmaster lived for many years in The former Saltfleet Township now known as Stoney Creek about a 5 minute walk from the Battlefield house.

The Webmaster has collected a great deal of Information concerning the early settlers of this area and has decided to share it and put it all online in keeping with our mandate of Free Genealogy Information For All.

Please be patient, This site is under heavy construction as the Webmaster has an enormous task in maintaining this site as well as doing commercial webdesign work.

Check back often or join our sister list to the Main GenHelpNet Mailing ListGenHelpNetOntario where much of the info can be shared readily.

Site Administrator - The Genealogy Help Network

Loyalist & Early Pioneer Families of Ontario

Early Families of Saltfleet

Concession Two Listings

Concession One
Lot No. Name No.of Acres Arrival At Fort Niagara Date Of Registration
Lot 1 Levi LEWIS Jr(of Grimsby) 100 Acres All 1786 16May1798
Lot 2 Abijah CHAMBERS 100 Acres All 1797 14Mar1798
Lot 3 All John PETTIT(of Grimsby) 100 Acres 1787 30Jun1801
Lot 4 All John PETTIT Jr(of Grimsby) 60 Acres All 1787 22May1805
Lot 5&6 All  Nathaniel PETTIT(of Grimsby) 200 Acres 1787 15Dec1796
Lot 7 All Gershom CARPENTER 100 Acres 1786 17May1802
Lot 8 All Jacob SMITH(of Glanford) 100 Acres All 1788 10Jun1801
Lot 9 James BRUNDRIDGE 70 Acres All Circa 1787 11Aug1804
Lot 10 All James CHISHOLM 100 Acres N/A 31Dec1798
Lot 11&17 All Gershom & John CARPENTER 200 Acres 1786 22Jun1803
Lot 12 All John C PETTIT 100 Acres 1787 15Sept1803
Lot 13&14 All Charles PETTIT(Of Grimsby) 200 Acres 1787 24Oct1798
Lot 15 All John BIGGAR 100 Acres 1786 31Dec1798
Lot 16 All William HALTON 100 Acres N/A 9Feb1811
Lot 18 All John PETTIT Jr(Of Grimsby) 100 Acres 1787 24Oct1798
Lot19 All John PETTIT Sr(of Grimsby) 100 Acres 1787 16May1804
Lot 20 All Thomas PETTIT 100 Acres Circa 1790 via Nova Scotia 01May1798
Lot 21 All David Palmer UTTER 100 Acres Before 1796 17May1802
Lot 22 All Thomas BAILEY 100 Acres N/A 06May1796
Lot 23 All Edward BRINLEY(Ass't.Commisary N.S.) 100Acres N/A 08Sept1804
Lot 24 All Augustus JONES(Dept.Prov.Surveyor) 100 Acres 1789 06May1796
Lot 25 All & 27 1/2 James WILSON 150 Acres N/A 06May1796
Lot 26 All & 27 1/2 Hon.William CLAUS(of Niagara) 150 Acres N/A 08Nov1811
Lot 28 & 29 All John RYCKMAN(to Barton) 200 Acres Circa 1788 30June1801
Lot 30 to 32 All John McDONNELL(Butler's Rangers) 300 Acres N/A 04Oct1811
Lot 33 All Ebeneezer JONES(Ass't.Surveyor) 100 Acres 1788 06May1796
Lot 29 to 32 Lieut.John YOUNG(Of Grand River) 40 Acres All N/A 17May1802
Lot 33 Ebenezer JONES(Ass't Surveyor) 200? Acres 1788 06May1796
Lot 34 John AIKMAN(Of Barton) 100 Acres 1786 31Dec1798

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